
Is the dumbest idea ever developed in any game...period
Low quality bait.
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Your appointment is scheduled with Mr. Carter he has a legendary advice for you that could change everything you know.
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I hate bringing Ruin because I have a conscience.
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I hate not bringing ruin because survivors doesen't care and they just genrush...
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First off I think the word "genrush" should be avoided. I mean it's the only objective for the survivors, what do you exepect to happen if you chase a survivor for 5 minutes? Like I get into a game where I win if I do gens, the killer is busy chasing a guy, I'm sorrounded by gens: let's hide in a corner! Hell no hahaha I'll do gens. The word genrush is pointless.
Second, I guarantee you that if you get good at hitting great skillchecks the ruin will not only cease to be a problem but it would be a disadvantage for the killer because he would have wasted a perk slot on a team that can consistently hit greats.
Anyway Ruin is still sooo good to delay the progress of a game in certain situations.
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The same goes for "tunneling".
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@_LC You are forgetting about something, if you happen to meet a team that is hitting a great skillchecks all the time, you are still buying yourself some time, simply because they don't receive a bonus generator progress for skillchecks.
And why should it be avoided? Because you can't give a name for a situation that is just simply a very fast gen progress that makes it almost impossible to play as certain killers?
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Another day, another complaint about ruin.
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I didn't say it's useless. I was responding to the thread argument that said that it was, i was in fact saying the opposite. Ruin can be extremely effective but you can also manage to bypass it by playing very well (like everything else).
Other than that yeah you can use the word genrush, of course, but the meaning that people gives to the word is just stupid. "generator being done so fast you can't play a certain killer" dude maybe you meant: "myself playing bad as killer and not being able to apply pressure" genrush happens when survivors can waste a lot of the killer's time giving others the time to repair gens. So when you say genrush it doesn't have much to do with gens themselfs, it has to do with survivor being super good at chases and wasting killer's time and killers not being able to apply pressure.
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Well, to be completely honest tunneling it's more of a thing. If you use the word to simply describe a killer chasing survivors then is bs, but it's a thing when a killer decide to kill a specific survivor asap and proceed to chase him as soon as he's being unhooked. That is tunneling. As i said, if you are a killer and by patrolling the map you stumble across a guy you already hooked, you chase him and then you kill him and he proceed to call you tunneler, that is 100% bs.
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The thing is, some killers are extremally bad at chases and because of this they are useless on certain maps, which makes them unable to prevent genrush.
Scratch mirror myers is a perfect example of this, where he can only work well on larry's.
Same goes with the trapper... he can't end chases quickly because his skill gives him 0 adventage at looping. Yes, you can place traps to end the loop, but you have only 3 traps with normal builds... unlike the hag that also can place traps quicker and doesen't need to pick them up.
Also The nightmare is a good example, you can't apply the pressure for 7 seconds after finding a survivor and the only way to really win as him regularly, that i know, is an end game build.
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Well that proves the point: it's not "genrush", it's the killer that is unable to prevent survivors to work on gens. That is true, some killers are way less powerful than others but you could still play perfectly at the start of the game while survivors make mistakes thus resulting in a lot of pressure applied to the game, making genrush way more difficult. Obviously not all killers are the same, and that's the thing: genrush start to become a thing only when the killer is unable to counter what 4 survivors can do. Like the trapper as you said, unless you play like a monster and the survivors keep ######### things up, you won't be able to stop at least 2 survivors at a time from repairing gens.
So genrush is not a thing in itself, it's the killer being unable to prevent survivors from doing their objectives.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that is doesn't exist. I "genrushed" so many killers, but only because they were not capable of stopping me from doing so
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Ikr this has to be a bait thread right? But yea I use ruin too cause I don't like to get Gen rushed:)
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Ruin should be part of the base game (post rank 15).
Change my mind.
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It wouldn't change anything, really, unless you face potato survivors.
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Erm that's kind of the game? To do gens, if we're rushing you're doing a poor job of guarding them which is...erm..your job? Killer mains always lose the argument when they say 'genrush'
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Well since 90% of killers use it anyway and its the first perk noobs are told to get straight away, it perhaps should be.
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I ABSOLUTELY HATE Ruin. I came to play Dead by Daylight, not Treasure hunt (lets go and seek all 5 totems and hopefully by luck we'll find the glowing one) No. Ridiculous, ruins the game completely. Its like a mini-game you have to play before you can actually play a DbD match. And as theres no communication you all could be looking for it and no gens get started.
There's a great way to fix Ruin, make it so its like Thantophobia where gens take slightly longer to complete. If the hex is cleansed then that hindrance is gone.