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Coming from a killer main, who just started playing survivor recently

ThatGuyFromThatPlace Member Posts: 66
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

I can ######### understand why survivors are so god damn salty all the time... Playing survivor is nothing but ######### aggravating...

Let me quickly list a few things that make me actually want to die

Ruin every game, when teammates can't work through Ruin... They just run away from the generator in fear


Devour Hope's steamroll of exposed into instantly 2 hooks and mori everyone

Moris in general

Killers who suck then used NOED and camp

Plague's corrupt purge being literally just "Huntress but with 115% speed and no aim requirement"

BBQ and Chili either getting you 100% spotted guaranteed, or forcing you to get off a generator and go hop in a locker, instead of doing a generator

Teammates who can't ######### do a generator when you're CLEARLY distracting the killer

And, finally, teammates in general... This game's ranking system is actually garbage, and needs to reward generators and winning chases more, because it's way too easy to do nothing then rank up

Now I'm just going to go back to playing killer... I actually want to ######### die from playing survivor... It, is, not, fun...

Post edited by ThatGuyFromThatPlace on


  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    So what if he complains about teammates? He is complaining about NOED, BBQ, Plague, Devour Hope and even Nurse!!! If he just started playing survivor he should be rank 20-15, how the ######### are you facing good enough Nurses to come here and complain about her? He hasnt faced good enough Nurses to complain about her and even if he does complain about her he should know why she's like that.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Lets analyse this then. Is Ruin OP or anything? No, it just buys you time. If its in every game, what does that entail? Basically, in the current state of the game, I cant complain about Ruin's presence. I too find it oftenly, not annoying, because I can land great skillchecks or run Stake Out, and I dont mind if someone else cant and prefers to look for the totem, because either way the perk is doing its job.

    The fact that you are complaining about Devour Hope, I dont know what to say. A hex perk that only takes power midgame, with potentially awful totem spawn points, promoting a "funner playstyle for Survivors", hindering you as Killer if it gets found before even the 3-token reward, arguably the most balanced and healthiest perk in the game (rewarding you for doing good) and if it even triggers being extremely likely for it to only net one down or two before being cleansed.

    Now, BBQ. You are complaining because you just cant keep working on a generator without worry? People always complain "holding M1 is boring!", so adding spice to this interaction is bad, in your opinion? And, if you are being spotted, so what? The game isnt just chases or just stealth, its both. Sometimes its also good to be found by BBQ if, for instance, you havent been hooked and everyone else is on death hook. Not to even mention how BBQ is the biggest incentive to the most common complain from Survivors.

    As for, NOED, if it triggers, then that means that you ignored a secondary objective and are being punished for it. If the Killer sucks, then you should have more than enough time to take care of totems. If the Killer puts enough pressure that you cant do totems, then they dont suck and did their job correctly.

    Moris being powerful? Maybe they are. But, so what? They are offerings. They can only be used during a single match. There are other perks that hurt more than that and they can be used on every single trial.

    Finally, Plague. For her to have Corrupt Purge, a Survivor must have been infected and then cleansed, having found you during its relatively small duration and avoided pallet drops. What is Plague's power in a nutshell? A decision based on Survivors. Making the wrong decision rewards the Killer, such as cleansing when its not needed.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Thanks for understanding. I'm a survivor main but I do play killer every now and then.

    Killer is like a cakewalk compared to survivors. The time pressure is a little pressuring, but if you don't get kills it's at least not frustration. I'm not too attached to "winning" so I don't mind not getting 4Ks. But you generally still get yo enjoy the game regardless.

    As survivors sometimes you can't even play and are spending most of your time on the hook then getting farmed by opportunistic teammates and camping killers. If it happens once or twice it's not so bad but sometimes I get five times in a row (or more - my record of bad luck is I think 11 games) and at that point DCing is so tempting.

    I'm sure Killers at high ranks against organized 4-Man SWF is also frustrating, but it's nothing compared to the Baptism of Fire newb survivors go through, and how even veteran survivors at low ranks struggle. And many high ranks, skilled killers de-rank on purpose to avoid high level survivor play, so yah it's rough.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    I played for along time solo and this days theres alot of noob survivors that they playstyle are like rank 20 the solution its putting kindred as basekit and solo players will improve

  • Jonathanskilz
    Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403

    dont forget the part when you run the killer for 3-4 gens and then they let you die on your first hook

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2019


    You can't stop the idiot teammates from cleansing in fountains, unless you are in swf..

    Borrowed Time: Dont tunnel, Easy, right?

    Well your other points are right

  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    Just get better and stop complaining about nothing baby survivor!

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I play survivor as well as killer at rank 1 regularly and as survivor I have zero problems with almost ANY of these things. This is a learn to play issue, not a survivor issue.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2019

    "Killer is like a cakewalk compared to survivors. The time pressure is a little pressuring, but if you don't get kills it's at least not frustration"

    If you actually played killer at rank 1 you'd know ridiculously wrong this statement is.

    "it's nothing compared to the Baptism of Fire noob survivors go through, and how even veteran survivors at low ranks struggle"

    This is inaccurate and not a fair comparison. Even if your team is complete idiots and literally does absolutely nothing you can still quite easily pip if you are good. You may die, but you WILL pip and that gets you to higher ranks where your team gets better. If the survivor still isn't pipping then they aren't as good as they think they are. Veteran survivors can struggle to CARRY the whole game and win at low ranks, but they will absolutely pip and move out of those terrible ranks.

    The reason these aren't fair comparison is because for survivors the difficulty is your team being dumb and being new to the game. This is something that can be fixed as they get better at the game and is a reflection of their own skill.

    For killers you are losing because the game isn't balanced for rank 1. You could play perfectly and unless they play poorly you still lose. That is the difference. One is based on your skill and something you can fix, while the other is out of your control. Losing a game that you would play no differently if you could do it all over IS frustrating, especially when you throw a bunch of tbags, flashlight flicks and trash talkers in to top it all off.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    'Try at red ranks' is true, at purple and red ranks, killer is difficult and stressful--but at all ranks prior to about rank 10, killer is EZ mode and a halfway decent killer can end a lot of matches with 4ks with minimal sweat.

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747

    If you just started playing survivor then you would be at rank 20. You will generally not have good teammates at that rank. They are new and will act as such.

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358
    edited May 2019


    Disagree, Lately I'm experiencing much of what he's saying at rank 8. PS4. 9/10 killers I'm versing are sweaty and boosted and my teammates, most of them, literally rush the hook and just take turns getting hooked. Until I get off my 2nd or 3rd gen, and try to distract the killer and take a turn on the hook before there's dead survivors, b/c once that happens, my chances of getting unhooked drop drastically. Sometimes the killer will chase me a while before hooking me, sometimes, like the last nurse I faced, after two failed chases after me and I pallet saved a downed survivor, nurse just looked at me and went back after the others. EGC happened, because of the killer's massive speed compared to survivors, I didn't find the hatch first, no surprise, then it was only a matter of time until nurse found me trying to get a door open.

    Out of 25 games, I'm finding maybe 2-3 other survivors who understand what they're doing. that's 2-3 total in 25 games, not per game.

    I've been one pip away from rank 1 BTW, I just don't get to play very often. That's why I'm hovering around rank 6-10.

    PS. About ruin, I have noticed also that probably 8/10 matches I'm playing lately, has ruin. I'm not terribly worried about ruin, I hit great more often with ruin than without. But my teammates just run around the map. - or blow up my gen. lol.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,145

    Have you ever just went one way for bbq then went to another to confused the killer

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    If you just started playing Survivor there is no way you are going against killers with ruin and ebony moris every game. I'm calling fake post.

    If you just said your teammates sucked that would be believable.

  • Karltastisk
    Karltastisk Member Posts: 529

    Actually the plagues movement speed during corrupt purge is only 110% movement speed and she is so easy to loop and/or stealth. During the ptb however it was actually 120% movement speed, but you know the devs. If something needs a slight nerf they tend to overcompensate... By alot.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Survivor is boring and sometimes annoying, but not that annoying, I suggest giving it another try.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    Yes, BBQ, NOED,... are counterable. But for killers MoM is counterable too, hit again

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2019

    The irony here is that the killers berating you for complaining about whatever will IMMEDIATELY turn around and complain about survivors. Loops, BT, MoM (which admittedly needs a tweak but isn't as bad as people make it out to be), saying that only Nurse/Billy/Spirit are viable at rank 1, DS, Adren. God forbid both sides have stupid things they can do in the game.

    Specifically regarding Ruin, while on an individual basis you can easily overcome it, you have no control over other survivors. You can do gens, but if everyone else doesn't because Ruin then it's going to suck. Same thing for NOED, if the other survivors rush gens you can't exactly do all the totems before they pop the last gen. Then you end up getting punished for the mistakes of others.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    As a former survivor main (surprise!) who ended up playing both sides, playing survivor is a day at the beach compared to playing killer. If you run a stealth build and are even decent at juking the killer, you are pretty much guaranteed at least the hatch. As a killer, you can play perfectly and still be at the mercy of RNG, bugs, and survivors' mistakes to actually succeed.