
I have a big question. How so I get legacy? I mean, u can get it on any character, both killer and survivor following some steps, or it must be bought as DLC? Thank you for answering <3
No more legacy... The current legacy was given out a couple years ago when the grind got reduced. They aren't releasing it anymore.. It was a one time thing.
There could be something in the future.. but I doubt they ever bring that back.
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Can not obtain it anymore.
Legacy was only given for a certain amount of time back then when the grind for prestiges were EXTREMELY difficult.
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Legacy was back in 2016 they gave those player the legacy cuz the bloodweb was super difficult to lvl up youre character it wont return maybe something similar than the legacy could happend but not the same 1
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As you were answered I'll say this.
Do NOT ask for Legacy, that's over and done with and shall not be brought back. I don't have it myself but I respect that others worked hard for it. I hope you'll do that same.
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Legacy was given out to players who prestiged before a certain date. At that time, bloodwebs were much larger and prestiging took much longer to do. Since the bloodwebs then became easier, it was only fitting to reward those who had already done it with something special. Thus, legacy was born.
It will not be coming back out of respect to the people who earned it originally.
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Jesus Christ, another Legacy Post.
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Legacy was a poor skin anyways
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But it could be possible to do something similar just in another way. I got three legacy items but it would be cool if there was something similar again for newer characters.
Post edited by Erak on2 -
Im new in the community and i was just asking. Is that wrong or something for u?
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Try it with a customer support ticket. But probably not.
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@Mister_xD People with more solid evidence than that have been denied their legacy skins, so I doubt your situation will be any different sadly.
You can try again with a ticket, but it will most likely just be ignored. I have no clue why they won't give back legacy that was lost to their system deleting progress on players accounts... But it probably has something to do with "Making sure we don't get fooled into giving someone who didn't have Legacy in the first place" type of mentality.
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if that were their reasoning, id counter with A the screenshot and B my steam achievements. i achieved the Prestige 1 achievement on november 23rd, which was before the Legacy deadline. i dont think there is a way for someone to fake their steam achievements...
i just hate it when they come with the argument "legacys wont return out of respect to the players who worked hard to get them". as one of these players i done feel respected at all, as i got one and then THEIR bug screwed me.
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"i dont think there is a way for someone to fake their steam achievements..."
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@Mister_xD There are people who can alter the achievements through some sort of system, but I won't get into it because i'm not 100% sure I can discuss that here.
The point is, they'd get vac banned instantly or in a few days if they did that.
What i'm trying to say though, is that people with screenshots, video proof, achievements, etc. Have been denied their legacy from being returned. That's why I said more proof than yours, because I don't see how much more proof you can show before its legit or not.
And what you said at the end is how 100% of the people felt when they were denied their skins.
On a side note, I have zero clue if ANYONE was returned those skins if they lost them by BHVR themselves, but I could be wrong. I say this though because I've seen nothing about that anywhere.
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is there?
besides cheating BP before the deadline that is.
cuz if there is one, i havent seen it yet. ive seen some cheated legacys ingame and these players eigther had their profiles private or the achievements gave it away.
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@Orion You're right, @Mister_xD Read what I said above. It has happened before, but people get vac banned for it.
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yeah, i read it.
the notification came up late though, so i already posted mine at that point...
anyways, i lost the hope to regain the legacys almost a year ago, the only thing id really like to have would be a official statement to why they refuse to return them. thats all at that point.
i just want to understand why...
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@Mister_xD Sadly, many others would like that exact thing too.
But it never really came.
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well, tomorrow is the anniversary stream comming up, isnt it?
we might finally get our long awaited statement...
*gets his hopes up*
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@Mister_xD We'll see, we will see...
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It's called Legacy because you can't get it anymore.