It's balanced as is.

Please don't do this protection nonsense. You're just taking away perks from survivors at this point. Update Left behind. You want to talk about a broken perk!

MoM is a ONE time DH. It is FINE there are prerequisites, there are penalties after, and MANY counters ALREADY in the game. Take away the speed burst for the ONE hit that MoM prevents if you have to do anything. But you're making it unuseable now, just like you did to DS. You are taking away diversity and creating a new META, with survivors having fewer and fewer decent perks.


  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    Nerf MoM. Discord its very big disblanced perk of survivors. :D

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371

    MoM becoming less reliable and more inconsistent and exponentially more situational than Head so as to only trigger once every thousand or so matches if your lucky and the coding actually works noticing your taking a hit for a team mate 3 times before it even becomes an option On is clearly the way to go.


  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    Maybe voice programs equate to cheats or exploit? :D

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161
  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    maybe as I wrote earlier voice programs a big problem in this game

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    The problem is they haven't done enough to make killers strong enough to face off against SWF 'cause Solo survivors lack in the communication and coordination and Solo would often take more of a hit than SWF. They're also hesitant in giving base-line buffs that would help solo players, regardless of how unaffected SWF would generally be. And people support not buffing solo or giving solo more tools for some reason.

    People who try to say it's cheating hurt any argument they're trying to say, though, especially when you consider their official discord has channels people can SWF in.

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371

    @fluffybunny SWF have audio coms via un-policable external programs unnaturally enhancing their performance with tools not intended to be in the game.

    To combat this give solo survivors not using SWF [ Bond ] as a baseline buff

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532

    And how do you feel about legion getting his feral frenzy vault speed back?

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    MoM is a sprint burst, not Deadhard. Wayyyyy stronger than just that small deadhard dash.

  • Sn0wJob
    Sn0wJob Member Posts: 247

    Good heavens, would ya look at the time.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Most people are in agreement that there needs to be an increase in the vault speed. That's not relevant to this post.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Was a dumb perk, and while one can be dealt with, if 3-4 survivors had it, it was a nightmare for any M1 killer. Changing it is necessary, get over it.

    That said, I don't think "Protection" hits is a good approach. Taking hits while killer is carrying is not a good strategy, don't think it should be rewarded (fine by me though, I love Mad Grit anyway, but it's a dumb thing for a survivor to do). I think they should just remove the speed bonus for the third hit, and, like with pre-nerf DS, there should be a reliable indication as to which survivor has it. This way it would still have a usefulness for the survivor who uses it, but would give a chance to killer to prepare for it. (So we could tunnel the living crap out of them, same as we used to with DS users :D )

  • Sn0wJob
    Sn0wJob Member Posts: 247
    edited May 2019

    I think healing health states would be a better requirement,

    1 charge for healing 1 1/2 health states seems pretty reasonable.

    But it has to be OTHER SURVIVORS YOU HEAL

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773
    edited May 2019

    I really don't hate the perk in it's current state. It seems the biggest issue is something around chasing a survivor for multiple gens and when you're finally going to get the down, mom instead now gives the skilled survivors more chances to waste the killers time. This, with all 4 survivors is quite strong, talking mostly on m1 killers here.

    How about some thing like:

    After getting hit 3 times by a Killer's basic attack, the perk will activate.

    While in chase, the perk will countdown a 40 second timer. The timer stops when out of a chase.

    As long as the perk is still activated, the next occasion that would put you into the Dying State  from the Injured State is ignored.

    The next time you heal back to full health, your Aura will be revealed to the Killer when you are farther than 16/24/32 metres from the Killer.

    Mettle of Man will deactivate the next time you are put into the Dying State.

    Increases your chances of being the Obsession.

    The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

    This is incase the person using mom chases you for overly extended periods of time, maybe increase the 40 seconds. It was just an idea i had after the stream.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @FTSA because you can counter spirit fury by dropping the pallet ealier.

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2019

    Killers complain that "MoM has no counter" yet there are M2 Killers and some M1 Killers with and without mods . . . And for the rest there's ways of denying it getting to the 3rd pip. So it has counters.

    Once the MoM nerf drops, Survivors who use MoM will have ABSOLUTELY NO WAY TO COUNTER THIS. (that my friends, is called double standards and / or one sided hypocritical balance) 😀

    Add to that how remotely situational the perk will become I doubt it'll be in anyone's perk loadout,

    Fix this clear discrepancy in fair and consistent balance before the patch goes live by making all defensive attacks received count towards the MoM pip system

    And equally as important for fair and consistent balance, for M2 / instant down attacks make them count twice towards MoM's pip progression as they take two health bars away at once.

  • FTSA
    FTSA Member Posts: 33

    Thats an extremely poor argument. So after the killer kicks 2 pallets, you prematurely drop EVERY pallet after that so that he doesn't get a BS hit on you? No, thats not called counter play, thats called being braindead and wasting all the pallets, and removing any sort of mind-games that pallet has. You are supposed to loop and mind-game pallets, not drop them as soon as you get to them. If you genuinely think dropping pallets prematurely is good counter play then you have extremely poor game sense. If i'm looping the killer, and get a stun as I drop the pallet, that means I timed the loop well and predicted how much the killer would catch up, thus, I should be rewarded not punished. As for dropping pallets prematurely, you are essentially wasting a bunch of pallets, not involving any sort of fun mind-games, and you are hurting your teammates since they will have no pallets to work with.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @FTSA the idea is to drop pallets slightly early if they have enduring. If they don't have enduring then they almost never have spirit furry and if they do have enduring then they almost always have spirit furry.

    Since if they have enduring a stun won't get you very much value anyway you won't be missing out on much. And if they just have Spirit Furry then the 2 seconds is enough that you might be able to get somewhere safe in that time anyways depending on where you are.

  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    MoM will change

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @FTSA if you know how to run well, you will keep a pallet up for a long time.

    Also i know this is a weird sentence but.... try to lose a killer?

    OH also remember that they are using 2 perks to get that possible hit. If they are only using Spirit Fury you should have enough time to get to a window (all depends on the map :d)

  • FTSA
    FTSA Member Posts: 33

    yeah just lose the killer 4head. Let him screw over your teammates with his BS perk. Also, no, you dont run 2 perks for spirit fury, killers run enduring regardless of spirit fury. Enduring was the meta before spirit fury existed. So using the whole "2 perks for it to work argument is BS. Thats like saying "yeah well U need 2 perks for MoM to work, MoM and Self care, so its obviously not broken". No, both of these perks give you undeserved hits that were not earned, its simple as that.

  • FTSA
    FTSA Member Posts: 33

    @NuclearBurrito no stunning a killer with enduring DOES give you enough time to escape because they also have to break the pallet too. So the stun + pallet break gives you plenty of time, stun + spirit fury does not, it's an undeserved brain dead hold W perk.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @FTSA you can get away from a pallet when they have enduring because of the pallet. The stun isn't giving you much value, so you don't lose much by dropping it early in order to avoid spirit furry. They still have to deal with the pallet, the difference is you aren't wasting your time going for a stun that won't do anything

  • Victory
    Victory Member Posts: 166

    According to stats, over 50% of games are solo games. Also swf isn't too hard to deal with, they're all overly altruistic, as a killer, you need to learn to adapt when you're being outplayed.

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    Survival rate is below 50% for all platforms, regardless of swf teams

  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    @Victory if 50% procent solo need 100% solo.Lul its joke?Killer need adapt?Who survive?Killer? Why killer must to adapt??I think surviviors must to adapt solo game because they ARE SURVIVORS!) FUNNY COMMENT DUDE

  • Victory
    Victory Member Posts: 166

    Survivors do adapt, and when we do, you guys whine on the forums till we get nerfed again, we adapt again, cycle continues. You should start adapting, so you won't get outskilled everygame by swf.

  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    @fluffybanny I agree with u that killers often not win SWF. but not agree that SWF is useful thing.

  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    @Victory survivors are survivors!SWF give u ability to control every killer's step.Because in SWF u use voice programs.Adapt to play solo.killers survivors only solo and go first rank up survivor solo.can u do this alone?

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    In my experience SWF is a #$% storm. Everyone knowing what everyone is doing ends up with chaos. But I've had trouble finding good teammates on PS4.

  • Victory
    Victory Member Posts: 166

    Yeah I can. You aren't supposed to win every game anyways? Its a video game, not supposed to win every game.

  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    If u can win solo play with voice in "kill friends" I think its will be good

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2019

    So no word on allowing MoM to counter M2 attacks (and other 1 shot killers) once the nerf goes live making the perk hyper situational only being relevant in extremely rare situations every couple of hundred matches because presently it has no counter to this type of Killer?'

    Oh wait that's right, what's ok for one is not ok for all. Forgot about the culture of hypocritical double standards we have going on here.

  • EnviouSLAY
    EnviouSLAY Member Posts: 300

    Honestly @ devs if they change MoM can I get a refund? Frankly the community would deserve a refund at that point because that is the only reason 90% of the community bought him... so I'll take my 4.99 PLUS TAX back thanks ♥

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The only rework they mentioned was explicitly stated to be one of several they've tinkered with. It's not final in any way.

    No. Read the EULA you agreed to when you bought the game.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @FTSA "killers run enduring regardless of spirit fury. Enduring was the meta before spirit fury existed. So using the whole "2 perks for it to work argument is BS"

    Yes. Yes it was - You're using 2 perks for it to work good.

    You DONT have to use any other perks with MoM because you will get it on either 2nd or 3rd hook.