Your thoughts on Ghostface?

Never has a DLC made me want to go "shut up and take my money!".... Ok, Legion DLC did this too, but nonetheless, I am BUYING this sh#t! What about you? Would you buy it the minute it came out?
I want to buy it, part of my childhood and I love the series but his power sounds like just a hash up of Amanda and Michael, his power icon literally had green Michael, I can't judge yet but the power just sounds like a rip off of the two, Michael and Amanda's kid, The Ghost.
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It seems like a really fun killer to play, so I think I will buy it
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I just really hope they aren't going through with making his stealth a timer based thing.
Cause it wouldn't make sense.
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I'll agree, yeah, the power does seem to be a Hybrid of Myers and Pig. But think about it: You can mark survivors for death, especially that one survivor being a complete a$$.
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I doubt they will, I don't think they ever did it actually.
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@Toxicity23The add ons beg to differ.
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Not gonna buy him because Behavior ain't worth supporting.
From what I've read and seen, he seems to be a hybrid of Pig and Myers. Looks like the critical factor of him is going to be how fast he is out of stealth and how much he needs to stalk a survivor for in order to get them marked, not to mention how long the exposure effect lasts.
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I'll buy after a month or two. I want to wait to see if he gets nerfed or changed in anyway before my purchase.
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Heck yeah I'm buying. I've always loved Ghostface and the Scream films, and wanted him in the game along with my other favorite movie killer Michael Myers. It's like a dream come true. Just need that black movie robe though!
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Tbh with so many ideas out there I would've liked to see a more unique new power. His power looks to be just a cross between Myers and Pig. So many ideas we havn't seen yet that they could've done.
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too bad survivors will cry for a nerf cuz they can`t adapt.
but will definetely buy and even main. awesome animations and power
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I actually like the mish-mash of powers.
Think about it. Scream was all about taking things from horror movies and redoing them in a new, meta way. It would make sense for Ghostface, who has seen Michael Myers in the movies, to try to copy his ability. And seeing how effective Amanda's crouch is (or not if you're a good Survivor), it would make sense for him to try the same thing. With the new addition of peeking around corners to tie it up in a rather unusual knot.
Would like the correct robe, but hey. You can't win them all.
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Im worried it will be dark times for licensed killers. But will be happy if not just the mask license. Some support its not that and other signs point to that. Want a scream chapter and not a mask chapter. Legion was already that mask chapter for me.
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He's a sledgehammer-nerfed Myers, just as I predicted. What a pile of garbage. And they're (they will be) asking money for this? Lol.
True story.
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The power has to be well designed for me to even consider buying him plus I vowed not to support DBD for now so it would have to be really good for me to change my mind.
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Don't worry, he won't be.
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Good now I don't have to give them money
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He might be the 2nd S tier licenced killer in the history of DBD. Mike used to be S tier, but he was gutted hard, and is A tier.
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Mike is still one of the best when used correctly... Ghost's power is concentrated on one survivor, you have to stalk them to make them exposed... My query is, can you only stalk one survivor at a time? And if so, does stalking another not contribute to your gauge? So, will this be one target Mike? I assume the gauge will fill up faster than Mike's because it's one target rather than a potential of downing all four... Ghost may not be too good in end...
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i buy every chapter since they're cheap, but this chapter seems to be the premiere jump-scare / horror chapter we've been needing, so i have to get it.
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I'm interested, power looks very fun and interesting, but knowing the community, everyone will cry at release and the killer will be gutted like Legion and Freddy and will be robbed of any fun it used to have.
So for now i'm waiting for the release first, then if people stop being like this, i might buy it.
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@ShrekIsHot Seems that way but gameplay and animations have been shown that tell it's not the case thankfully.
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he will probably end out being good if they change his power so people dont think its just a nerfed myers power, and if his default robe doesnt look as bad, also ######### are those things coming out of his back?
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I'm not even going to read this thread after the first couple of comments. Everyone seems to be forgetting that this was a leak and that there's still a month and a half before we see him on the PTB 😂
To answer your question, I'm super excited for Ghostface! From the gameplay we have seen he looks super cool! I can't really get a gauge on how strong his power is but it looks fun to play as and against.
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It's not the Tv version, they just don't seem to have the movie robe...yet. Based on the animations like the mori, complete with the 90's flip phone, as well as the perk named 'simple formula', a famous line from the first film, and even the buck hunting knife from the movies , many signs point to this being the movie version, as it should be.
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Intriguing to say the least. I'll certainly be getting him.
The most interesting thing about him is the fact that these words are about to cross my lips: Insidious is going to be a legitimately beneficial perk to this killer and not for camping purposes provided nothing significant changes.
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I would recommend saving your money by holding off on buying them for a fair bit before buying ghostface, see if the devs give them nerfs before buying them.
As for ghosty himself, hes ok? The gameplay style looks like a hybrid between Pig and Myers, which seems kinda cool. I can only really predict ghost being a better jumpscare myers then myers is. 🤣
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He seems like a paragraph killer. Just copied powers. No survivor present makes me think this too. I bet he releases in like 2 weeks and next original killer in like July
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I hope he can jumpscare people
That would be pretty epic
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To those doubting a survivor and map, just wanted to post this. The guy who was supposed to make the Ghostface announcement posted on Twitter that it is indeed a chapter, complete with a map and survivor . Plus, this image was taken from the PTB about 22 days ago, showing the map name, "Sidney's house, Woodboro".
Copy and paste the imgur link to see the image.
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No. BHVR already showed what they thinks about us.
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I hope that BHVR realises that this mash-uped Power of The Ghost is not want we wanted and I am hoping that his power works out differently in the end so that he is not just a hardly nerfed Myers with some Amanda elements. Would be sad if a Killer that has been awaited by the community for so long is just a mash-up character. Even if it makes sense that he copies other Killers it is just boring to see a new killer being boring and useless before being announced officially. Even with Freddy and Legion nobody knew they were a catastrophe at the beginning however, with the Ghost it is very clear from the beginning that his power is just a nerfed Myers with Amanda Elements.
Now, everybody have a nice day!
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Nah. This will be the first Killer i don't buy immediately; BHVR has finally lost all my trust and i'm not giving them a red cent for 2-3 months after the release until i'm sure he won't be immediately gutted for being decent. But i'll know if i can buy him or not in the first few days; if survivors and baddie streamers start crying for nerfs, then he's good and fun, and will soon be made bad and boring.
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First off I'm new here but I been playing Dead by Daylight. I was very excited about Ghostface coming to the game. I remember wearing that costume & mask as a kid.
Ghostface is one of my favorite underrated slashers. I already knew he would fit in perfectly. We needed someone like The Ghost.
Before anyone can say we already got The Legion. Yes but if The Legion never made it. Chances are we wouldn't be getting Ghostface now think about that.
Ghostface is to me a very nice addition to such a great game. Every killer brings something different to the table. I do think he will be a lot of fun to play as.
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based on simply how many "tells" his power has, I'm calling it now he'll be a major disappointment during PTB.
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Called it
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Going back on my word, if they don't fix it I ain't buying
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