Generator regression should be 5 Charges for every sec

I mean right now if the killer kicks the gen the is -0.286 c/s. In this meta that the gens go so fast, this should be maybe a good idea to slow the gens without increase the time. If you this is bad plz tell me why?
I think it would just make the 3 gen strat super powerful.
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So you think a killer should be able to regress a 99% gen to 0% in 16 seconds?
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why ?
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Most of the time survivors force this
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I agree that regression should be faster but the exact numbers would definitely need to be tested.
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Game starts
Doc goes to his 3 generators
It is already difficult to get out of that situation, and now it is near impossible due to regression rate. Just no way.
I do agree it should be a little bit faster though. Currently, it is almost worthless to kick a generator.
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Why not survivors have the numbers and can easy do 3 gens in 2 min this will slow the game and make it more fair
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@DarkGGhost that's not balanced at all, that's asking for a free win with killer. I can consistently get 4ks with Wraith and Freddy, from white ranks to red ranks.
Get Good.
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you can counter doc 3 gens by see where the gens are
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Genuinely asking, I didn't understand.
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And again how you make the game last longer without increase the time the time ?
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when i play survivor i see where the gens are and most of the time i do the gen in the main building so the killer has to walk the a lot in order to see the gens if you are know how to fix gen you have no problem
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@DarkGGhost so is this just a bait post or are you being for real
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Read my post again, I am not talking about survivors accidentally locking themselves up with 3 generators. I am talking about killer choosing the closest 3 generators and stay in that area the whole time. That's why I said 'game starts, doc goes to his 3 gens'.
You have to deal with that situation and 5 charge per second makes it impossible against a doc.
I give up, this is a huge waste of time and is not even gonna happen due to certain mechanics. Have a good day.
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@AntiJelly i write 5 sec so people come and discuss this i know 5 sec is too much
OK let's say that the GR ( Generator Regression ) will be 1 c/s so a 99% gen will take 79 sec still to long. 2 c/s this will make it 39 sec better. 3 c/s that make it 26 sec and finally 4 c/s will be 20 sec. What i really want to suggest is make the GR work base on the survivors are alive.
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cuz killers get a huge buff and a some nerf on survivor and it dosent make sense
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With any increase the 3 gens will be "impossible" to do but it a way to play the game
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So you want to buff it *20?
Holy moly.
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What ?
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@DarkGGhost well that should've been your original post then. Don't bait people with a stupid idea if you had intentions of a better one.
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I post this idea long an ago and for some reason get delete for the forum so i try the most stupid idea i could think.
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If the Killer is chasing someone, he can't defend gens. This is the number one reason why the 3 gen strat just doesn't work. The other main reason why the 3 gen strat doesn't work is because good Survivors don't mindlessly work the first gen they see and put a little effort into spreading them out preventing any possible 3 gen situation from the start.
There are only 2 ways a 3 gen setup can happen.
1, Survivors put themselves into it. This can be countered by learning the maps and not go from 1 gen to the next in a straight line. An extra 10 seconds of walking is often all it takes.
2, the Killer forgoes killing people in order to secure those 3 gens. This is just a troll game with a Killer that wants to do nothing but waste your time. It can even be a reason to report someone and likely ban worthy. The Killer that isn't attempting to kill people isn't playing the game. Not only that, there are only a few Killers that can make a 3 gen strat work int he first place.
You need either a one hit down or area denial (Billy, Cannibal, Trapper, and maybe Hag) in order to not be lead away in lengthy chases. You need Hangman's Trick to not run out of hooks. You need the map to RNG 3 gens and hooks close enough to start with. AND you need Survivors not smart enough to see this happening and don't bother to stop it. Ultimately the Killer going for a 3 gen strat is doing more harm to himself than anything.
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Gen regression should be a small bit faster but definitely not this much if it were this way that would require rework of other perks such as surveillance, pop goes the weasel, overcharge and a couple others plus this is just way to powerful for the killer because he can practically have no gens be done every single game if he keeps kicking a gen camping it until it reaches zero and move on if you are having trouble with gens being done fast do a anti gen build ie (pop goes the weasel, surveillance, discordance, BBQ) you have to keep pressure on survivors or all the other ones will do gens fast
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This would, essentially, allow you to kick a generator that's almost done and regress it down to zero in under 16 seconds. You could kick every generator that's been worked on and search the area and odds are it'll be fully regressed by the time you leave. Pardon the meme, but that's a lotta' damage. That would reward someone who isn't able to find a survivor since you would be able to regress a generator five times faster than they can repair it.
On a personal note, I would be okay with a 1:1 ratio of regression, but anything beyond that is a little much. You should ideally be preventing them from working on the generators to begin with, not reversing it completely when you fail to catch them.
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So how would you improve the map pressure for the M1 killers?
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OK let's say that the GR ( Generator Regression ) will be 1 c/s so a 99% gen will take 79 sec still to long. 2 c/s this will make it 39 sec better. 3 c/s that make it 26 sec and finally 4 c/s will be 20 sec. What i really want to suggest is make the GR work base on the survivors are alive.
Is this bad too ? Because that way the original idea i post 2 months ago and get delete out of nowhere. Will YOU be ok with this or you prefer the game be balance as 1v1?
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They will not if was a survivors problem yes they will fix it in 1-2 weeks
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@DarkGGhost bru you are so one sided on this subject it is not even funny
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Ah right! I forget
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Ok thell me your ideas that are fair for both sides ?
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Try thinking on an equal state. just even try to.
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@DarkGGhost as Peanits said having a gen lose 1 charge a second would be fine because a survivor repairs a generator at 1 charge a second (without any perk benefits or items) but from this post it sounds like you are a salty killer main that can't get a 4k every game
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I think there should be an added static regression upon kick. Like a missed skill check amount.
Furthermore, it should take survivors more than just one tap to undo regression. Maybe an one full second or two.
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@Visionmaker that would be nice but instead of 1 charge a second it would have to be like 0.9 charges a second
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I'd rather that the initial kick gives a 10% regression and then it decreases as normal. As it is now kicking a gen with another survivor in the area is pointless since they loose barely any regression and can just be tapped to stop.
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I think adding a flat rate when you kick a gen would be better. What I mean is leave the current charge per second we have, but add a 15% immediate regression.
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@legion_main I don't think it's needed. While the OP is extreme in their suggestion, they are correct that regression is one way to prolong the game. A few QoL changes for killers isn't going to be horribly oppressive.
And if it is, then isn't that another way to buff lesser used perks? e.g. Buff Technician to stifle all gen explosions and halve the time to begin working on a broken generator? Buff Deja Vu to increase repair speed on regressing gens for x seconds proportionate to progress regressed? Buff Detective's Hunch to passively highlight any broken generators a la Surveillance?
@thrawn3054 Pop Goes the Weasel is 25% regression. With that in perspective, anything over 10% is absurd.