Killer Fun Tier List

(Plague would be alright fun)
How much fun do you get out of each killer yourself?
Plague in last tier as well.
P.S. Really? I got my own taste in Killers downvoted? The one who did it - you're moron, mate.
Post edited by Frozenscum on9 -
Plague would be in "Killers I Don't Own" Tier
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Doctor is S+ for me though... love having an insanely big TR, and the screams barely a few seconds after match starts :)
Leatherface is mostly there because Speed Limiter double hits are about the most satisfying things I have in the game.
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This would be my fun tier list. Plague would be in either S or A for me.
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2000 hours only on Huntress
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Myers in C... YOU ARE A HERTIC!!!
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Why can't A rank be the best rank?
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Plague would be in Boring.
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*writes stuff here because "Body is 2 characters too short."*
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Insert text
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Havent played Plague, but Im guessing either "Cant Live Without" or "Dont Mind Playing".
Also, Legion is referring to the new Legion. Old Legion was a "Cant Live Without".
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Respect for giving him his own tier name.
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I play a lot of killers just for a fun Sorry billy/nurse I'm sure they're fun but console... All the killers are fun to me in different ways
rip legion thoughPlague is the only one I actually avoid... like the plague I'm sorry. I'll go now.
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I like how no one has "attacked" anyone's tier list yet.
So wholesome! 🤗
That totally jinxed it btw, i'm expecting a Vote Down on my list now.
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guess you missed @Frozenscum 's post then, which I voted up to balance, honestly these are personal opinions on fun...just wait long enough, the down voters will approach any minute. You've tempted them now @Boss
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I don't call a Vote Down an attack, that's moreso just sharing your opinion.
Things'll get SPICY now!
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It was harder than I expected it to be.
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@Boss I don't know, it's not an attack but these are just opinions on personal enjoyment, of course they might not be identical to the people reading...down voting someone's personal sense of enjoyment though, outstanding move.
Edit: plus you said Myers isn't fun, time to get rekt boi. 😂
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I'm entitled to my ass-backwards opinion
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PS: Pig was S tier before she was gutted.
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I would of put her up there also cause she was so good at encapsulating herself <3
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I'm new to the game and killer.
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You don't own Nurse?
She's free and should be standard.
Not to be mean, but since you state you're new, i suspect you don't know you have her.
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Oh, yeah, she should be in haven't played yet.
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Plague is in refuse to play.
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Plague would be in Rarely played.
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Top tier should be "Almost Always Fun".
Plague would be Mostly Fun. These killers depend on the map mostly.
My fun levels are based on how much I enjoy the average game, win or lose. Spirit I can almost always have fun even when I do poorly. Hag I can generally do well with but I have a hard time having fun, and when I get bullied as Hag it's very frustrating.
Most of the ones in the bottom I NEVER play. Clown I've played here and there but I find him boring regardless what happens.
Post edited by thesuicidefox on0 -
I like every killer except hag.
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Plague would would in haven't played
Pig Pre-EGC would be in decent
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Nurse is boring for me.
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my list (Plague would go on meh behind Pig)
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Have to update freddy goes into the ######### FUN tier now. New freddy will make his horror fans moist with his new power.
Ghostface goes in not fun at all cause feels like a cop out killer.
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Myers would be S tier but depends on how I play him.
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Plague would be “Fun on certain maps” and Ghostface would probably be “Meh”
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Lets be real
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I honestly think billy is one of the most boring killers to play as.
Not saying he's a bad killer, just really boring.
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I feel the same way. It’s very boring to play as and against Billy. I have to keep myself from falling asleep
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I think Plague will come in the top, but i need to play her some more..
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This is how I feel right now.
I have a hearing disorder and
orientation disturbance, therefore I can't play nurse very good and never will be very good with her.
Same goes for spirit.
The nerf to her ruined her for me, survivors can counter her with gen rushing now.
The devs messed up once again...
His power is just not rewarding.
You can't see #########. You have to wait ~7 seconds to be able to hit someone after putting them into sleep and then they just can break out with a frking skillcheck.
His nerf ruined his fun for me also.
His power is completely useless, besides being able to put someone in injured state very easily.
But my Mouse1 can do the same.
Going after multiple targets only work if they are close to each other and they aren't running away from you. (because you are not that much faster than them)
A missed attack immediatly ends your frenzy. Missing in frezy happens, but you are being punished with a 4 second stun, which just doesn't feel like fun for a attack which doesn't even deal any real damage.
Deep Wound doesn't feel like a punishment, just like an injured mode where you have to heal if the killer leaves your area.
As a killer you are too slow to stop gen progression with your power.
The downing potencial is also zero.
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you guys like clown?? omG. How is that even possible
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He's fun if you know how to play him.
Otherwise, not so much.
But if you like mindgames, you're in.
Plague is a good gameplay conecept and fun, but shes extremely weak.
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I agree to your first post
and I agree to disagree in your second post. But why the downvote lol, is my opinion that important so if you don't agree you have to down, can't you just ignore...
Anyway, Plague is weak, how is that fun. you just said, like: "" In theory she is fun"". Well, mate, so she is not fun at all. I do like mindgames but what's the big deal in that, you throw a bottle in one side and go to the other one to trap him. Cheers, not scaring not a cool power, slow .. is he John W. Gacy?
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Haven't played clown or huntress, I suck at nurse, my mains at top my branch offs down Bellow then my tries and then my please no and then my oh God why
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From what I've seen with Ghost Face (I'm still so mad about that space), he is solid Daily Only tier. And I've seen his daily. (For those that haven't, you need to Expose a Survivor while leaning and hit them. Three times.)
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I love Hag ❤️
I’d probably put the Plague in between Huntress & Doctor.
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This is my opnion dont judge plz