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True Kindness of DBD Shining Through & Why I Think The Freddy Rework isn't entirely a good idea

VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

[Btw I do know naming people is a dangerous thing on here, but considering this is tremendously positive I don't think it's worth blocking out his name - although if I need to change it, just say and I'll edit it with a covered up name]

The Scene: Grim Pantry, tough map, great survivors, all running straight to the best loops every time. Lithe, Sprint Burst, all self care. I have to use my skills and put the game down to a *crawl*. Regressing the last 3 gens back to zero every other minute, multi managing the last 3 Claudettes every time, using hit and run tactics, until they make that one mistake that costs them everything, only then do I go full on. I win. Merciless at Rank 1.

I'm expecting a ######### storm of toxicity in the endgame chat, as I usually do...

And then this happens

"Ur easily the best Freddy I've ever saw"

This is the nicest thing that has every happened to me in DBD. As I'm typing tears are starting to come out of my eyes. I worked my ass off that match, and this wasn't against potatoes. I've had to work really hard for a lot of my matches, but every time I've came out on top

I've played 90+% of all my matches as Freddy, and have lost TWO TIMES, with one being a farming session gone wrong. I'm truly proud of my skills as a good Freddy, and him being my first Max Level/All Perks/Prestige 3 killer.

So I say this - Does Freddy TRULY need a rework?

Or perhaps this is just ungodly luck. Maybe I haven't gone against many SWFs? And I know RNG is a factor, but despite every autohaven, every Swamp, every SB, Dead Hard, and MOM under the sun, I've done it.

This is just my incredibly happy but also *scared* rant. I hope the rework for Freddy will make him better still, and I hope I can master his power again as much as I have here. But if they ######### it up, I'll just have to keeps these days of tough but rewarding matches a memory.

850 hours later, and I think I'm validated as someone with skill.

Again, sorry for the long post, I am really happy and proud right now LOL.

[Btw I'm from UK so I get Europe players a lot. Don't know if this effects the skill really]


  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    The rework will kill him

  • GenSim12345
    GenSim12345 Member Posts: 182

    Its not really about if the Freddy rework will kill him or not.

    The devs have lost the faith in a huge portion of the killer community and everyone is expecting them to fail specatulary and rush it out the door. The legion and Pig changes have only amplified that feeling.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    @GenSim12345 The concept of faith when it comes to the devs and players is not a good idea. Considering there are huge chunks of different skills grounds and people with differing opinions within every rank of the game. I'm sure they have as much faith in the killer community as they do in the survivor community, they can't afford/risk to have a bias

  • ba_tetsuo
    ba_tetsuo Member Posts: 330

    "They can't afford to have a bias"

    MoM says otherwise.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I get that you want the old Perk colors back, but why do only some Survivor Perks have the old T H I C C border?

  • GenSim12345
    GenSim12345 Member Posts: 182

    If you think they can't afford/risk to be bias then do explain to me, why is it that there are many killers who complain that the Devs cater to the survivors?

    Explain to me how despite the wide spectrum of survivors and killers complaining about the Legion and Pigs changes during the PTB hardly nothing was changed?

    Or how, despite DS promoting killers from not tunneling and able to be paired up with very great second chance perks. MoM was released as yet another Anti-tunnel perk that didnt even need to exist because DS does what it did but much more balanced at this point, and many people view it as being just an excuse for players to throw money at Ash?

    Or everyones favorite, "Go Play civ" meme involving this game?

    Most killers don't belive their voices will be heard by the devs, how the ######### is that not losing faith and/or trust in the devs?

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742
    edited May 2019


  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    He likely just replaced a couple of icons with custom ones.

    Also, BBQ and M&A should be purple on Tier III, those are the wrong colour there.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    I play freddy working my way back down (hopefully to 1 currently at 10) there was a long period due to a natural disaster where I couldn't play but that neither here nor there and so far up to this point only a few swf groups have managed to evade sacrifice the game is balanced around mid ranks (where the devs are) and if I'm not mistaken few if any play killer that is why you see such unbalance I the game shrinking from 20-10 then increasing from 10-1 and why it seems survivor sided but i digress the point is so far with my skill pre-forced break I am running through survivors but I can see how a less experienced freddy could only earn a few kills or even no kills in some of the matches I've been in and honestly that's how it should be you don't need to get the win every time with a killer you hardly play or one you picked up about a week ago, just my opinion and as I said I'm currently playing in some of the most balanced ranks in game

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    @Boss I'll release it soon ;) working on some optional colour packs, and I mix and match colours depending on my own opinions on the perks

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    @GenSim1234 I can't answer that. You're right there, they do have a bias. But they shouldn't, but how hard is it to avoid a bias with this community? There are hundreds of groups in this community stuck in their own echo chambers. When the devs listen, they know full well that the thoughts of one person could be countered by someone else.

    tl:dr - Balancing this game is almost literal *Hell* , and it's partially due to this damn community

  • bearded_mullet
    bearded_mullet Member Posts: 2

    I would definitely vote against a Freddy rework. I as well love the way he is now.

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    I would wait till i see how good or bad the rework is

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    It isn't shaming anyone, so you should be fine. It's nice to find light anywhere you can find it. I had someone the other day tell me I was doing a really good job as killer and to keep up. Hearing that after and between all the pointless toxicity is refreshing. It's nice to see from either side since toxicity has just seemed to increase for both as of recently.

  • Tower_XVI
    Tower_XVI Member Posts: 109

    Zubat is an exceptional hillbilly, and Pug is surprisingly good at knowing all the nuances of leatherface's chainsaw. With enough time put into a particular killer as well as playing killer you can start to overcome the glaring issues some killers have. I adamantly believe Freddy needs his rework however, and do not believe his current toolset makes for compelling gameplay to being with.

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    Thats why ive been playing him more now. I have a fear that he wont be worth a damn after the rework.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    It depends on what this full rework will do.