There is absolutely NO WAY to guard a hatch from Survivors if they are desperate enough!

I just had the regular situation, where a survivor stood on the hatch for HALF AN HOUR until he/she decided to actually jump! There is NO POSSIBLE way for killers to win this, if the survivors just stand there forever until the killer hits them! Hatch is absolutely overhyped by survivors and why do they get a free escape after i killed them so good, only 1 was left with 2 gens! There MUST be a way for killers to win this.... Right now, they have no choise but either to make a waiting contest or either give up! If the hatch would only CLOSE like only ONCE every 5 minutes for 20 seconds, I would only waste 10 minutes! That is a main problem which has always existed in Dbd and its even worse than "taking the game hostage", because u either wait for ages or u let them escape


  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    Unless you have tombstone piece as Myers 

    i did it once after killing 3 survivors and the last one just sat at the hatch and let me stalk them... idk what they were thinking 
    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    I did a similar thing with Myers. We were just standing there as she kept walking around me. I remember I can 1 shot, so I suck up all the juice and wait for her to get to the side of me where she can no longer instantly jump into the hatch. Get her down, hook her, there was probably some salt had, I don't remember, that was in my first 100hrs

    Devs, hatch close when?

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    Eh, when a survivor finds the hatch before me or gets close enough to jump in, I consider it their win as a killer. I don't really care that much about 1 survivor.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SauronTheDarkLord said:
    I just had the regular situation, where a survivor stood on the hatch for HALF AN HOUR until he/she decided to actually jump! There is NO POSSIBLE way for killers to win this, if the survivors just stand there forever until the killer hits them! Hatch is absolutely overhyped by survivors and why do they get a free escape after i killed them so good, only 1 was left with 2 gens! There MUST be a way for killers to win this.... Right now, they have no choise but either to make a waiting contest or either give up! If the hatch would only CLOSE like only ONCE every 5 minutes for 20 seconds, I would only waste 10 minutes! That is a main problem which has always existed in Dbd and its even worse than "taking the game hostage", because u either wait for ages or u let them escape

    Welcome to the hatch standoff, the hatch closing mechanic will be introduced in 2.0 to get rid of that. Oh wait, survivors cried enough such that devs ducked from implementing it and they got to keep their free escape for doing nothing :wink:

  • Jaarthan
    Jaarthan Member Posts: 47

    I don't mind the hatch escape tbh. If I catch them before i get there, then awesome. But typically if I get them to have to get to the hatch, I had a good game and that's more than enough for me. Missing that last kill doesn't ruin it for me by any means.
    The hatch change was just as much killer sided as the hatch is now survivor sided. I really don't think there is a good fix for the hatch to make it balanced for both sides, and once again, if it comes to a survivor getting out with the hatch, I had a good game.

  • rObLoCo
    rObLoCo Member Posts: 23

    @SauronTheDarkLord said:
    I just had the regular situation, where a survivor stood on the hatch for HALF AN HOUR until he/she decided to actually jump! There is NO POSSIBLE way for killers to win this, if the survivors just stand there forever until the killer hits them! Hatch is absolutely overhyped by survivors and why do they get a free escape after i killed them so good, only 1 was left with 2 gens! There MUST be a way for killers to win this.... Right now, they have no choise but either to make a waiting contest or either give up! If the hatch would only CLOSE like only ONCE every 5 minutes for 20 seconds, I would only waste 10 minutes! That is a main problem which has always existed in Dbd and its even worse than "taking the game hostage", because u either wait for ages or u let them escape

    The answer is simply, you cant win them all... The game is not made for you to kill all 4 survivors EVERY map. Just like the survivor isn't suppose to live EVERY map. Get a clue bro, stop being a cry baby and if one gets away O'WELL! GG.

    If you really want to ask what is the answer for defending the hatch I would say, use a more strategic approach and down the 3rd guy and then hunt the last guy down, he's either going to save, or going to work another generator. The hatch now never exist open, now you have no issue.

    The hatch was their for the last ditch effort for the survivor to escape against a killer that is POWERED to play against 4 survivors and now playing against only 1! This now equalizes the field.