Would invisible Wraith being able to ignore walls and obstacles be op?

He’s a ghost, right? It’s a little weird he subscribes to the same rules of gravity and physics as everyone else.
Can he go through floors?
It's an important question cause there's multi-floor buildings and especially the map The Game.
Also devs don't care about realism if it makes the gameplay unbalanced.
Post edited by Boss on6 -
@pemberley Realism about how the ghosts act with their surroundings? I don't think you can ask any how are they?
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He becomes invisible; that is in no way related to being intangible. And yes, it would be OP. Just look at Nurse for reference.
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To be fair, Nurse can attack immediately after going through something.
Wraith still needs to uncloak, which could give them the time to get to the nearest window/pallet.
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Would give him a good boost in map pressure but don't think it would be op. He still has to decloak before an attack so I don't see how it could be abused.
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I side with this, anything that will buff the bing bong boi
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Wraith is invisible.
Spirit is a Ghost.
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If anyone should be able to walk through walls and teleport around, it's Freddy, he's in the dream world he should be able to do anything. Doesn't mean it would be a good idea, it'd be overpowered as ######### if they have him that ability. Same with giving killers parts of another killers's powers.
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Something just occurred to me.
He can hit Exit Gate Switches while invisible.
Since they love their lore, bring it in for consistency, devs. kthx
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He turns invisible and interacts with objects while invisible so he has a physical presence while invisible. He shouldn't be able to go through walls.
The Spirit on the other hand, leaves her physical body behind and travels in a "phased" state. She should be able to travel through physical objects including survivors.
While this sounds overpowered, killers would probably no longer be able to pull survivors off of generators without significant practice.
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Lmao as a wraith player, I’d say yeah. Too op. 😂 but I like your thinking 👌
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I would take some nerfs if we could do this. This would be a fun rework and set him apart from spirit. I just associate his invisibility uncloaking as less fun.
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This is incredibly OP.
Take Gas Havens building for example.
Survivor dips out back window, wraith goes invisible, walks out the garage wall from the side they ran towards, Uncloak > Speed Boost > Hit.
It would be like this for every Jungle Gym & Every Building, there's no way for survivor to play around it.
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Aside from being ridiculously OP, would cause many programming issues with clipping, decloaking while in a wall, getting stuck etc. Even clown gets stuck on some trees as it is, If you want to get stuck because you decloaked too close to a wall, then push for this change. lol.