People still dc againts Legion

I guess some survivor bad habits will never change... i got 2 dc because i had iri button with Legion..
Now this is why following survivor mains thoughts isn't a wise choice. Legion needed fixing yes, but instead he got screwed and now he could get some QoL changes, and there is still people that think he his op and refuse to play *facepalm*
I have to remark that the first one that dc was the rank 3 twitch streamer.. Nothing more to add to that, it speaks by itself.
Imma take a wild guess and say this is a force of habit. Just give it a few weeks and see if it still happens.
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Nothing really changed in my opinion, he's still massively unfun to play against. I'm pretty sure a LOT of it was the nerf to healing in general, and they always abuse thana + sloppy butcher it's honestly a joke. Since they decided to nerf healing they need to take a look at sloppy because it's massively overtuned at this point. Healing for 2 minutes is not fun. There's no counterplay to him still really other then timing or out-mindgaming them at a pallet stun or 'trying' to make them miss (good luck if they have a brain) not to mention his ability literally shows them your location (imo distortion should work against this power but whatever, another useless survivor perk)
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Yea maybe. Well see..
While i agree that healing with sloppy and thana isn't fun, it requires 2 perk slots, 2 slots that i personaly prefer to use other perks like make your choice and bamboozle as you can see. In rank 1-10 most people don't even heal and just rush gens, so it's a waste of slots in my opinion.
And about Legion he really got changed for the good in some aspects but for the worse in others, with optimism, a mid tier killer right now. And he have counterplay, looping. After the first hit hes a m1 killer with no power.
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They DC against anything. not just legion, I had DCs when i play Freddy, Pig etc as well. They DC when they know they are losing etc, no need to show survivors any mercy
They DC to keep their items permanently, so they had infinite toolbox/ flashlight, its technically Cheating
until dedicated server comes this will never change
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Yeah its the crude truth,. I hope that those dc penalties comes soon. It's been a long time that people abuse this "feature".
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because legion is still butt achingly un-fun to play against. games are meant to be fun, regardless of how competitive you are and legion removes the fun from the game.
you can't force ppl to have an anti-fun experience which playing vs legion is
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Disregarding all the unfun Survivor perks/items killers have to deal with... I think the thing that makes Legion annoying is his natural ability to stall the game. It's literally "Do something else or die".
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It's as if the mysterious automated ban system doesn't actually work or exist
How shocking, how could this ever happen, nothing in this game was ever broken or didn't work as intended
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@Irisora: Thats a typical misinterpretation. They probably not DCed cause of Legion and iri, they did it because they can.
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It's true that (a certain sort of) people DC against nearly everything. It just takes a minor inconvenience and they're out.
But in regards to the thread title: my opinion on this is that if you still DC against the Legion in particular, you're proving that they were never the actual problem. A few tweaks were necessary, and we all know that. Yes. But the Legion as a whole were not the problem.
People who don't understand that not all things everyday can be fun and who are unable to make the best of things as they come are. And will unfortunately remain so, I'm sure.
Not every Legion match (or just 'match' in general) is the same. Some are truly unfun, yes - often because the killer plays dirty. But there are players who play well and make for a good competition.
I just wish people would see that, and grit their teeth for 10 minutes and finish the game even if a killer plays a bad style. Leaving your teammates behind is just as scummy as a killer playing unfairly.
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It isn't a Legion problem, but a lack of punishment. Got caught too soon? DC. Don't like the map? DC. Don't like the killer? DC. Legion is okay thanks to the speed boost and removing things they can cheese with can open them up to getting significant or important buffs down the road.
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It's not only a lack of punishment, disconnecting is actively encouraged. The only difference rank makes is that the higher it is the longer it takes to get into a game. You are rewarded for disconnecting by getting lower rank which gives you lower queue times and because the ban system either doesn't exist or just doesn't work the only thing you get for disconnecting is a reward
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Mhh 2 minutes...
Have you thought about bringing a med kit and/or we´ll make it?
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If only perks related to healing existed
If only survivors weren't literally forced to pick out of the same ~6 perks every game
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The issue with Legion is not only how he's still just an unfun character to play against bc of how helpless You are against him in Frenzy, it's also bc he carries the Stigma of being a poisonous thorn up the ass of anybody playing against him. Y'all know how we killers hated decisive strike? Or how we currently hate adrenaline (you morons saying it's broken need to stop)? Legion was the Decisive strike of killers. A 0 counterplay nightmare that nobody wanted to play against. And making 4 people not have fun and tilting them 8 ways to Tuesday is not what this game is about.
Even now he might not be amazing, but most of the complaints is bc of the Stigma that sticks with him. And that's a stench that's gonna stay. We cannot blame Survivior mains for the flawed design of legion just like we can't blame them for the flawed original design of decisive strike. Or how we can't blame killer mains for the flawed design of the Nurse or the Huntresses hatchet hitboxes.
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@U@Usui Saying Legion using thana/sloppy is abusive is akin to claiming survivors using toolboxes/prove thyself is abuse. How else is a Legion supposed to provide pressure and keep survivors off gens or slowing gen progress? They changed thana so that it decreases action speed by 3% when one survivor is injured rather than 9%. Try healing so gens get done quicker. Like a previous post stated, we'll make it and med kits can help tremendously in that regard.
Post edited by Kabu on1 -
Might just be a low rank thing for me (14, just getting into the game) but almost every game I play half the lobby dcs at random, if not half then one will either lose connection or DC. Ain't fair for the others and pisses me off a bit.
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You cant derank by disconnecting.
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Which the automated system should detect, but it clearly doesn't exist or work right
It would be interesting to see disconnect data for various killers though, I also believe however that Legion does not have a signifcantly higher disconnect rate now
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He's still annoying as #########, what do you expect?
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If everyone disconnected as soon as they were mildly upset there would be no game
Suck it up and stop being a disconnecting baby, is what I expect from people
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Dc against a garbage killer lol
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People dc against a fat myers (Scratch mirror + judiths tombstone)
So this doesnt really mean anything
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How is he still annoying. He's borderline useless now.
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I wish everybody thinks like you my friend. The game would be in a better state.
I agree, most of the time it's like that. And you forget survivors that pull the cable to not lose their very rare items.
How can he be annoying when after the first hit he's a powerless M1 killer, like a trapper without traps?
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He still feels the same.... very unfun to play against
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I dont think he's ever been unfun to play against, those people that complained really just hated that there was a killer that they couldn't loop to death...but by the time Legion killed them 2 gens wouldve been done anyways so i never understood why this was a thing.
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Yea i agree and now he just applies a timer that barely means a couple of second of slowdown to the match.. And after the nerf *cough cough* i mean "rework" hes very loopeable and easy to avoid. I think that people that says hes still unfun to play against just hates legion.
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survivors just D/C.
They do it against my hag, they do it against my clown.
People just quit when it doesn't look like a perfect game, because it costs them nothing, and almost guarantees the killer wont pip.
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As much as I love Legion, this statement is all too true.
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They dc more now it seems.
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Looks like keeping survivors happy it's more challenging than keeping a childish girlfriend pleased.
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Until devs make it so killers just stand in one spot so survivors can get free blinds, t bags, and points while getting the free win, they will complain.
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I just see whiny killer mains. No one here has probably enough skill as killer. Oh cry cry cruel survs only dc. What those Tunnel, Camp, slugger killer who dc at the end to get the game cancelled out for every one Else after lobby dodging for half a Day? No killer main complain about that. Classic double Standards of killer mains.
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That goes for both sides though.
This argument is stupid since once again, it goes both ways.
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Survivors and killers dc for dumb reasons.
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Except that everyone, killer or not, complains about that. You can watch any of the dedicated killer creators play survivor and they get someone like that, they make it their job to disrespect them and show their disappointment. So no, you just want to be toxic.
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Wasn't an argument. It was a comment. There's no point arguing about how to make survivors not DC cause, as I said, and as many many other people have said, they will DC no matter what
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Oh really? If you look at the forums most of the times you will see survivor mains that demand nerfs and most of them without a logical explanation. That's what i would call the definition of whining.
While in the counterpart most killer mains or players that play both sides, ask for changes with logical reasons. But this ones are hardly hear by the devs because we are the minority.
The dc problem has been installed here for ages and yes, sometimes you can see a killer dc, ragequiting or whatever, but as a survivor you don't lose anything other that your offering if you burn any and you move on to another match.
When playing killer if people start dc for whatever reason they find you waste you addons and offerings.. if they pull the cable they keep items (an exploit) and they ruin the match also for the remaining survivors.
So the implementation of punishment for dc is something that needs to be added for the sake of the game in general. You missed the point of this thread, there was no intention to start a fight, only between that i stated how silly is that people still dc against the weaker version of legion we have right now.
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It's more a general dc problem, not a specific one with Legion.
Players dc if they face a killer they don't like, when they get downed for the first time etc.
Now, also the amount of dc'ing killers is increasing. It slowly comes to the point that there aren't any playable matches anymore. Either the killer or the survivors are dc'ing, depending on which side is losing the match.
Imho the devs need to act quick. Until dedicated servers go live, it will probably be another 2-3 months. Going that long without doing something about the amount of dc's has the potential to permanently hurt the game.
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thought the same
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A Legion was tunneling me today, (clearly enraged at his slew of nerfs) he then DC'd the entire match after I used DS on him. The very fact DS was even triggered being entirely his fault.
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@NoShinyPony @SasukeKun @SlinkyJinky
I really hope that we finally get those dc penalties soon, either if it is a killer or survivor who do it, it ruins the match for everyone. Almost version 3 of the game and we are still waiting.
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I dont dc now if i play against a legion the problem with it its if its tunneling the hell out of ya if i get unhook and tunnels me i just dc directly you cant even escape killers that tunnel the unhook survivor
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I do not know about the other people besides me who rightfully "complain" here. I don't know them.
But joke's on you in my case; I'm a survivor main :)
I don't have much interest in playing killer, to be honest. But the Legion are dear to me. And I'd love for them to be more viable and a bit more fun again, is all.
Some people keep saying they're not weak but different now. And yes, they are different. But they've also been weakened in regards to their gameplay - which I find was interesting and fun for both sides, given they were played well and without the abuse of flawed game mechanics.
But it isn't anymore, at least not for most people who play/used to play them. Their power now... what use does their power really have except for tracking people in your Terror Radius down with Killer Instinct, after you managed to apply a (now also changed and unthreatening) Deep Wound?
And don't pull the "free first hit" card; Feral Frenzy is not as fast anymore and it's still possible to miss your swing. The result of that being that your entire power is lost for 20 seconds and you get a 4 second stun/fatigue, which gives the survivor you saw enough time to make a run for it.
Why would I use this...? Especially if I'm not too adept at the game yet, why would I risk that punishment? With their increased base movement of 115% I can just as well chase and hit normally - like any other M1 killer. Because that's what they are now. Not much more than that.
At least this is what I see and experience.
Post edited by BiaNoYami on4 -
I think legion is just fine since the patch I've gone against several who really knew what they were doing and it was a lot of back and forth and was a great match. I dont honk he really needs changes in either direction.
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People DC all the time against killers, its not just legion
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I think the main reason for Killer DCs is when it's an obvious SWF team. Obviously not all of the time, but when I encounter people I can tell are communicating I know it makes me want to leave (I don't but I REALLY want to usually).