Do you enjoy playing survivor?

noneofyourbusiness Member Posts: 532
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

That's the questions to killer mains.

1.What are your feelings from the game? (when you play survivor ofc)

2.What killer is the one you like to play against and which is not?

3.What is interesting part about playing survivors for you?

4.Is the game satisfying for you?

5.If you could change something, what would it be?

6.Do you think that Survivor is easy, medium or difficult to play?

7.Which side is, in your opinion, more interactive

8.Do survivors require considerable skills to be considered good? Otherwise, is the skill cap for survivors high or low?

If someone had a bit of time to answer, thank you in advance.

Post edited by noneofyourbusiness on


  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393
    1. Relaxing, not stressful gameplay
    2. I'm fine with all, except Nurse, Billy, and Legion. All three are unpleasant to play against: good Nurse dont give a ######### of walls/vaults/pallets, good Billy always oneshots you, Legion is just ######### designed. (I must say I'm pretty bad in chases as Surv despite of red rank, but I dont mind to drop fast against other Killers)
    3. I like stealthy gameplay, hiding and avoiding is my fav part
    4. Yes, except rare times when I'm getting hard tunneled and camped, or when I play against 3 abovesaid Killers. Though I'm not mad at tunnelers and campers, since as Killer main I can understand their point at certain maps/killers.
    5. I'd add more primary objectives. As surv I'm always sneaking around, cleansing totems, checking chests, doing some stuff for the first 3 minutes of match, cause I know how frustrating as Killer see 3 gens popped even before 1 hook, so I'm trying to provide more time for Killer to enjoy game. And I'm totally dont mind to die in trial, its less points, but Surv's pip system do not require to escape. I pip most of times beeing sacrificed, while Killer need at least 3 kills to pip.
    6. Easy af. You can literally run around like beheaded chicken and still get your pip.
    7. Site? You meant side I believe? They are pretty equal, both have their activities.
    8. No, they dont need to, you can be good at only 1 aspect of surv activities and play successfully, as Killer you need to have more skills for success. Skill cap is low at anything, but chases.
  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,963

    1) survivor is nowhere near as stressful, especially since I can just die and get a new game if I do bad/get unlucky.

    2) currently the only killer I dislike playing against is the nurse, though I try to use those games to practice juking her better. Even if I do poorly, it gives my teammates time to actually try to do gens and such, so its about all that you can hope for.

    3) Honestly, not much. I would like stealth but its incredibly counterproductive most of the time once you learn how to loop properly, So usually I have the most fun trying to predict how killers will react to various cues and situations and just go from there.

    4) Not anymore. I went hard for quite a while, but between the imbalance, the constant audio bugs, and having half the game revolve around luck as a solo survivor its become a chore to play most of the time. I find killer more fun in terms of game direction, but survivor feels so much less stressful i tend to play it almost exclusively. then, not at all.

    5) Mandatory objectives, anti-snowball mechanics (for both sides,) and redesigning the more egregious balance issues (such as some particularly bad loops, as well as their necessity.) The game has definitely improved from where it has been at its worst, but there have been a number of decisions that have been abysmal and completely ruined survivor playstyles as well as killer viability. There is no real magic lightswitch that can be flicked on to fix everything that ails the game, but the devs need to really sift through the NERF/BUFF PLZ comments and really take to heart more proper (and sometimes overwhelming) feedback.

    6) Survivor is moderate difficulty when playing solo. When playing SWF, it ranges from moderate to easy as all hell depending on your teammates. The reason the randomness factor doesnt apply as much to solo survivor is because even bad SWFs can still communicate vital information that you are not supposed to have as a survivor. As a survivor you need to know when things go south and when to come up with a contingency plan, be it for a risky save or just trying to save your own skin. Having any information, no matter how small, will always make those decisions much easier to make.

    7) I feel killer is more interactive, but survivors tend to wish that wasn't the case. M1 simulator is boring as hell, and I honestly feel its a big part of why so many survivors feel the need to be toxic. Chases are more interactive and arguibly more fun, plus they give the survivor a chance to assert dominance over the killer. Given that the alternative is to just sit at a generator doing nothing, its the more interactive choice while also shifting power away from the killer and toward the survivor.

    For a lack of a better example, look at how generator repair worked in certain missions in L4D: The person who needed to transport gas cans would be nearly defenseless, while their teammates needed to defend them. Since all players were being fully interactive with the situation dynamically, it felt more rewarding than if one person was just sitting on the generator holding space for the entire encounter while one other person brought them things and 1-2 people just fought everything themselves. While obviously it cannot be taken as a side by side example due to the very different natures of the two games, I always found it an interesting parallel for the interaction theory. My understanding is some games like Last Year have attempted to make similar interactivity attempts, and even F13 has a slew of objectives that people can be working on at any given time.

    8) the skill cap for survivors is there, and it is high. Unfortunately, it is also diluted by multiple factors, so it is very difficult to gauge. A single survivor can very well determine the entire outcome of a game, which can be rather daunting in a 1v4 game. The biggest threat to a survivor's skill ceiling is the killer's ability to make accurate (and sometimes downright lucky) assessments. I mean, assuming that there also isnt something like, say, someone runing OoE in an SWF being a literal walking wallhack for their team :)

  • Sn0wJob
    Sn0wJob Member Posts: 247

    1.What are your feelings from the game? (when you play survivor ofc)

    I play an 80/20 split, I usually only play SWF when I play survivor.

    2.What killer is the one you like to play against and which is not?

     Huntress I like to play against, billy I do not.

    3.What is interesting part about playing survivors for you?

     Playing against skilled killers and seeing if we can force a 2k on them or a 0k

    4.Is the game satisfying for you?

     When the challenge feels appropriately suited and I don't feel handicapped, I have a good match

    5.If you could change something, what would it be?

     I just want a map ban feature, as someone who plays a majority of killer all the time, I  mostly hate certain maps.

    6.Do you think that Survivor is easy, medium or difficult to play?

    When its you and other good players, its easy.

    When it's solo or with bad SWF team mates its like pulling teeth.

    7.Which site is, in your opinion, is more interactive?

    Killer is far more interactive, a survivor can do gens the entire match and almost never see the killer.

    8.Do survivors require considerable skills to be considered good? Otherwise, is the skill cap for survivors high or low?

    Looping and survivor game sense are skilled areas, but doing generators is not and thats a huge part of the victory condition for survivor.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited May 2019

    1.What are your feelings from the game? (when you play survivor ofc)

    You mean like how I feel playing Survivor? Usually annoyed. Most Killers I face just camp or tunnel and almost every game my teammates are more of a hindrance than a help (even if I get into the Purple Ranks).

    2.What killer is the one you like to play against and which is not?

    Myers is the most fun to play against and Trapper is my least favorite. Myers is just really cool and spooky, even though he usually facecamps. Trapper is my least favorite because my teammates will feed him a 3 gen strat and then get caught in every bear trap he sets down. I've never had a fun game against a Trapper, even against the ones that would let me have the Hatch out of pity.

    3.What is interesting part about playing survivors for you?

    Interesting? Probably my teammates (I stalk- er, I mean keep track of them with Bond). They're usually not 100% terrible, so I find it interesting to watch and see what mistakes they make and what smart decisions they make.

    4.Is the game satisfying for you?

    No. Large portions of the game I spend holding down the square or M1 button and waiting for skillchecks an activity that is boring the first time you do it. The portions I spend in chase are interesting but rarely satisfying. When I go down it's usually because I mess up really badly, I just run out of places to go, or ways to try and deny bloodlust. It's fine, because those have to be there for balance but getting downed is never a satisfying experience. Unfortunately, staying in chase for a long time isn't satisfying either. It's engaging but I feel punished rather than rewarded for looping Killers for a long time since I usually only get Boldness points and points for the Chaser emblem. Regardless of whether I survive or die I will end up with few points and a black pip or depip. That's assuming of course that the Killer doesn't DC; which prevents me from pipping or gaining any items I found during the trial IF I manage to elude them all the way to the Exit Gates.

    5.If you could change something, what would it be?

    Either make the game more scary or more rewarding (more bloodpoints plz) for Survivors.

    6.Do you think that Survivor is easy, medium or difficult to play?

    Relatively easy to play. Survivor gameplay is in general quite forgiving and, as long as your entire team doesn't all make bad mistakes at the same time or the Killer doesn't tunnel you into the ground, you can mess up fairly often and be mostly fine.

    My issue with Survivor isn't that it's hard, but that it's an unrewarding experience.

    7.Which [side] is, in your opinion, is more interactive?

    Killer by far is the most proactive and interactive role. Survivors sit passively on generators and react to skillchecks, or they react to teammates being downed or injured, or they react to being chased. Only the chase gives Survivors meaningful input and that is limited to trying to avoid being downed.

    In short, the Killer is the only player in the game who instigates actions and has to strategize when doing so. Survivors just respond, or attempt to respond, to skillchecks and things the Killer is doing/might do.

    8.Do survivors require considerable skills to be considered good? Otherwise, is the skill cap for survivors high or low?

    Survivors do not require considerable skills to perform well or pip, but I would say that skill cap isn't necessarily low. It's not as high as that of Killers like Spirit, Nurse, or Huntress but it does take a quite a fair bit of practice to do very well.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    1.What are your feelings from the game? (when you play survivor ofc)

    I feel powerful with a good team and if the killer is not a nurse or a hillbilly, I already prepare for my escape.

    2.What killer is the one you like to play against and which is not?

    Wraith, Legion, Freddy, Doctor, Leatherface, Pig, Vomit Woman

    3.What is interesting part about playing survivors for you?

    Chases and the domination of the killer.

    4.Is the game satisfying for you?

    If my teammates arent incompetent or I have a good SWF, then yes, of course.

    5.If you could change something, what would it be?

    I kind of dislike getting matched with morons.

    Matchmaking, Ranking.

    6.Do you think that Survivor is easy, medium or difficult to play?

    Extremely easy once you get used to it.

    7.Which site is, in your opinion, is more interactive?

    Killers for a 100%

    8.Do survivors require considerable skills to be considered good? Otherwise, is the skill cap for survivors high or low?

    You just need to understand basic mechanics and you're in.

    The skill cap is very very high, while killers is low.

  • Mazemel
    Mazemel Member Posts: 14
    1. I feel like playing survivor (solo) is pointless when I could just hop into a killer game. I really only play survivor when I'm queued with people I know. The game for survivor is too redundant and boring in my opinion. It is basically just doing gens and taking turns who has chase and who is saving (occasionally pausing for a totem now and then). When the killer run a different/non-meta perk, it makes the game a bit more interesting and interactive.
    2. I really like to go against huntresses because I find getting chased by a good huntress is more fun and switches up the typical loops as you have to pay more attention to the killer and what they are doing. My least favorite killer to play against is the spirit because I'm really bad at countering her and go down really easily. I feel like I can't contribute much to the team against a half-decent spirit.
    3. The most interesting part of playing survivor is trying to figure out what perks and addons the killer is running during the game. I really enjoy scouting out what the killer is running and figuring out the best way to counter them because I feel like if I know how other people are playing killer, I can improve my own gameplay regarding fun and strategies.
    4. Playing survivor isn't as satisfying for me as getting a great hit or mindgaming the survivors as killer.
    5. I still see some killers who lag switch during chases and get some crazy hits off of me. I would want to fix the hitboxes and punish people who lag out the survivors purposefully.
    6. I can't truthfully answer this question because I believe that a lot of the difficulty relies on the killer and the build they are running. In addition to this, having communication with other survivors can change the difficulty of the game. Solo is a lot harder than queuing with other people.
    7. Killer is definitely more interactive than survivor. There is just so many more things for you to do and I feel like you have more freedom with your choices of what you want to do in the game.
    8. Survivors don't require considerable skills. Before they updated the rank system and pipping, I was able to get all the way to rank 1 as a survivor by just doing gens and going for a save or two in a game. I see survivors all the time who could probably loop for well over 3 generators, I respect these players as obviously they have put time and skill into learning the game and how to predict the movements and thought processes of the killers they face. I don't necessarily consider pipping a good indication of how good of a survivor you are. I feel like a lot of it shows by how well you work with the other survivors and interact with everything in the game.
  • noneofyourbusiness
    noneofyourbusiness Member Posts: 532

    Thank you for the answers. The best in forums is to share experiences with others, and not complaining about the game elements.

    From what I noticed for most people, the survivor's game is relaxing compared to the killer. In my case it is quite the opposite.What surprised me, some of you play SWF, the element of the game on which from almost always, the side of killers complains.

    And I see after the comments that the issue of skill cap is very diverse. How is it really? Much depends on the game against which killer and map, it all has a huge impact. For example, if you play against idk, mayby Pig on Thompson's Hause, she don't have huge chance's to win this match. On the opposite side, we can have a nurse on the game map. Everything has a significant role as the course of the game.

    As for my killers, who I do not like, nurse (my main), spirit (when i'm injured), and that's all I think. Tunneling, camping is annoying for survivor's ofc, but sometimes he's needed bc, killer must have pressure on survivorss. Most interesting part for me is forcing the killer to do something, like running to the teawall window and not making a jump, while the killer mindgames himself. But the game of the survivor is not satisfactory for me, compared to the killer ... Well, there is no better satisfaction than killing 4 man swf team, and getting salt in the chat, and i agree with you, killer ist 100% more interactive than survivor.

    Thanks again for sharing.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Even though I do play more killer, I play both sides at rank 1 regularly for the full perspective.

    1.What are your feelings from the game? (when you play survivor ofc)

    It's too easy. I'd like a more challenging experience that makes me have to put my pizza down and turn off the movie I'm watching.

    2.What killer is the one you like to play against and which is not?

    I like playing against Huntress and Spirit. I do not like playing against Billy or Nurse

    3.What is interesting part about playing survivors for you?

    The chases

    4.Is the game satisfying for you?

    As survivor it is mostly, I'd like it to be more challenging though. Survivor feels too strong. As killer I'd say no, you don't feel like you are the power role. As killer you feel like a point pinyata for survivors.

    5.If you could change something, what would it be?

    Map balance and more rank 1 viable killers.

    6.Do you think that Survivor is easy, medium or difficult to play?

    Extremely easy

    7.Which side is, in your opinion, more interactive


    8.Do survivors require considerable skills to be considered good? Otherwise, is the skill cap for survivors high or low?

    The skill ceiling on survivor is quite low which means to be good you only need a very basic game mechanic understanding. All you need is some basic pallet loop understanding and rank 1 is pretty easy.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    • #1: Inherently broken, which won't be fixed because the vast majority doesn't know how/choose to abuse it.
    • #2: Shape, Nightmare.
    • #3: Nothing anymore.
    • #4: With some specific builds, yes.
    • #5: The main objective.
    • #6: Easy-medium.
    • #7: Killer.
    • #8: Depends on how you choose to play, but the bare minimum is extremely low.
  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    1. It's less stressful, but you rely on more than just your play for success, which can be frustrating sometimes, but is part of the game.

    2. I enjoy playing against more out-there killers that require more than flowchart looping to survive against (Spirit, Hag). I particularly don't enjoy playing against Myers because it's extra stressful and Freddy because it's boring af.

    3. Being able to play each match a bit differently. It requires adapting quite a bit, sometimes you just sit doing gens all game because the killer gives no ######### about you and sometimes it's chases nonstop. You never know exactly what you'll be required to do when the game loads. As the killer you always know you gotta do a bit of everything.

    4. Yes, moreso when my bf is playing with me because it's more fun. (we don't even pull strats or share too much info or anything, it's just more fun to have company as survivor).

    5. I think chases should be more fun, and by that I mean less of the same looping in a lot of matches and more of what it is vs mindgame based killers.

    6. It depends, absolute difficulty is difficult to assess. I think it's not any easier or harder than killer, some variables are shifted.

    7.Oh killer definitely. As killer you KNOW the game will be interactive for you, as survivor, depending on your team and the killer, you can escape without being chased or die on first hook, so it's not always interactive.

    8. To be consistently good yeah. You're not gonna climb by being mediocre as fast as you would with map and objective awareness and looping skills. Since you don't rely only on your own skills as survivor sometimes it feels like it's easier, but it's not. It just has higher variance than killer (sometimes you get carried and sometimes you play crazy well and die, but over time it balances out).