'Skilled Huntress' trophy needs tweak

Hi all. Huntress is not one of my most favoured killers (I know git gud etc) but I am finishing off the trophies and finding grinding for 'Skilled Huntress' a particularly irritating experience. I mean 100 DOWNS. FROM 24 metres away? It should just be 100 downs from any distance or 100 HITS from 24 metres. Or am I just being a big tart? Thanks.
Git gud... nah I dont have that one neither and my Huntress is p2 level 50
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It must of been easier on release as Huntress' hatches were insta-down if I recall before she got nerfed. Now I have to keep farting about trying to get that red add-on. It's a right pain.
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I don't know about any distance, personally I love the long shot. Whether it's a low charge arc over a hill or a missle from a ways away, it's the most satisfying thing to pull off as Huntress.
I wouldn't try to grind this one out and let it happen over time, going for long shots only will probably leave you frustrated like it has already :)
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Just throw red add-on hatchets at random from the middle of the map, you may hit something
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That's true. Would you believe I got Swirling Death on literally the last match I played after posting this topic? I was hoping to get Skilled Huntress and at the same time grind for Swirling Death...but that's gone out the window.
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100? Wow, on PC it's 20 and i consider it too much; it sucks. Best you can do is using iridescent and aim to a hooked surv. or be friendly and get someone on a gen. Doing it playing "normal" it's... well, absurdly hard, specially using a controller.
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Hatchets never instantly downed survivors by default. You have always needed the iridescent head to do that.
To keep it simple, this was a very ambitious achievement/trophy when it was first added. We later reduced the requirement to 20 downs on other platforms, but it's a little harder to change a trophy. As long as it's still possible, we're limited in how much we can change it. Unfortunately it's gotta' stay that way unless there's a radical change to the huntress that makes that trophy no longer possible.
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I'm willing to help with this trophy I need it too.love to also get help getting Where did they go? trophy just need 5 people willing to help one another
btw @Peanits ok ps4 can we get tho trophy in KYF?
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I love that this trophie is hard to earn makes it actually rewarding to get it
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thanks makes this harder not impossible to bad it can't be 20.
we need trophie hunting group to help people who need help
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I still have zero of these hits toward that achievement on Steam. :(
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It's a horrid trophy. 😄Perhaps the worst outside some of the Adepts.
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Keep your head up. You'll get there... some day... maybe. 😅
I probably have about 3. Once we hot 60 fps and maybe higher sensitivity on PS4 I'll make a serious attempt at it.
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I have two downs towards this achievement. The only reasonable way I could see myself getting this achievement is by buckling down and farming with the Survivors and I'm at 95% completion.
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Nurse's Calling actually might help you doing that, especially the one on Tier 2. When you play on an open map, it's easy to get progress toward the achievement.
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we can all get together help each other. only way I see it working get 5 people who need to use swf and take turns being killer
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This is the one trophy that I’m missing in the game. Yes it’s extremely difficult. I just wish there was a way to track the progress so I knew if I was doing it right or not. But that’s a Sony problem not a game problem.
It would be nice though, if there were an indication or even a bonus. Something like the hag on teleportation hits or the Spirit with phase hits. It gives you extra points and tells you if you’ve done it. Something like a long distance down with a 300 point pop up. At least then I’d know if I’d made progress.
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This trophy? Wait an event, go with Huntress and find a group that wanna farm for 500% extra BP. Down then aways from further than 20 - wich is a long distance, actually, so go very far away.
Do as I do. Dont care and one day the trophy will pop. Its not required for Platinum anyway.
And Sony: go suck balls with your ######### trophy changing restricted policy.
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It’s one of those things. I don’t care as I don’t play huntress and already have the platinum. But, it’s the only one I’m missing and every time I see that missing one it bugs me :)
I’ve completed the current tome and am trying to peck away at it. It’s helped as some get what I’m for and help. Some get it too and purposely try to make sure I don’t get it.
Unfortunately it’s made my rank drop and the newer survivors don’t realize that I’m trying to do this and give them points at the same time.
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its pretty easy if you play huntress alot just go for long distance hatchets. I feel like 90% of the survivours dont even understand you can throw that far and they never even try to dodge.
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Just wait for double bloodpoints, chuck on BPS and iridescent heads and farm it.
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Yes Sony is a real pita with changing trophies which is why other devs find ways to circumvent the trophy roadblocks. Why not make the trophy "In public matches, down survivors 10 times with The Huntress' Hatchets further than 24 meters while using Iridescent Head." Other devs have found creative ways to bypass the silliness of Sony controlling things too much. One even started counting one as 10 for the purposes of easing the trophy grind when people complained. In that case, credit 5x per one hit. Or run a trophy event, double or triple progress bc most of them are super boring and way too grindy.
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On a different killer with a large number grinding achievement, why is the Trapper one worded the same "catch Survivors in bear traps" as the daily but you only get progress towards the achievement when you pick them up out of the trap not just when they step in it but for the daily they just have to step in the traps?
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Here's a tip, throw on iri head and infantry belt. Hook a survivor and get 24 meters away them, hold a hatchet and wait for someone to save. Once you get the save notification, immediately throw your hatchet. If you're lined up correctly you should get a down.
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I gave up with this trophy, but if you need a person in that 5 ppl, you can DM me :)
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Although I played this game for more than 2.7k hours, I only managed to get 3 such downs so far. I do not play Huntress regularly, though. It's the only achievement I'm missing, besided the achievements from the SH chapter which I don't own. It's really sad that I likely will never get that one finished, bc I s*ck too much with her :-(.
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Honestly, I would just pick Huntress and either use map offerings or hope you get a nice open map. Stand on top of a hill or somewhere that has decent vision of most of the map and just chuck hatchets at anyone you see.
As a survivor main, if I saw a Huntress doing this, I would stand still and let them have target practice (after getting at least 2 gens done to make sure we have a chance of getting out if they decide to start hooking people) Any survivor main that passes up opportunities to meme is boring XD
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yea it the only one I don't have but it don't work in kill your fiends so like how can we do it?
I got this game on steam and ps4 this thing mess up like 20 for steam and 100 ps4 how that fair?
but it's funny the do totem one on steam like 100 but on ps4 it what 10 or 20.
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there was an older thread looking for updates on this topic too ...any chance we can at least get a tracker to see how many counts we currently have? I've logged 113 downs on paper and still n o trophy. obviously my gauge of more than 24 meters is off :(
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I liek this too steam got one.
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Here is my plan for a long time ago, only need 3 ppl. But I still have not found partners to do it yet :(
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well we try not on my ps4 tonight my username it NekoGamerX just like here also same for my steam user name.
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Oops, I tried to add your PSN but got error, can you add me back? My PSN is same as my forum username. Feel free to set a boost schedule with me when we have 3 ppl.
P/s: I would like to send this in private message, but the forum does not support it :D
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Every time I see a topic about this achievement pop up I am so glad I got it. Its a nightmare.
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I will next time I'm on which will be sunday night. my times
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The worst part is not having a stats screen saying how many you already did, and not knowing if they were far enough away to count.
Oh then there's the survivors at the exit gates. They'll never allow you to get at least one down with a long range hatchet, even while not playing seriously all match.
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No the addon was still there it just only took away 1 hatchet
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And they decreased it from 100 to 20
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Not on PS4. Sony won't let games change their achievements unless the achievement becomes literally impossible.
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Rip why i like x box better
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I had always wondered why it was different on PS4. I have made progress, at least I think I have. Some players understand what I’m trying to do and help me out. I try not to do too many in a match so I don’t hinder points of anyone. I have just dropped s omicron his rank that I’m getting newer people who don’t understand and flee all the time.
My biggest problem is judging distance. I could have 75 downs or I could have 7.
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Lol scrolling through these comments just make me laugh. Offering to farm, resort to using iridescent head, aim randomly at stuff.
Just practice looking at survivors from a distance. Sometimes i can find a survivor in 10s of a match if it's a particularly open and clear map like autohaven.
The next step is to practice lob shots cause those can go over hills and gens. A fully charged shot can clear a gen and hit a survivor that's working on it just to mention.
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Just see it more like a livetime-achievement which actually takes skill. I main her on Xbox since she came out and got the achievement long before they nerfed the requirements from 100 to 20. NC helped me alot on this as her TR (not the humming) is only 20m. Even it got a bit harder since they nerfed her extended hitboxes. My advice: Just play her for fun and sexy shots, don't expact to win good Survivors and you'll get the achievement one day.