

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    People act like killers that need NOED are bad. I 4k with and without it. And to be honest, I do equip it... because I rarely get a chance to use it...

    So what?

    I'll use it if I wish.

  • Glassgo
    Glassgo Member Posts: 10

    he says true "noed is a tax on stupid survivors".

    I play mainly survivor and the noed does not pose a problem. It's just that instead of looking at a totem you have to destroy it ... When I destroy only four totem on the game is that there is a BIG problem

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Survivors: pls give us more objectives! Only gens is boring.

    Also survivors: nerf NOED! Cleansing totems is to much work.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Tsulan They want something different than holding M1.

  • Knayter
    Knayter Member Posts: 117

    I dont think noed need a nerf, but maybe a rework so it's more "fun" to play against, or just make it so that breaking dull totem is more rewarding and somewhat not too much of the time consuming thing, or you know spending that time will actually be worth it

  • Tensor
    Tensor Member Posts: 254


  • Hito420
    Hito420 Member Posts: 89

    what are you talking about? killers have constantly complained about the "second chance" perks theres not a lot of ways for survivors to fight back vs the killer an the killer is automatically faster than the survivors, add the abilities, one shot addons, mori's noed, why shouldnt survivors have the escape abilities? i will say it is for rhe survivors to take out the totems if they gen rush its on them for letting the killer have noed

  • AsmodeusJones
    AsmodeusJones Member Posts: 13

    Just do totems bro haha

    Endgame perks should be survivor-sided. Endgame is a product of survivors playing well and the killer failing to beat them on gens. Compare it to a fighting game, most of which are well-designed: "endgame" might be identified by one of the players being at much lower health than the other player. Should the lower health player suddenly receive a massive buff for no reason other than being low health? For losing the exchanges that came before it? No, the losing player has to play out of his mind with few mistakes to squeeze out a win. The winning side should have the advantage, and a long-term investment like adrenaline is fine when it activates as a product of your team playing well. NOED commits the same sin as MoM and old DS(of which MoM is not nearly as bad), offering a massive reward for losing.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I just don't like how NOED works, it's unhealthy for the game in my opinion. In fact, the reason why survivors die to it is because they are too lazy to cleanse totems. As a killer main, I don't think NOED should be strong because survivors were too lazy, it should be strong because you used the perk skillfully. However, I don't know how to turn NOED into a skillful perk...

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625
    edited May 2019

    I'm a killer main who has always and will be against the use of NOED.

    It's unhealthy for the killer, it makes them weaker by relying on one perk and (many of them) DC when they've had no kills and NOED gets destroyed in seconds.

  • Tensor
    Tensor Member Posts: 254

    It's a crutch. If you have not killed survivor before 5 gens are done. Then you don't deserve kills

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625

    Agreed. You can compare this exactly to the amount of effort needed to Mettle of Man.

    You do nothing, play bad you get rewarded.

  • Tensor
    Tensor Member Posts: 254

    Mettle of man if a 5 sec shield only. Grow up

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Same as killers who whine about MOM, DS and Adrenaline.

    Baby Killers, one and all.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited May 2019

    Or maybe just baby survivors have to use all of those crutch perks together. One of them (potentially +DS for tunnelers) fine, all of them with teammates all doing the same. Sure sounds fun... I'm sure they'd have the same amount of "skill" without them though, right?

    I used to hate NOED when I was a baby survivor and yes that is the mentality but when you consider how fast a team can rush gens optimally against the killers best efforts, I can see why some take NOED. It's a counter to gen rush in some ways, and can be prevented by doing totems which give nice BP anyway. What's wrong with new killers who are learning using it anyway, or do you like getting stomped into the ground while learning? (using a perk that's 100% preventable by the way) I'm sure this has all been said in the previous comments, I just saw this comment and...just why do we have to keep this debate going. NOED is FINE.

    NOED is not equivalent to MoM at all, nor teams all using DS, DH, adrenaline and MoM, the experiences are nowhere near the same if both are used optimally.

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625

    lol I've lasted 4 gens with Mettle of Man and an Insta-Heal.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Tensor so at the end game the killer should just stop? The game isn’t over just ‘cause five gens are done.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited May 2019

    @AsmodeusJones Except Adrenaline still activates when a killer gets a 3k and closes the hatch. NOED activates when a team fails to do a secondary objective. You could consider it a way to slow the game down about like Ruin. If NOED needs any kind of nerf, it would only be lighting up all totems so people know that it's out there. Adrenaline also cannot be removed whatsoever, nor can MoM, or DS, or any second chance perks for survivors. Killers can have perks removed from the entire game by simply doing a secondary objective. When Ruin is lit up, it's generally taken care of, so why is NOED any exception? You have the opportunity to REMOVE a killer's perk completely, why wouldn't you do this? They already have 4 perks vs 16, removing Ruin which most killers run, makes it 3 vs 16. Cleanse all the totems and that's 2 vs 16 if the killer is running both.

  • Tensor
    Tensor Member Posts: 254

    Killer should be stronger than survivors. But there is a limit. Game is no fun if everything is nerfed to oblivion and killer get free kills

  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    If you want to nefr NOED then need nerf adrenaline too :D why u not talk about it? :DNow killers using noed that counter adrenaline

  • Tensor
    Tensor Member Posts: 254

    It just seems that no matter the perk that is nerfed, You will just move on to picking on another one.

  • ThirdSealOPplzNerf
    ThirdSealOPplzNerf Member Posts: 360

    Waaa the game has a little challenge and requires brain cells to counter waaaa

  • Tensor
    Tensor Member Posts: 254

    Um, Your the one that wants survivors nerfed to oblivion

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    To all the brain dead survivors out there who never plays killer or tries to understand the game:

    NOED is a strategical perk.

    The reason of the perk is the either to force the survivors to slow the genrush down and cleanse some totems or punish greedy genrushing survivors.

    Yes genrushing is the fastest way to secure a victory or at least it enhances the chance of it, so does tunneling and focus kill a survivor.

    You have DS, MoM, Adrenaline etc to counter tunneling so it's only logical to have some counter mechanics against genrushing.

    If NOED is such a big deal cleanse the totems and be happy about the additional points or risk a one shot.

    There are many other perks with instadown and even killer powers that can instadown you without prerequisite. So giving m1 killers such an option is not that out of place nor unfair. Especially if everybody is aware of it's clear counters.

    NOED is a thing because YOU let it happen!

    If every survivor cleanses 1.25 totems every match there will be no NOED and if cleansing totems become a standard in the game, the perk will disappear naturally.

    But yeah...I guess you entitled baby survivor rather cry and scream than take responsibility and cleanse some totems.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    I'm not too bothered by NOED myself. I just hate when a heavy camper scores a 4K or 3K cause the perk basically is a crutch for their play style and rewards them for causing the Survivors to Gen Rush.

    I am seeing rather 4K heavy games though which is concerning. As a Solo Player... it's rarely even a 1E anymore. But could just be a couple nights of bad luck.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited May 2019

    @Tensor honestly perks are meant to counter each other most of the time. For example, you have Remember Me, it's counter is Wake Up. You have Iron Grasp, it's counter is SUPPOSED to be Boil Over. Light Weight, Predator. And then you have Adrenaline, No One Escapes Death. In addition, I literally JUST had a game where closing the hatch caused the last person alive who was slugged on the ground to escape when I had 3 in the basement dead on hooks because I was Hag and the doors were on opposite ends and she had adrenaline. You can't complain about NOED while things like that are happening.

  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    NOED is fine

This discussion has been closed.