Most stupid accusations in post-game chat

Frozenscum Member Posts: 393
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

As title says - what most stupid was you accused for as Killer in post game chat?

Just now surv said to me - camper, nothing new! you camped.... (drumroll)... GENS!

So now as Killer I'm not allowed to patrol last 3 gens, now its called CAMPING GENS.

I laughed so hard.

Which people did you meet in game? :D

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Wait, they accused you of camping gens?

    I had someone complain about taking too long to kill everyone and someone else complain about BBQ while running Distortion. Anyone who complains about perks are quite silly imo.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,218

    I was playing Legion (around the second day of their release, so well before the nerfs), and the Survivors had the exit gates open. I also had a Claudette on a hook. I believe it was a David King who saved her. A full health David mind you. I maneuvered around him and hit Claudette down, trying to get at least one kill (I usually let the hooked go, but the gates were literally open and, again, David had full health).

    Everyone else left, leaving Claudette to die on the hook. In the chat, she accused me of camping/tunneling (I honestly can't remember which, but neither of which I was doing). She didn't listen to my explanation, and just kept going off about it.

    The funny part was that the other Survivors actually sided WITH me on the argument. It was pretty much three our four (can't remember much, but Kate and David were defiantly siding with me) telling her what actually happened.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I've been accused of camping gens, camping hooks, camping my own totem, and tunneling when I've hit everyone else then came back to down them, but since they haven't finished healing that's a tunnel.

    I've also had survivors defend me afterward which made some of those times less stressing.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,243

    The definition of tunneling is so broad, so usually that accusation makes me laugh because of the ridiculous double standards involved. Injured survivor straight up runs into you? Better not hit them. Injured survivor working on a gen while holding a medkit next to a healthy teammate? Better not tunnel. Unhooked survivor runs straight to your Ruin totem? Better not tunnel. I'll give the unhooked survivor a chance to reset, but half the time they decide not to heal and jump back on their objectives while expecting me to ignore mine.

  • TheShape78
    TheShape78 Member Posts: 712

    Had a guy call me a camper once, even though I wasn't even camping ha ha

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Not received as killer but I had a killer get mad at me for doing gens while he went afk on top of the hatch. Accused me of cheating to clip through him and into the hatch. I just left through the gates.

    As killer I heard a Feng Min drop off a hill behind me(cause she makes the loudest and most annoying sounds) and went after her. Got accused of cheating because there was "no reason you should have looked back and seen me"

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    edited May 2019

    Someone told me i was a vegetable.

    Clearly, if i were to be made food, i'd be meat.

    (Yes, i know what they truly meant.)

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I thought i had a funny question to keep the train going, but it sounded...wrong, so you win this one. 😋

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Whatever the question was the answer was probably yes

  • Endorb
    Endorb Member Posts: 151

    So, I hooked someone real close to the open gate, so I checked to see if anyone was hanging around. Nothing in sight, so I went back to the hook, a mere 5 second walk away, and it scared someone off. I chased them towards the door, but spies from the shadows went off, so I returned to the hook since he was full health and I wanted to protect my sacrafice. I slapped the rescuer, but not in time to stop her unhooking. Being nice, I chose to hit and sac her instead of the rescuee. Got accused of camping the hook

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    About ten times a day, i get accused of hacking or lagswitching when these ultimate juke masters juke into my knife or they hide somewhere and i find them because they're either bad at hiding or i happened to check a spot randomly because of sheer intuition honed by 2,390 hours of playing this game.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453
    edited May 2019

    One of the funniest accusations for me was that I was using wall hacks, as I saw someone go into locker when bbq was active, and people calling me a no skill player for using a brown and yellow add ons for wraith (I also main wraith as he was my first killer :D), what made it funnier was that it was a 4 man swf with insta-heals and at least 2 with MoM. Second best for me was when I was accused of lag switching even those the survivor was super laggy because of his internet. Both happened at rank 4 to 8 (don't remember the exact rank)

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Got called a camper because I came back to a hook in time for the surv to be unhooked (instantly dreamed them both). But what actually happened was I hooked them someone messed up a check a short distance away ran over to Check (no marks in area thats how far from hook) gen barely touched so obvious that they were going for unhook I ran back over to catch them both out It was an swf which I like to punish so I followed the hookie downed them then chased the rescuer then came back and got a few dreams in then sacrificed the one I hooked first.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220
    edited May 2019

    I get this one a lot, too. A great many Survivors don't play Killer or understand the game from an experienced Killer's perspective. Lke the dozens of times i've been accused of hacking because i stood on a high spot and surveyed the map, saw someone urban evading across the map, and went straight to them. or the countless times i've been 'reported' for 'wallhacks' while using a Scratched Mirror on Mikey.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    had a 4 man swf on console (which I don't play as much) call me a hacker because I was playing nurse and always knew where they were... at the time I was a bad console nurse am better now but they were reallly bad and because I know how to hear rustling and footsteps I easily knew where they all were. Then I proceeded to tell them that I was streaming and you could check so they proceeded to call me an "entitled streamer" when in reality I had 1 viewer and that was a friend that wanted to watch me play.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Calling me a tunneler when I spent most of the game chasing each person one at a time in sequence. And then he called me an idiot and bad at the game despite 4king, double pipping and getting max blood points.

    Obviously when I asked what a "smart person" would have done differently he just kept insulting me without actually saying anything productive.

    It's always satisfying to see people like that

  • Master_Bad_Guy
    Master_Bad_Guy Member Posts: 100

    I also had this. Called the camper, because he did not give start generators))

  • BrenonW1106
    BrenonW1106 Member Posts: 33

    The survivors simply have to be strategic. Repair gens that are far apart from each other.

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    I got the same thing after a 3k match as freddy. I was like "yeah, i use a low tier killer to win because im so"

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I had one one time accuse me of cheating because I checked their locker... into which the jumped into at a running speed, while I was 10 meters away. Sorry for using sound and visual cues as intended!

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    Once as clown I happened to make 1 survivor so mad they accused me of camping and tunneling every single person in that game even though I didn't do either to anyone, and I dropped the last person at the hatch instead of collecting my 4k. Literally every other player in that game said gg and the last person thanked me for hatch but this one mad claudette who was probably mad she couldn't hide well and I kept catching her at the edges of the map.

    I guess catching survivors at the edges of maps is freaking tunneling.

  • Doggomoon3
    Doggomoon3 Member Posts: 2

    My best ever scenario cuz I dont get as many ifiots as yall do. I'm Michael with j Myers and tombstone piece. I'm running dying light. My obsession and his 2 stack swf buddy were working on a gen and either didnt see me stalking ri didnt care. I get tier 3 off of the two of them and proceed to mori my obsession and they accuse me of "hacking for moris" and "having no terror radius" even though I was running distressing.

  • SyN
    SyN Member Posts: 27

    Got accused of/reported for teleporting/speed hacking playing the new Legion. Ran green duration addon and iridescent button, so mapwide TR for a loooong time. Also, I know my internet isn't the best but I only rarely get lag complaints so if it was that, that's hardly hacking xD. Also this was on ######### Mother's Dwelling so why WOULDN'T I use my power to get places faster? XD

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited May 2019

    Probably recently, I was playing pig and hadn't seen an ash all match and it was down to 2 survivors left, I decided to trap the other survivor to give me more time to find Ash bc I was dead certain he was hiding near the hatch so after trapping the other survivor I let them wiggle free and resumed searching THE ENTIRE MAP and found Ash crouching in the bus near the hatch and hooked him then killed the other survivor when I found them. Got accused of cheating/working with the other survivor (who was on last hooking and I caught him on a gen alone) to find him, sad part is they had 1 gen left. Felt bad for the trapped survivor though, he tried the whole match.

    Funny part is though, that they sent me a message mid search (ps4 so they weren't in the game paying attention) and when I found them they were so busy sending their accusations (that I sucked apparently) that they must have tabbed back into the game and realised they were on the hook. 😂 Felt dirty but I hate people who wait it out for the hatch while the other teammate actually tries to finish gens, this was immediately prior to the EGC update too.

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    I got called, "M1 Killer ShitBilly" for M1'ing an injured survivor. Said, "I suck so bad so I gotta play Billy and use M1. Get a life." by 3 SWFs after a match on Coldwind after they chose it and try to bully me.

  • mutabletiger4
    mutabletiger4 Member Posts: 185
    edited May 2019

    Got called a tunneler when the guy was basically throwing himself at me. Also got told I wasn't doing anything and I was "holding the game hostage" when I was slugging for the 4k. Eventually just hooked them, but still ended up with that 4k!

  • BreadLord
    BreadLord Member Posts: 274

    being accused of camping when all the survivors rush the hook

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    Popular streamer accused me of stream sniping when I played them on Leiry's with Pig and Amanda's Letter.

  • Groxiverde
    Groxiverde Member Posts: 767
    edited May 2019

    Being insulted several times, in a 100 words message, just for not giving a survivor the hatch because "he deserved it". Oh he was being racist about me just because I'm from Spain too lol

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    A few month ago, i been called "hacker!! how could you see where i was?"

    And... i just had nurse calling..

    That one happened to me sometimes 😅

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Oml, I was doing a meme spirit round where I follow a single survivor all game without attacking them, but I attack anyone else who gets near them. I've had the survivor I follow all match run from me and then say "ez baby killer can't even hit me"

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited May 2019

    Most of my team were doing gens while someone was on the hook we finish all and escape in the chat the poor guy said that camper and the killer replied you genrush you get camp

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    1. When I played Legion [2.7.0] on Lery's they said the game was boring because I slugged and for being OP in the EGC.

    I slugged one time because the others swarmed around me. The last guy was so dumb to run all the way to the exit gate after I closed the hatch. Of cause I got him.

    2. I was accused to be a camper because I checked the hook after about 30s, because I had the feeling, they would safe him.

    3. Speed hacker for using PWYF on a Tombstone Myers.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Nothing special, but I got accused of wallhacking two times yesterday. It never happened to me before.

    Can someone confirm: does it mean I'm actually getting better at Nurse?

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    I ran the roulette build, minus the broken as hell add-on for spirit, and got accused of 'camping totems' by someone who kept touching it every time they could, when I left it... lmao

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    ^There's a special place in hell for actual stream snipers, js.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I've been called a tryhard for tunneling one guy off hook, once. It was the second time I played against that guy, next time I'll go full toxic on him, I promised him I will.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Freddy with Bamboozle, Fire Up, Franklin's Demise and Monitor and Abuse or Barbecue and Chili.

    I chased this Dwight at the start of the game, pulled everyone in, stabbed him and Freddy did the blade shake animation, he t-bagged me as I was doing so, he dropped a pallet as I pulled back on Crotus Prenn Asylum, I did a basic moon walk and downed him, hadn't hooked him at all, he DC'd and the other 2 DC'd shortly after, got body blocked from closing hatch from the survivor, he jumped, the Dwight said 'get f**ked tunneler'. Lesson he should learn, don't t-bag and act all mighty if you're garbage at the game.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Accused of tunnelling when a Meg runs at me, DS's me and I phase and quickly down her. She said I tunneled her XD

  • Botany_Meowledge
    Botany_Meowledge Member Posts: 14

    I got accused of lagswitching because my internet spiked, because roommates connected to it, but I didn't even try to hit them, I was aware of it. Still got tbagged and #########-talked eventhough I let them live and was lagging myself.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    I was once accused of "gen camping." This was back when I first got the game.

    I was playing as Pig on a swamp map and I found 2 survivors working on the generator on the big boat. I began chasing one them while the other ran off. We we're looping around the gen when I saw the other survivor had started working on the gen again. I started to chase that survivor instead. While chasing this survivor, the other survivor went off to heal only to renturn back to the same gen. I saw them and began chasing. On and on this went untill I finally downed one of them.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Happened to me more than once, because the internet in my student's hostel tends to spike in the evening hours. Because of that I only play survivor during this time.

  • BillyIII
    BillyIII Member Posts: 365

    I was once accused of wallhacking while eac bypass wasn't functional due to an update. So I physically could not wallhack during that game. But I wasn't accused while it did work. Figures.

  • Ghostul
    Ghostul Member Posts: 42

    My friend got called a hacker because "he saw me across the map behind the rock"!

    Now if this survivor just looked a little to the left he would've noticed a nice ol tier 3 BBQ and Chili.

    My friend still got reported though lol

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