Get rid of endgame please

If you are the one survivor left and the killer has closed the hatch, it is impossible to escape. Even if you did gens, saved people from hooks, avoided the killer, won chases and were absolutely flawless, the devs have decided that even you don't deserve to escape. You are forced to go for an exit against a timer where the killer can just patrol the gates. If he spots you its game over and if its a high mobile killer you have 0% chance.

Why have they not thought about this? Oh yeah cos they only care about making killer play easier at the expense of decent survivors who have an impossible unfair challenge.


  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    False. You CAN escape this scenario. Did it myself. It is difficult as it should be in a 1v1 because the Killer is and should be stronger in this scenario.

    You have to be very stealthy and time it well. I admit, if RNGsus is not on your side and sporns the exit gates close to each other, well... that is another problem. And escaping against Nurse/Billy/Legion/Spirit is more difficult due to their mobility.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    @LapisInfernalis And escaping against the trapper is impossible.

    Not mentioning that some killers are camping the hatch and close this when they discover survivor's location.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Nope sorry they won't get rid of it bud:) it's fine as it is git gud;) you do you know you can escape from the gates right? Also git gud buddy;)

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Wrong about the trapper bud;) cause I had a match with the trapper and he closed the hatch and you know what I escape through the gate and I survived and the trapper was rank 10 and he was hard to escape but I did;) Also if they camp then just escape through the gate;)

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    When they camp, then do all totems, make the last gens 99% and then finish them.

    I had one of these scenarios against a Huntress on swamp. She camped the hatch, so I 99%ed the last two gens that were near each other. When I finished them, she came but I ran over where the hatch was and got out.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    And by the way:

    There is nothing that is impossible.

  • globalbeast
    globalbeast Member Posts: 10

    How about getting a key instead of a flashlight or Wake Up instead of MoM ?

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183
    edited May 2019

    @jackkn12 You really don't know what am i talking about... trapper can easily cut off gate switches easily by placing the traps in front of them, as soon as he does that... its game over... you were lucky that trapper didn't used this technique.

    @LapisInfernalis You won not because of the good tactic, but because the huntress was retarted and she didn't closed the hatch... this or you had a key.

    Both stories don't tell anything about the way of countering these tactics, both tell about the killers who didn't used them.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 417

    I would agree either this particular hatch close case needs tweaks to EGC or matchmaking for solos must be reworked to work properly (i.e. not rank-based) and give you good teammates if you’re good at the game so that it’s kind of deserved for the killer to have a ridiculous advantage.

    I don’t see though why the entire endgame would have to be removed.

    Another solution is to go SWF with people who are sufficiently good at the game so that the killer only rarely gets three kills before the gates are open.

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    It matters on RNG, if you are alone and gates are close, then. It's hard to see escaping, BUT. It's possible. Easily possible. Just hard to do this as time matters. One mistake and you goofed.

    Endgame doesn't need to be removed, maybe touched up on if the hatch is closed. But otherwise, it's fine.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    @LastShoe she didn't close the hatch. Maybe she wanted me to come so she can close it in front of me. And no I had no key.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    @LapisInfernalis It was a key or she was just very bad at adopting to recent changes...

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Nope. I'm telling the truth. Maybe she didn't know but I. Had. No. Key!