Make Claudette lighter

Just make her dark clothing a little bit lighter so this character can't find a shadow and just disappear on you.
@Hillbilly420 said:
Just make her dark clothing a little bit lighter so this character can't find a shadow and just disappear on you.I think they should fix male characters crouch animation, and give other characters clothes that blend in first.
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@Hillbilly420 said:
I really wish you could block people on here because I don't like you, you're not funny, your shitposting is obnoxious, and all of your opinions are terrible.No other Survivor has this issue. It just applies to Claudette because she's black and she has the darkest clothing.
Well that wasn’t very nice. I guess it sucks i’m the most active here, only occasionally surpassed by Runiver.
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The truth hurts sometimes.
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@apathytheclown said:
The truth hurts sometimes.That it does clown, that it does.
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It's not just her, certain characters can find spots in all maps and pretty much disappear and if you can't find them that's on you. I main Claudette and yet smart killers know if they lose me to cough look downard and into dark areas. As a killer I've lost Claudettes, Feng Min's, Megs etc in small dark spots and sometimes even lighter spots. I've only found them because I couldn't move and looked down to see what obstacle ie rock/tree/terrain I was stuck on.
Don't blame the outfit for your play, you need to adapt and learn to spot them. The top tier players don't have this problem and the rank 10-2 really know where to look quite well.
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@Hillbilly420 said:
@powerbats said:
It's not just her, certain characters can find spots in all maps and pretty much disappear and if you can't find them that's on you. I main Claudette and yet smart killers know if they lose me to cough look downard and into dark areas. As a killer I've lost Claudettes, Feng Min's, Megs etc in small dark spots and sometimes even lighter spots. I've only found them because I couldn't move and looked down to see what obstacle ie rock/tree/terrain I was stuck on.Don't blame the outfit for your play, you need to adapt and learn to spot them. The top tier players don't have this problem and the rank 10-2 really know where to look quite well.
1: again, it really only applies to Claudette. David (the detective) is fine. Even if the player uses the P3 outfit for Dave, you can still see him. I've never lost any other Survivor except for one time against a Jake who used that perk that erases footsteps after a vault. And I think, unless you have Bloodhound or Nurse's Calling, anyone would lose him.
2: sure bud, you're amazing, you're the greatest player ever, that's why no one else has this problem, right? That's why the majority of Survivors play Claudette because they're just fans. If you can't see her in a dark spot you must blind, right? Go [BAD WORD] yourself.
So you admit its almost impossible for a survivor to lose the killer, but demand a Claudette nerf?
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Claudette does needs a nerf, i mean 60-70% of players at high ranks all uses Claudette, did you see on the Tourney?
all of them are like 4 Claudette combo, why? Because she's the darkest she blends in so well with the environment, she's the best survivor for hiding
Either she needs nerf so she scream / moan louder, or louder or other characters needs a buff
Majority of people are using female characters also due to the fact that they have an edge over males in hiding
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@Hillbilly420 said:
@powerbats said:
It's not just her, certain characters can find spots in all maps and pretty much disappear and if you can't find them that's on you. I main Claudette and yet smart killers know if they lose me to cough look downard and into dark areas. As a killer I've lost Claudettes, Feng Min's, Megs etc in small dark spots and sometimes even lighter spots. I've only found them because I couldn't move and looked down to see what obstacle ie rock/tree/terrain I was stuck on.Don't blame the outfit for your play, you need to adapt and learn to spot them. The top tier players don't have this problem and the rank 10-2 really know where to look quite well.
1: again, it really only applies to Claudette. David (the detective) is fine. Even if the player uses the P3 outfit for Dave, you can still see him. I've never lost any other Survivor except for one time against a Jake who used that perk that erases footsteps after a vault. And I think, unless you have Bloodhound or Nurse's Calling, anyone would lose him.
2: sure bud, you're amazing, you're the greatest player ever, that's why no one else has this problem, right? That's why the majority of Survivors play Claudette because they're just fans. If you can't see her in a dark spot you must blind, right? Go [BAD WORD] yourself.
Translation you can't handle 1 survivor giving you problems yet most of the good killers never have an issue. Your tried and failed insults have been found wanting in the insult category and it's highly suggested you refrain from trying any in the future.
It's amazing that you're one of the very few complaining about Claudettes when most of the high ranked games are filled with Meg's, Nea's, Kate's, Claudette's, David's etc. This would suggest the problem is you since on Lery's, Gideon's, Claudette's might as well be holding a flashing neon sign that says here I am.
The good and great killers look in the dark places when losing survivors, any survivors, they don't blame it on dark clothing, perks, addons etc. They simply know to look better and where to look and remember on what maps where the hiding spots are. You know the hiding spots that any and all characters will try and sue, not just the Claudette's.
The killer mains here aren't going to show you any sympathy due to your inability to adapt or get better. I main Trapper and yet I still can get 4 sacs against 4 Claudette's. I've been in parties where 4 Claudette's get destroyed on Red Forest because that killer was that good.
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@Hillbilly420 said:
@Someissues said:
Claudette does needs a nerf, i mean 60-70% of players at high ranks all uses Claudette, did you see on the Tourney?all of them are like 4 Claudette combo, why? Because she's the darkest she blends in so well with the environment, she's the best survivor for hiding
Either she needs nerf so she scream / moan louder, or louder or other characters needs a buff
Majority of people are using female characters also due to the fact that they have an edge over males in hiding
It's a very simple fix that they don't address for whatever reason. And if they do address it it will take 6+ months to actually get around to fixing it. Make her dark clothing a few shades lighter. Done. Fixed.
Make everyone else’s somewhat camo outfits a few shades darker.
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The other reason people run her at high ranks is because both SC and BK are 20% versus 10% on other chars, at high ranks that's a huge difference.
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@Someissues said:
Claudette does needs a nerf, i mean 60-70% of players at high ranks all uses Claudette, did you see on the Tourney?all of them are like 4 Claudette combo, why? Because she's the darkest she blends in so well with the environment, she's the best survivor for hiding
Either she needs nerf so she scream / moan louder, or louder or other characters needs a buff
Majority of people are using female characters also due to the fact that they have an edge over males in hiding
Where do you get these numbers?
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So, here are some facts about Claudette that might surprise everyone here. Ready? Ok, none of these things are wrong or racist to state. Let's go:
- She's black.
- She's tiny.
- Her prestige 3 skin offers a considerable stealth advantage when combined with those prior mentioned attributes.
- There is a reason she's the most popular survivor, and it's not because her lore is 'super interesting and deep'.
We all got that out of our systems now? Excellent! Yes, she's by far the 'best' survivor when you tally up all the strengths she brings from design/clothing alone. None of this is factually incorrect.
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gid gud
yeah i didnt make the most amazing comment, but you clearly arent interested in listening to anything that doesnt agree with you
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@Chi said:
Where do you get these numbers?
2.7k hours of playing DBD and at high rank, the chance of running into Claudette is extremely high, followed by Meg, nea (Trending in Kate now). Other characters would need to be buff to compensate or she needs a louder moan/lighter skin
She's clearly the best survivor for hiding. and if you are a survivor main you only need one character, since all survivors are the same. This caused balance issue between all characters
let's face it when you have all the perks, why would you even want to use Dwight? Unless you like him of course, but for in game-advantage you would be choosing Claudette. Females are also superior in this game with their smaller frames for hiding
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Her clothes and skin color hurt her on multiple maps. I always love it when someone plays Claudette in dark clothes and we go to Coldwind. Seeing that black shape in the middle of a cornfield makes my bloodlust boil and begin to rage.
Someone actually called me out on hacks for that. They were in P3 gear with Claudette on Coldwind Farm and legitimately thought they could hide in the middle of the golden stalks of corn. Her teammates responded with the proper insults at that point because they had to keep saving her and I ended up 3k'ing + hatch. Lulz for dayz.
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@Mringasa said:
Her clothes and skin color hurt her on multiple maps. I always love it when someone plays Claudette in dark clothes and we go to Coldwind. Seeing that black shape in the middle of a cornfield makes my bloodlust boil and begin to rage.Someone actually called me out on hacks for that. They were in P3 gear with Claudette on Coldwind Farm and legitimately thought they could hide in the middle of the golden stalks of corn. Her teammates responded with the proper insults at that point because they had to keep saving her and I ended up 3k'ing + hatch. Lulz for dayz.
This, Coldwind farm any, Lery's, Gideons, etc and she's a free kill. Again it's not because she's got dark clothes only it's because SC and BK are so strong on her that at high ranks you want that extra 10%. As a Claudette main I hate those maps because it's usually me dead 1st because I stand out like a sore thumb even with brighter clothes.
This is a solution in search of a problem and if you doubt it watch Not Queens stream where she trashes Claudette's with ease on the brighter maps. If you have a problem with ehr dark clothes then guess what use an offering for Gideon's etc.
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@Someissues said:
@Chi said:
Where do you get these numbers?
2.7k hours of playing DBD and at high rank, the chance of running into Claudette is extremely high, followed by Meg, nea (Trending in Kate now). Other characters would need to be buff to compensate or she needs a louder moan/lighter skin
She's clearly the best survivor for hiding. and if you are a survivor main you only need one character, since all survivors are the same. This caused balance issue between all characters
let's face it when you have all the perks, why would you even want to use Dwight? Unless you like him of course, but for in game-advantage you would be choosing Claudette. Females are also superior in this game with their smaller frames for hiding
So basically, you made those numbers up.
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@Chi said:
So basically, you made those numbers up.Those were my opinion I never said they were facts, learn to read
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@Someissues said:
@Chi said:
So basically, you made those numbers up.Those were my opinion I never said they were facts learn to read
You stated that 60-70 percent of the people at higher ranks play Claudette. That is a statement that can be seen as either a fact or a lie. This can not be an opinion. A statistic can not be an opinion.
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@Chi said:
You stated that 60-70 percent of the people at higher ranks play Claudette. That is a statement that can be seen as either a fact or a lie. This can not be an opinion. A statistic can not be an opinion.
I never stated those were facts, I meant as in 60-70 percent of players i come across, get your facts right, and learn to read
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@Someissues said:
@Chi said:
You stated that 60-70 percent of the people at higher ranks play Claudette. That is a statement that can be seen as either a fact or a lie. This can not be an opinion. A statistic can not be an opinion.
I never stated those were facts, I meant as in 60-70 percent of players i come across, get your facts right, and learn to read
You never stated that it was players you came across though, you said and I quote.
@Someissues said:
Claudette does needs a nerf, i mean 60-70% of players at high ranks all uses Claudette, did you see on the Tourney?all of them are like 4 Claudette combo, why? Because she's the darkest she blends in so well with the environment, she's the best survivor for hiding
Either she needs nerf so she scream / moan louder, or louder or other characters needs a buff
Majority of people are using female characters also due to the fact that they have an edge over males in hiding
So it's not we that ened to get our facts straight it's you claiming something and presenting it as fact and then claiming that's not what you said but your own words say otherwise. **So perhaps you need to go back to school and learn to read yourself. **
As for your initial claim and the insults directed at us for supposedly not learning to read, both of which we know to be false. I leave you this nice quote which says it all.
“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” – Christopher Hitchens.
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@powerbats said:
You never stated that it was players you came across though, you said and I quote.
In my next reply to him, i stated that he blatantly ignored it and claims it as facts, learn to read again
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She should receive the Michael Jackson treatment. /s
Let people think they are invisible with Claudette. It's always funny finding them immersed in high grass or in a corner and catching them off guard. The good stealthy survivors don't need her to not be seen.
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@Someissues said:
@powerbats said:
You never stated that it was players you came across though, you said and I quote.
In my next reply to him, i stated that he blatantly ignored it and claims it as facts, learn to read again
Translation: i'm pulling a Trump calinmign one thing then when shown my claims were false calm you said something completely different and insult hose who showed what you said was false. then when shown again repeat the same but shorter with insults again and hope no one notices.
You can't change what was posted not even with edits will change the fact that you never said it was your opinion until you got called out for it. The only one blatantly ignoring things and refusing to learn to read here is you. You stated something as fact and when asked for proof claimed something else and insulted the person.
Now you continue to insult those on here about it because you won't admit you were wrong and instead can't let your ego suffer from gasp admitting you were wrong to state something as fact. But go ahead and keep insulting people here, it just makes you look that much more foolish.
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Maybe you should make sure your TV/Monitor brightness isn't too low?
I don't have an issue finding P3 Claudette's unless I'm Freddy, but he's a little worse at spotting people in general.
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@Hillbilly420 said:
######### is this?
That's in response to another poster flaming people on here repeatedly because they stated as facts something that wasn't true. Then got raging amd over being called on it.
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@powerbats said:
It's not just her, certain characters can find spots in all maps and pretty much disappear and if you can't find them that's on you. I main Claudette and yet smart killers know if they lose me to cough look downard and into dark areas. As a killer I've lost Claudettes, Feng Min's, Megs etc in small dark spots and sometimes even lighter spots. I've only found them because I couldn't move and looked down to see what obstacle ie rock/tree/terrain I was stuck on.Don't blame the outfit for your play, you need to adapt and learn to spot them. The top tier players don't have this problem and the rank 10-2 really know where to look quite well.
When a killer has a problem they get telled to git gud because high rank killers dont have the problem
On the other hand when trying to suggest balance ideas buffing killers, I always see the argument that it would hurt low rank survivors while high ranks would be fine with it.SO what, you gonna cater towards high ranks or low ranks?
At the moment devs are balancing the game around rank 20, so by that logic claudettes appearance needs to be changed0 -
@NotBiasedAtAll said:
Maybe you should make sure your TV/Monitor brightness isn't too low?I don't have an issue finding P3 Claudette's unless I'm Freddy, but he's a little worse at spotting people in general.
That's like cheating though, I had no issues finding them either, But it's true that Claudette provides stealth advantage compare to other characters. on the Game, Lery any characters will stick out so don't use that argument
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I'm gonna be that person.
You can't make her lighter, because at this point, changing the character's skin color to make her lighter is going to open a can of worms about skin lightening/erasure of darker skin tones in pop culture. It's not a situation that anyone is going to want to tread into, and 'game balance' isn't going to be an excuse that anyone will believe or want to hear.
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@Hillbilly420 said:
@mintchapstick said:
I'm gonna be that person.You can't make her lighter, because at this point, changing the character's skin color to make her lighter is going to open a can of worms about skin lightening/erasure of darker skin tones in pop culture. It's not a situation that anyone is going to want to tread into, and 'game balance' isn't going to be an excuse that anyone will believe or want to hear.
Re.tard, I never said her skin color. I said her clothes could be made lighter. Learn to read.
Her clothes are fine, dude, most of them are lighter colors or have spots of bright colors on them. I'm addressing a BEYOND common complaint that people have about her "natural camouflage."
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I never said to ramp up his brightness to 11, just make sure that its not set too low.
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@Master said:
@powerbats said:
It's not just her, certain characters can find spots in all maps and pretty much disappear and if you can't find them that's on you. I main Claudette and yet smart killers know if they lose me to cough look downard and into dark areas. As a killer I've lost Claudettes, Feng Min's, Megs etc in small dark spots and sometimes even lighter spots. I've only found them because I couldn't move and looked down to see what obstacle ie rock/tree/terrain I was stuck on.Don't blame the outfit for your play, you need to adapt and learn to spot them. The top tier players don't have this problem and the rank 10-2 really know where to look quite well.
When a killer has a problem they get telled to git gud because high rank killers dont have the problem
On the other hand when trying to suggest balance ideas buffing killers, I always see the argument that it would hurt low rank survivors while high ranks would be fine with it.SO what, you gonna cater towards high ranks or low ranks?
At the moment devs are balancing the game around rank 20, so by that logic claudettes appearance needs to be changedThey already made her outfits lighter after the outcry over the black outfit and now the outcry is louder because you got what you wanted. She's a nature lover, that's her kit so of course on nature maps she's going to be harder to find. If you make her clothes even lighter than for mid to high ranks you might as well have a hovering flashing neon sign above her head saying free kill here.
At low ranks survivors have it really tough since killers are completely op at those ranks and if you lighten her up even more might just as well remove her from the game. Most people that play her do it for her perks, not her outfits.I'm almost rank 6 and I play ehr for the perks plus i like her background. I also like to immerse myself in a more stealthy playstyle.
I don't like to play the Beedy David /w/e chars and run around in broad daylight all over the map basically taunting the killer to come get me. She's fine as she is and the changes they made to ehr outfit have made her a lot easier to find. If you think she's hard to find go play against a P3 Legacy Meg on Macmillan with full everything.
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@Hillbilly420 said:
@powerbats said:
I don't know what else to tell you because the character, in her P3 outfit, can be extremely hard to find depending on the map. Particularly something like the swamp maps or Shelter Woods.
I think people who are so insistent that she's fine either play the character in her P3 outfit or they're some weirdo who adjusts the brightness to the absolute highest level where everything looks terrible just so they can more easily spot her.
While I do play her, my point about other survivors is still valid and she's good on some amp but n others her dark clothes make her fresh meat. If you gut her just to fix her on a few maps you make her worthless on any map.
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@Hillbilly420 said:
@mintchapstick said:
I'm gonna be that person.You can't make her lighter, because at this point, changing the character's skin color to make her lighter is going to open a can of worms about skin lightening/erasure of darker skin tones in pop culture. It's not a situation that anyone is going to want to tread into, and 'game balance' isn't going to be an excuse that anyone will believe or want to hear.
Re.tard, I never said her skin color. I said her clothes could be made lighter. Learn to read.
It's really hard to take any of your argument seriously now, honestly. I don't even disagree that some of the people who choose Claudette do it because she has darker clothes options, but your attitude is really immature.
I also second the "turn up your brightness" comment and would like to point out that David, Jake, and Nea all have outfits that also blend incredibly well in different maps.
Maybe people play Claudette because they're trying to earn self-care. Maybe that's just become a weird meme at this point so salty, jerky survivors flock to it. I don't know you and you don't either. So instead of insulting people who disagree with you, maybe consider their points and come back with something more beneficial to a real conversation if you want to be taken seriously.
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@Hillbilly420 said:
@powerbats said:
@Hillbilly420 said:
@powerbats said:
I don't know what else to tell you because the character, in her P3 outfit, can be extremely hard to find depending on the map. Particularly something like the swamp maps or Shelter Woods.
I think people who are so insistent that she's fine either play the character in her P3 outfit or they're some weirdo who adjusts the brightness to the absolute highest level where everything looks terrible just so they can more easily spot her.
** While I do play her**, my point about other survivors is still valid and she's good on some amp but n others her dark clothes make her fresh meat. If you gut her just to fix her on a few maps you make her worthless on any map.
Of course you do. Then riddle me this: why in the crap are there so many people that pick Claudette and specifically her P3 outfit? You mean to tell me that there's absolutely epic Claudette fan club that is unanimous in that her P3 outfit is the best outfit? Or is it simply that she's as hard as [BAD WORD] to spot in certain maps because of that outfit?
I don't have p3 on her yet and I play ehr because SC and BK are mandatory at high ranks. If you don't have those perks you're screwed. go watch some of the high streamers, they laugh when they see Claudette's and generally feast on them on most maps.
Try playing ehr then if you think she's so great and then do a Gideons/Lery's offering and see what happens. Try going against a Doctor who laughs at stealth, hag's that don't care if it's a Claudette. I had 3 Claudettes with mine in 1 of the farm maps against a Hag. She sac'd all 4 of us and being stealthy didn't help much. I've had Freddy's sac all 4 on Red forest. I've had nurses sac all 4 on pretty much every map.
The same is true of any killer once you learn them and play the different survivors you know their tricks and what they'll do. I find playing as killer Claudettes are fresh meat since I knot only know how to play them but what they're most likely to do.
If you have issues with her then stop complaining about her and start playing her non stop until you learn her strengths and weaknesses across all maps. It's not just her stealth that people play ehr for, but her perks are 2nd to none. That extra 10% is crucial.
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@Hillbilly420 said:
@powerbats said:
If you have issues with her then stop complaining about her and start playing her non stop until you learn her strengths and weaknesses across all maps. It's not just her stealth that people play ehr for, but her perks are 2nd to none. That extra 10% is crucial.
This made me laugh. All Survivors play. Exactly. The. Same. Only difference is that extra 10%. That's it. You make it seem like there's some real strategy that only works with this character when it just boils down to "Find a shadowy spot, crouch and face the wall. Done." Get your head out of your ass.
Perhaps you should take your own advice and get your head out of your ass, you think she's so great thyen P3 her, and rank her up to 1 and see how great you have it. Oh and make sure you offering Gideon's/Lery's every time.
Paging @Lowbei and @DocOctober the next patient will see you now.
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claudette is bae1
@powerbats said:
@Master said:
@powerbats said:
It's not just her, certain characters can find spots in all maps and pretty much disappear and if you can't find them that's on you. I main Claudette and yet smart killers know if they lose me to cough look downard and into dark areas. As a killer I've lost Claudettes, Feng Min's, Megs etc in small dark spots and sometimes even lighter spots. I've only found them because I couldn't move and looked down to see what obstacle ie rock/tree/terrain I was stuck on.Don't blame the outfit for your play, you need to adapt and learn to spot them. The top tier players don't have this problem and the rank 10-2 really know where to look quite well.
When a killer has a problem they get telled to git gud because high rank killers dont have the problem
On the other hand when trying to suggest balance ideas buffing killers, I always see the argument that it would hurt low rank survivors while high ranks would be fine with it.SO what, you gonna cater towards high ranks or low ranks?
At the moment devs are balancing the game around rank 20, so by that logic claudettes appearance needs to be changedThey already made her outfits lighter after the outcry over the black outfit and now the outcry is louder because you got what you wanted. She's a nature lover, that's her kit so of course on nature maps she's going to be harder to find. If you make her clothes even lighter than for mid to high ranks you might as well have a hovering flashing neon sign above her head saying free kill here.
At low ranks survivors have it really tough since killers are completely op at those ranks and if you lighten her up even more might just as well remove her from the game. Most people that play her do it for her perks, not her outfits.I'm almost rank 6 and I play ehr for the perks plus i like her background. I also like to immerse myself in a more stealthy playstyle.
I don't like to play the Beedy David /w/e chars and run around in broad daylight all over the map basically taunting the killer to come get me. She's fine as she is and the changes they made to ehr outfit have made her a lot easier to find. If you think she's hard to find go play against a P3 Legacy Meg on Macmillan with full everything.
Dont fool yourself bro.
Everyone who is slightly interested in playing competitively makes some research and will see that claudette is the go-to solution. All survivors are the same, so it only depends on the skin.Fact is that I started playing meg because I liked her, but once I realized that claudette cant be seen, I switched to her and stayed with her pretty much
In low ranks most survivors dont even understand how hard it is to see claudette and the real problems only occur with prestige or the new cosmetics which arent used in low rank anyway.
A few days ago I playeda gainst a squadette with the dark green cloths newly introduced and they used a swamp offering. Lets say it this way, next time this happens I will DC
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@powerbats said:
@Hillbilly420 said:
@powerbats said:
If you have issues with her then stop complaining about her and start playing her non stop until you learn her strengths and weaknesses across all maps. It's not just her stealth that people play ehr for, but her perks are 2nd to none. That extra 10% is crucial.
This made me laugh. All Survivors play. Exactly. The. Same. Only difference is that extra 10%. That's it. You make it seem like there's some real strategy that only works with this character when it just boils down to "Find a shadowy spot, crouch and face the wall. Done." Get your head out of your ass.
Perhaps you should take your own advice and get your head out of your ass, you think she's so great thyen P3 her, and rank her up to 1 and see how great you have it. Oh and make sure you offering Gideon's/Lery's every time.
Paging @Lowbei and @DocOctober the next patient will see you now.
I am a P3 claudette and I easily reached rank 1 in the first month trying to rank up as survivor (yes its pathetic, but for some reason you rank up even if you are half of the game afk on a call)
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Master said:
@powerbats said:
@Hillbilly420 said:
@powerbats said:
If you have issues with her then stop complaining about her and start playing her non stop until you learn her strengths and weaknesses across all maps. It's not just her stealth that people play ehr for, but her perks are 2nd to none. That extra 10% is crucial.
This made me laugh. All Survivors play. Exactly. The. Same. Only difference is that extra 10%. That's it. You make it seem like there's some real strategy that only works with this character when it just boils down to "Find a shadowy spot, crouch and face the wall. Done." Get your head out of your ass.
Perhaps you should take your own advice and get your head out of your ass, you think she's so great thyen P3 her, and rank her up to 1 and see how great you have it. Oh and make sure you offering Gideon's/Lery's every time.
Paging @Lowbei and @DocOctober the next patient will see you now.
I am a P3 claudette and I easily reached rank 1 in the first month trying to rank up as survivor (yes its pathetic, but for some reason you rank up even if you are half of the game afk on a call)