A message to any toxic survivors and killers

AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

*holds up crucifix and dashes holy water*

The power of Christ compels you

The power of Christ compels you

The power of Christ compels you

The power of Christ compels you

The power of Christ compels you

I was wondering what everyone would think of dbd if every player played really nice and friendly with eachother.

I kinda think toxicity is just both sides competing to edge it. So toxicity might not be all bad in dbd.

There are different forms of toxicity but how do you take on a toxic playstyle? What is it to you which makes you want to play toxic?


  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    I try my best to give the most positivity here on the forums as possible. I just hope everyone can soon start having the same mindset to treat others the same way they'd want to be treated and respected as, rather than rude and outright toxic. But hey, we can all dream..

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited May 2019

    What makes me toxic is the mechanics BHVR puts in the game that allow me to be toxic, while we sit here and say it is a "legit playstyle".

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Someone down voted my post that's toxic.

    Except it's not it's just opinion. But do you feel people's perception of toxicity contributes towards making the game more toxic? Especially with all the harassment and bullying that can happen when they are adamant you played unfairly or in a unsportsmanlike and toxic way.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Yes. Because their false perception of toxicity when it comes to legitimate tactics leads them to be toxic themselves. As you said, they harass and bully people for using legitimate tactics.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    I try not to be 'toxic', as killer or survivor. I do however, believe an eye for an eye. I start being toxic to anyone who has been toxic, especially when I play killer.

    If a survivor is toxic to me, I generally just look at them for a few seconds when I hook them or I smack them and walk aware. If a survivor is toxic to another, I make sure the perpetrator is punished.

    As a survivor I'm only toxic when I need to help someone. It works wonders.

    Besides all that, I try to play as fair as possibly, without actively hindering myself. I could care less about anyone else's fun but my own really, but playing decently fair hasn't completely backfired on me yet.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Remember everyone....

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    So you think people play in a toxic way... because they can?

    I mean you're kinda right but you shouldn't be.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269

    Would me using mirror myers count as toxic because I run dead rabbit if it's vanity mirrors but I just keep getting people rage quitting because everyone I hook I quickly scan the area and I go after close by or set traps neck my last game today saw a aura before I left basement had a check about to find them found them in a locker because no aura is that toxic and campy or just smart playing?

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Utilising what you have is smart.

    Toxicity is generally used too widely to excuse them of making mistakes or not being able to overcome what strategy or set up you have.

    Some builds and killers are op but you play to their weaknesses to get the best chance of escape. Too many play dumb and point the finger away from thier own ignorance.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @AshleyWB EGC is a prime example of it. EGC was created for the purpose of trolling that last survivor should you be "good" enough.

    I get to that last survivor.... I get the little devil and angel appear on my shoulders telling me what to do...

    I wanna hook that survivor... but... I'm compelled not too...

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269

    Ok would then camping the hatch as a stealth wraith or mirror myers to stomp it for a easy noed class as it or just using old tricks in a new way

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    As long as you give the survivor a choice, if they choose without thinking then make them pay for it how you like. They fell for the trick and that's non toxic.

  • mike4707
    mike4707 Member Posts: 24

    There is just 1 thing that I think is toxic, and that is when a survivor tea-bags at the gate. There is nothing more then I hate when this happens. No matter if I play the game right, they still do it. And 9 times out of 10 the one that does it did nothing to help there team out.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    Gameplay mechanics are only toxic if you let them be toxic. I do not find t baggers, flash light spammers, tunnelers, campers or loopers toxic. It just does not bother me. What bothers me and thus I find toxic is the after game chat, DMs, and other childish ######### people say to others. Making racist, sexist, homophobic slurs is toxic. Dropping a pallet then blinding the killer is not toxic. Just my views.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    As 100% killer main, I really don't care what I'm labeled. You're damned it you play "fair" anyway. If you try to bully me, I'm going to make sure a survivor gets hooked. If you teabag me, either you or your teammate gets beat like a pinata until I get tired. I don't message anyone after the game but if I happen to have messages turned on and you want to talk trash, you're getting it back. Fight fire with fire. Survivors don't care about you so why should you care about them?

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    @Kanzaki And some streamers chats attack people that the streamers don't like too if they know your in-game name and stuff. It's not talked about much in this community because its not a huge thing. Just glad now people can change their names outside of PC too for the rare instances where it does happen. I think Bhvr should keep a list of streamers who are reported with evidence for being proper bad manners toxic to their viewers or people in game and keep them from being fog whisperers if that's not a thing already.

    Freakin playing the game? toxic? Honestly I can't agree unless someone is going out of their way to sabatoge the game for someone else. Like a survivor purposely making noise to get another spotted, or a killer who's obviously going to win who will hook someone and slug someone else then let them wiggle out just to try and make them unhook the other person for points, or do the same kinda crap but only with slugging (force farming).

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    Only when someone is toxic to me first. I don't see the need to play normally or respectfully if other people want to go out of their way to ruin the game for everyone else.

    But I rarely comment in end-game chat aside from ggs.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited May 2019

    @Kurisataru haha... that was a good one.

    Ok.. yeah they streamers shouldn't be directing their viewers to harass anyone.. true...

    but not being toxic in game?.. and fog whispers?... hahaha.

    Do you know the yellow plastic garbage bag the nurse wears with the toxic symbol on it?.. Do you know who they created that for and what "bit" that is referred too? BHVR can say what they wish.. but that Fog whisper was told who that was for and why... and they love it.

    So when it comes to in game toxicity BHVR doesn't care as long as you don't violate the rules of their game.

    What people call toxicity is different even too BHVR.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Yesterday someone told me where a Claudette was because she didn’t save the last person (don’t blame her). I felt bad and gave her the hatch.

    We’re friends now. :)

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Me playing toxic is toxic to me.

    So nothing will get me to do it...

    ...Except hackers.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    Maybe BHVR should just get rid of the end game chat. I've recently shut my chat off and I find I almost instantly cool off once the match is over if something happened in game the triggered me. I think it's because I don't see someone trying to troll me afterwards and rub salt in the wound.

    As a plus, I'm sure there are sweaty SWFs telling their friends how mad I must be because I didn't respond when I just didn't see their post and it makes me giggle.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474
    edited May 2019

    The honest problem about "toxicity" is that it's being used to describe ANYTHING that annoys ANYONE. It's overused, and as such, has lost any weight it originally had.

    The term "toxic" SHOULD be reserved for anything in game that takes place that is unintended by the Developers. Toxic could be used synonymously with "glitch".

    The reason players keep using the word "toxic" is because you take things too personal. The Killer slugged ME. The Killer tunneled ME The Claudette looped ME. The killer face camped ME. The survivor blinded ME.

    And yet....I would argue that each and every one of the examples given above is exactly what each of the roles of this game are SUPPOSE to do. How the hell can something be "toxic" if it's being true to the very nature of the role?! It's just business, don't take it too hard.

    There appears to be a very strong desire within this community to be "toxic". Many players want to believe that they are the cause of annoyance and frustration to the opposing role. It's as if they believe, the presence or strength in ANY perceived emotional response from the opposing role justifies the external validation of competency.

    Does this sound familiar?

    Survivor(s): *Body blocking and blinding a killer trying to pick up a downed survivor.

    Killer makes 4 attempts and fails

    Survivor: Oh, I think he's gonna do it, he's gonna DC. No Mr, Killer, don't do it! Don't DC.

    Killer DCs

    Survivors: *cheers loudly*

    Perceived and self defined actions of being "toxic" have taken over as primary motivation for playing this game. Players label everything as "toxic" to perpetuate most anything to fall in line with this motivation.

    Tea bagging is NOT toxic.....it's survivors NOT repairing generators or gaining distance.

    Pallets are NOT toxic...there are tools used by survivors to stun and slow killers.

    Looping is NOT toxic...survivors are supposed to run away. If infinite looping exist, that's the Devs fault...not the survivors.

    Body blocking is NOT toxic...as per the recent stair changes, IF the Devs didn't want survivors to block a killer from a hook, they would make collision changes. Perks are offered to counter this strategy.

    Flashlights are NOT toxic...just because a killer didn't take Lightborn or a survivor uses a maco to flippity a strobe light at you doesn't mean counters are not in place.

    Juggling a survivor suspected of having DS is NOT toxic...if it were Killer would not have an option to drop a survivor.

    Tunneling is NOT toxic...it's intelligent. IF the objective is to hook and kill survivors, there is NO argument with an IQ over 85 to be made.

    Face camping is NOT toxic...the Devs removed real face camping about 2 years ago. Time spent by the killer guarding a hooked survivor is time the Killer is no spending doing anything else killer-esque.'

    Slugging a survivor is NOT toxic...more often than not, the killer wants to attempt a 4k. By placing a survivor on a hook, it allows that survivor the power to suicide, increasing the chances the other survivor can escape through the hatch. Preventing an escape is NOT toxic.

    Gen rushing is NOT toxic...the Devs know the minimum possible amount of time needed by 4 survivors to repair 5 generators. Generators are exactly what survivors SHOULD be doing, as quickly as possible, all the time.

    The EGC is NOT toxic....survivors and killer taking the game hostage was very real, and still has a potential today (not so much Killer due to the stairs rework). The EGC is a game mechanic that removes the players ability to hold the game hostage.

    Farming....MAY be toxic. Being "rescued" from a hook with the killer less than 20m away, and no counter perks....MIGHT be toxic.

    Closing thoughts....again, you are NOT that special. Nothing done to you in this game is because of who you are, or who you think you are. As a Killer, you are in front of me, I am trying to hook you as many as 3 times. As a survivor, I'm going to attempt to slow and prevent the killer fro hooking me 3 times. As a killer, more times than not, I will change survivors when I witness blatant farming from the hook....other times, I won't. Sometimes a flash light makes you a priority target....sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I want to get at least one kill and will outright face camp. Other times, I feel bad 2 survivors DCed and will chase hit and run away, chase hit, and run away. Bottom line, if you think a killer or a survivor is doing things in the game they were designed to do JUST BECAUSE it's YOU, your ego needs checked. There's NO rhyme or reason to it all....it's just a game.