Please Higher BP limits per game?

Can we please earn more blood points in the 4 categories please. Ranking up is no longer determined on amount of blood points earned. With how much of a grind this game is it will help a little.
I know it's kinda rare people getting 32k normally but it will slightly help those who are more optimised in certain categories. Being able to get maybe 10k or 12k in a single catagory, not something that will completely ruin the game with farm games but just a little something to help the grind, especially for survivors. Just my opinion that they should raise the limits I would like to see it implemented.
This was kind of mentioned in the Dev Stream, they said something along the lines of We're testing out ways for you to earn more points if you run the killer around for 5 gens, if you repair 5 gens, etc.
This won't mean that getting 32k will be a likely occurance, but expect more points for good play.
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Getting more bp isn't an ideal solution, rather reduce the grind in other ways like more perks in a single bloodweb etc.
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Would love alternative ways to earn more points but increasing the limits could damage the economy of the game in many ways, so I'm not really a fan of it
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i agree.....
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How about removing the category limit but still keep a 32k maximum limit? So certain playstyles still are able to get the maximum (for example the runners, the gen jokeys etc)
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THIS! ^^ I've been having lots of fun with a custom No Mither build. It revolves around wasting the killer's time and being dropped or slugged multiple times. It's fun to waste the killer's time because their not smart enough to go after someone else, but it makes me depip :(
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I think the point of having the cathegory cap so strict is to incentivize people to do different stuff.
Personally I'm more in favour of improve the point gain of certain cathegories (more specifically Survival, but others could do)
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It feels awful running the killer for 4 gens, getting face camped and de-pipping.
Like...what am I suppose to do.
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You're supposed to work on one gen, while your 3 potato teammates rush the hook and all get downed. At least that's my experience.
Then DBD turns into a musical chairs game of pick up/unhook your friends until EGC :(
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LOL! #########
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You're supposed to be able to win the chase.
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honestly I think that the double bp should be the default ammount you get
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Come on now. You know that's not their intent. They just loop & troll for YouTube. Thank goodness for nurse lol
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There are techniques, but no guarantees.
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I'd like to see more score events for Survivors that specialize in certain actions. Perhaps increase the cap to 10k? I'm not sure how to balance the economy in this game.
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Most of the time winning a chase (5 gen run + escape or losing the killer) is a mess up by the killer. DbD is designed around you losing a chase, get hooked and rescued and eventually escape/win. That's why pallets are limited, Windows will block etc.
The killer will get you eventually, but it's about how much time you can get for your team mates finishing the gens without wasting all pallets in the first 2 minutes.
That's the absolute basic to know about DbD. And now, when you as runner did a great job, and run the killer for 4-5 gens and get facecamped but your 3 team mates escaped you did your job and should get a "win" reward.
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I do just want to ask on this though -- how does having more ways to 'get' bloodpoints help a situation if those options are in the same categories? Honestly, the limits are just a 'we need you to keep grinding' and a way to prematurely end matches because you literally can't get anymore points, even if you are playing really well. It's extremely annoying, especially with the bloodweb still being ridiculously pricey and leveling reaallly slow.
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Honestly, Id prefer if they increase the cap from 1 to 3 million instead. But increasing the category cap from 8 to 9k would nice as well. It’s just frustrating that you can’t save more than 1 million bloodpoints which isn’t even enough to get a character from lv 1 to 45.
edit: just realized the guy above me necroed lol. Least this is still relevant.