Freddy Buff Ideas

swenpai Member Posts: 259
edited July 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

Here are some Freddy buff ideas that might make him better, thought I think the buffs would make him powerful, so I added some nerfs too.


▪️ It'll take 3 seconds to put someone into Dream World.

▪️ In the Dream World, survivor auras are revealed to you.
Progress of generators, hexes, etc' are slowed.
Perks of survivors are not active in the Dream World.

▪️ Survivors will be able to wake up by themselves only after 15 seconds of being in the dream world, though another survivor
which is not in the Dream World can wake a survivor up whenever. (Survivors in the Dream World will not be able to wake
each other up).

▪️ Sounds of survivors are alot easier to hear as Freddy if they are in the Dream World.

▪️ Visual marks, as example a survivor failing a skill check, will stay 0.5 longer than usual.

More buff ideas provided by @Orion (I changed a little from the original) :

▪️ Survivors won't get out of the Dream World when they are hooked and also when they get unhooked.

▪️ Every 5 survivors that Freddy puts into Dream World, grants Freddy a bonus 3% movement speed.


▪️ Freddy's terror radius will slightly increase to survivors if they are in the Dream World.

▪️ Every time Freddy hits someone, he will giggle a bit, makes it easier for survivors to know where the hit was.
Though it is a very small giggle, survivors that are pretty far away won't be able to hear it at all.

That's it, hope you liked my ideas! :)
Tell me what you think about them, if some buffs are too overpowered, or one of the nerfs are too significant..

I made this because I think Freddy is alot of fun but as me and probably everyone else thinks, he is pretty weak.
So I don't want it to be a wasted character, because he is really alot of fun in my opinion.

Thanks for reading!

Post edited by swenpai on


  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228

    @swenpai said:
    Perks of survivors are not active in the Dream World.

    ohohoohhooh that would be fun

  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259
    edited July 2018

    @Kuris said:

    @swenpai said:
    Perks of survivors are not active in the Dream World.

    ohohoohhooh that would be fun

    For Freddy yes
    For survivors ..less

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I have a big problem with the idea that an invisible Killer should be able to grab Survivors off generators.

  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259

    @Orion said:
    I have a big problem with the idea that an invisible Killer should be able to grab Survivors off generators.

    When I think about it, you're right.
    It'll make it unfair for the survivor and will not be skill-based.
    Took it down. :)

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I'd also recommend the following:

    • Survivor perks are downgraded by one tier when they're in the Dream World. If they're at tier I, then they become disabled. I don't see why Survivor perks should be disabled entirely just because they were caught by a Killer they can't even see.
    • The Nightmare gets a passive buff the more Survivors are in the Dream World. Maybe a movement speed buff or faster recovery from attacks, or even a combination of buffs that are unlocked based on the number of Survivors in the Dream World.
    • Survivors no longer wake up when they're hooked.
  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259

    @Orion said:
    I'd also recommend the following:

    • Survivor perks are downgraded by one tier when they're in the Dream World. If they're at tier I, then they become disabled. I don't see why Survivor perks should be disabled entirely just because they were caught by a Killer they can't even see.
    • The Nightmare gets a passive buff the more Survivors are in the Dream World. Maybe a movement speed buff or faster recovery from attacks, or even a combination of buffs that are unlocked based on the number of Survivors in the Dream World.
    • Survivors no longer wake up when they're hooked.

    The two last ideas are great.
    Though I still think perks should'nt be active in the Dream World because being in it doesn't gives you a big disadvantage for now..
    And making the perks go a tier down won't be too noticeable because you'll be able to get out of the Dream World soon or later.. so for the limited time that they are in the Dream World, I feel like they should have a big disadvantage.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @swenpai said:

    @Orion said:
    I'd also recommend the following:

    • Survivor perks are downgraded by one tier when they're in the Dream World. If they're at tier I, then they become disabled. I don't see why Survivor perks should be disabled entirely just because they were caught by a Killer they can't even see.
    • The Nightmare gets a passive buff the more Survivors are in the Dream World. Maybe a movement speed buff or faster recovery from attacks, or even a combination of buffs that are unlocked based on the number of Survivors in the Dream World.
    • Survivors no longer wake up when they're hooked.

    The two last ideas are great.
    Though I still think perks should'nt be active in the Dream World because being in it doesn't gives you a big disadvantage for now..
    And making the perks go a tier down won't be too noticeable because you'll be able to get out of the Dream World soon or later.. so for the limited time that they are in the Dream World, I feel like they should have a big disadvantage.

    I get that their tenure is usually short, but I think completely stripping Survivors of their perks because they were hit with an ability from a Killer they can't see is absurd.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    As somebody that plays very unconventional Freddy builds at high ranks with mixed success (add-on reliant), here are some of my suggestions. Bear in mind that I'm attempting to bring Freddy up to the level of the other high tier killers (Nurse, Billy, and Huntress). This will look absolutely mad, but when a killer is this weak, drastic measures must be taken to make them a threatening presence at all times.

    Freddy Buffs:

    • Survivors in the dream world no longer make progress on generators, however, they can still trigger skill checks as normal when working on them (lengthens the game).
    • Dream transition reduced to 4 seconds (add-ons adjusted to compensate).
    • Terror radius of Freddy lowered from 24 meters to 16 meters - lullaby remains the same.
    • In the dream world, X number of pallets are converted to phantom pallets that a survivor can interact with, but they cannot stun or interrupt Freddy as he just phases through them (these are highlighted for Freddy).
    • Survivors in the dream transition have all actions interrupted and/or frozen.
    • Survivors dragged into the dream world for the 3rd time and beyond gain the 'Exposed' status.
    • Survivors in the dream world cannot recover exhaustion (you're asleep).
    • Freddy gains a 3% movement speed boost for every survivor brought into the dream world.
    • Survivors on the ground must be woken up before they are healed.
    • Awake survivors can no longer heal other survivors in the dream world.
    • Freddy's auto-aim will now prioritize injured characters in the dream world.
    • Awake survivors can no longer perceive the effects of Freddy's movement in the dream world (sounds, shaking grass, etc).

    Any of those would make me super happy, and if all of them went through.. holy crap he'd be strong, even in this loop heavy meta.

  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259

    @BadMrFrosty said:
    As somebody that plays very unconventional Freddy builds at high ranks with mixed success (add-on reliant), here are some of my suggestions. Bear in mind that I'm attempting to bring Freddy up to the level of the other high tier killers (Nurse, Billy, and Huntress). This will look absolutely mad, but when a killer is this weak, drastic measures must be taken to make them a threatening presence at all times.

    Freddy Buffs:

    • Survivors in the dream world no longer make progress on generators, however, they can still trigger skill checks as normal when working on them (lengthens the game).
    • Dream transition reduced to 4 seconds (add-ons adjusted to compensate).
    • Terror radius of Freddy lowered from 24 meters to 16 meters - lullaby remains the same.
    • In the dream world, X number of pallets are converted to phantom pallets that a survivor can interact with, but they cannot stun or interrupt Freddy as he just phases through them (these are highlighted for Freddy).
    • Survivors in the dream transition have all actions interrupted and/or frozen.
    • Survivors dragged into the dream world for the 3rd time and beyond gain the 'Exposed' status.
    • Survivors in the dream world cannot recover exhaustion (you're asleep).
    • Freddy gains a 3% movement speed boost for every survivor brought into the dream world.
    • Survivors on the ground must be woken up before they are healed.
    • Awake survivors can no longer heal other survivors in the dream world.
    • Freddy's auto-aim will now prioritize injured characters in the dream world.
    • Awake survivors can no longer perceive the effects of Freddy's movement in the dream world (sounds, shaking grass, etc).

    Any of those would make me super happy, and if all of them went through.. holy crap he'd be strong, even in this loop heavy meta.

    "Survivors in the dream world no longer make progress on generators, however, they can still trigger skill checks as normal when working on them (lengthens the game)."
    Then why would you like to trigger skill checks on the generator if it doesn't progress it?
    My English kinda sucks so maybe I am misunderstanding something..

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    If self-care no longer wakes up, then generators would be the only hope. In Freddy's world, you don't make progress if he doesn't want you to. Generators will still wake up survivors, but Freddy won't let them continue making progress on the objective while they sleep. I hope that's better : )

  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259
    edited July 2018

    @BadMrFrosty said:
    If self-care no longer wakes up, then generators would be the only hope. In Freddy's world, you don't make progress if he doesn't want you to. Generators will still wake up survivors, but Freddy won't let them continue making progress on the objective while they sleep. I hope that's better : )

    Oh, forgot that missing skill checks wakes you up. :p
    That's a good idea then. :)

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    if i love most of them the perks one seems a bit exagerated.
    maybe disable them 30 sec + automatically give exhaustion timer would be enough ?

    What i would love to see is :

    • Adrenaline doesn't wake you up if you entered Dream World less than 120s ago
    • You cannot escape via the doors if down or asleep ( in transition you could escape )
    • Buff Quentin perk Wake up : increase the time it takes to build madness or fall asleep by 25/50/75% and you and the others survivor wake up 20/30/40% faster in a 8 radius.
  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Freddy Add-On Ideas:

    Charred Teddy Bear (UR):

    • Every 25 seconds, a random survivor will enter the dream transition, seeing a brief glimpse of Freddy behind them with his power activated.
    • 10 seconds before a survivor enters the dream transition as a result of Charred Teddy Bear, they will hear the lullaby.
    • Survivors that exit the dream world initiated by Charred Teddy Bear cannot enter it again via the add-on for 45 seconds.
    • Prioritizes the obsession over all other targets, if available.
    • No more than two survivors may be put into the dream transition by Charred Teddy Bear.

    Demon Demon's Grasp (VR):

    • Slightly increases Freddy's lunge.
    • Removes the movement speed penalty when putting a survivor into the dream transition.

    Disturbing Photographs (VR):

    • You become obsessed with one survivor.
    • Your obsession performs the 'wake up' action 15% faster.
    • Your obsession enters the dream transition 2 seconds slower than all other targets.
    • When the exit gates are powered, your obsession cannot exit the gates or leave through the hatch if they are in the dream world.
    • In the dream world, you always perceive your obsession's aura (ignores terror radius).
    • If your obsession dies, reduce the dream transition by 2 seconds for all other survivors.
  • Nergana
    Nergana Member Posts: 6

    I'm LOVING this discussion as an advid, long-time fan of the Nightmare on Elm Street series. I ONLY play Freddy due to him being my absolute favorite horror icon and while I'll admit I play a pretty vanilla Freddy, (using his three unique perks plus an extra) I find him highly enjoyable despite his obvious flaws if just for the prospect of playing as my favorite horror icon.

    I was always so angry to know that he was the weakest killer because he DESERVES more. He deserves major compensation for the inability to interact with Survivors outside of the Dream World. It SHOULD be a crippling disadvantage for all Survivors to be asleep, and it should be a major advantage for Freddy to have them all asleep. I love most of the buffs displayed here, and I TRULY hope the devs take notice. Freddy deserves to be at LEAST mid tier at worst. Because it's FREDDY KRUEGER arguably the most iconic face of horror.

    I'll be waiting for the day Freddy becomes viable, and I'll still main him regardless of if he ever does or not.

  • cro0w
    cro0w Member Posts: 27

    @BadMrFrosty said:

    • When the exit gates are powered, your obsession cannot exit the gates or leave through the hatch if they are in the dream world.

    I think i would be nice if the survivors can leave trough the hatch, since the killers will be able to close it now, also the hatch is the ultimate escape and since it doesn't activate the pig's trap the survivor shoud be able to leave through it asleep, also give the obssession an icon indicating that add-on is present, just like the trapper's diamond stone.

  • cro0w
    cro0w Member Posts: 27

    @cro0w said:

    @BadMrFrosty said:

    • When the exit gates are powered, your obsession cannot exit the gates or leave through the hatch if they are in the dream world.

    I think i would be nice if the survivors can leave trough the hatch, since the killers will be able to close it now, also the hatch is the ultimate escape and since it doesn't activate the pig's trap the survivor shoud be able to leave through it asleep, also give the obssession an icon indicating that add-on is present, just like the trapper's diamond stone.

    And if you can make the obssession start the match asleep, you can remove the indicator and use it as a remake of the "Black Box" add-on.