What if Boil Over made it harder for the killer to get a hook as quickly

Like decreasing movement speed while carrying a survivor or making the struggle effects even more prominent
You should make a more thorough analysis on this idea.
(By that I mean elaborate some more, or build upon this idea.)
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Let throw in some numbers
"While the killer is carrying you their movement speed is decreased by 8/9/10% "
Wouldn't be too big of an issue because more of often than not you're going to be relatively close to a hook. This could help Sabo builds and niche perks like Flip Flop as you'd have more time to try and escape without making you struggle faster. Plus: Agitation is a counter.
As for the other idea "As you struggle your effects on the killer slowly increase from 75%-115/120/125%"
Adds that idea to boil over that you're putting up a fight
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The Wiggle Meter should go up faster. Like by 4/8/12% or something. It should be a counter to Iron Grasp. Since you also mess their movement and Survivor Perks are supposed to be weaker, it should be lower. Maybe 2/4/6%.
When I first got the perk I thought wiggle meter would go up 75%. Oh how wrong I was.
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While that's possible since decisive is different; I don't think that's the solution
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Would be like old decisive. No.
If the killer already downs you, why should you get a free escape?
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Except my suggestion doesn't give you a free, uncounterable escape and just make things a bit harder for the killer
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Boil over, I think, already hinders killer movement especially on Saw and Lery’s. I know because I was playing a fun photo pill Freddy build on Lery’s and this Tapp kept pushing me into the wall and I couldn’t move.
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I mean they need to do something with it because it is absolutely useless.
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a lot of perks are useless and they either do nothing about it or claim to buff it and it's still useless like Left Behind. LUL
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Sure Boil Over can push them into the wall, but then push them back out since you cant control the wiggle.
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It could auto wiggle. No A/D spamming.
On top of that, get every 3-5 seconds (lvl 3-1) a DS like skill check, that (if successful) pushes the killer hard into a random direction. Like 3-4 meters.
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I play a lot of killer and survivor and I think it would be hilarious to randomly get yanked in a random direction while carrying a survivor. It could be the difference between being hooked or escaping by being yanked away from the hook.
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With the current hook spawns, every meter counts. Don't ask to make Boil Over into another 2nd-chance-perk.
Your teammates can block the killer's way to the hook and tank hits to save you.
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Boil Over already does, doesn't it? Getting stuck on literally everything on your way to a hook burns precious seconds that can end up in you getting free.
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He need a buff or something more appealing i agree on that. Wiggle speed would be too strong with the wiggle build (flip-flop - unbreakable - tenacity - boil over).
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People are against going slower (understandable) and wiggle timer going faster (curious as to why?). How do people feel about the blocked aura area being bigger?
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would failing the skill check reduce the wiggle meter?(probably should)
kind of like, it could probably even add second phase of hooking auto spams space bar
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I feel like a decrease in movement speed would be unnecessary.
When you struggle normally, killers move very slightly side by side.
Here’s my idea: Regular speed, keep hook auras nearby not to be shown, and keep the %.
Boil over is supposed to make you feel like you’re trying your absolute best to escape.
What if killer had a harder time to transport you overall? (Making it more difficult to move but not by a lot!)
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@SurpriseSurprise its also thematically fit with Kate. Shes the only one to actually fight off the entity for any amount before being dragged into its realm. She actually hit/hurt it.
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so you want to make the killer even more slower giving the killer less map pressure. yeah no .... this would hinder killers when survivor is easy mode
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125% extra to punisher the killer. im sorry but those values are ######### ridiculous lol. so you want another get out of jail free card. when survivors have enough as it is. no.
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Boil over is already alright. Maybe not on its own, but I have a build that's: Flip-Flop, Boil Over, & Tenacity. It's obnoxious tbh. Killers walk into walls when they try to carry me & they try to slug but I escape when they eventually pick me up.
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People are against going slower and the wiggle time going faster because having a survivor dead to rights and them getting away from you because of a perk/item is the shittyist feeling in the world and why killers hate old DS, MOM, and Instaheals.
Turning boil over into a second chance perk and not a "I'm gonna waste more of your time going to a hook" perk would piss off a ton of killers and that's why people don't want it.
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Boil over is fine the way it is. If you were to buff it would be too powerful. It’s just suppose to buy you a little bit more time (or lots on indoor areas) to escape the killers grasp.
In close space areas with a lots of nooks (like door ways) can be very annoying with boil over making this perk situational.
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No. That's not the buff what this perk needs.
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boil over needs a huge nerf since its a trash perk right now dosent give anything and waste of a perk slot should increase the speed of the wiggle bar 10% or similar way
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So...It's trash, yet it needs a nerf..?
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@Chaotic_Riddle I was drinking milk when I read this and it came out my nose after I read it
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@legion_main Hopefully it didn't get on anything important. ;0
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Do you wanna get slugged? Because that's how you get slugged.
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@Orion Well getting slugged means perks like unbreakable or even no mither are more meta
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I like this idea.
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If it was this and another benefit then I wouldn't mind that
if you mean only that as a benefit then its not worth having
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😂😂 All these Thumbs down wow
Iron grasp .. reduces Survivor wiggle effects by what 30 % ? And increases wiggle timer by 75 %
Agitation increases movement speed by 18 % while carrying a Survivor
Mad Grit , when hitting a Survivor while carrying another the wiggle meter pauses for 3 seconds
This is just outright hilarious man .
Boil over is so useless that if a killer walks to the side it helps them get faster to the Hook .
But there are some other useless Killer perks that should be looked at too to make the game more Scary like Stridor .
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I actually love this idea, I loved this perk at release and would like to see it useful again (still laugh remembering a hillbilly that would walk into a wall next to the shack door, stop, right himself to exit then get pushed to the other side of the door and hit the wall again 😂 but killers have adapted to it now and it barely works in open spaces/only works in tight walled or object heavy areas)
This buff still wouldn't be OP and would make it more interesting to use especially as a counter to iron grasp (and auto struggle yes please, still waiting on that hold to struggle on the hook change). I wouldn't mind it as killer or survivor.
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Boil over needs to either increase the rate wiggle is gained, or slow down the killer. I advise increasing the rate wiggle is gained. As far as the hook aura blindness, that's about worthless, as far as the +75% wiggle effects, that is only slightly less worthless. As killer it means nothing to me, and as survivor it's never made a difference.
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I might add, killers have Agitation and Iron Grasp, to help them get to a hook faster, and Boil over does almost nothing for survivor to prevent it from happening.
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No what i mean it needs a buff or a rework make that you wiggle faster but not a crazy % i will not say the % since ppl will overreact i do like this perk only if its indoors map like lerrys or the game
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I think Boil Over should just get some number buff: the struggle effect should be more than 75% because it doesn't work on most of the maps, and the hook auras should be obscured in a way bigger range. Considering a carrying killer can travel up to 58.9 m (from the wiki), imo the range should be buffed to 32-48 meters. It wouldn't stop a killer from seeing the actual hooks (or remembering their position), but it could lead them to take a wrong path.
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You also need saboteur and a toolkit to really make it work, hook placement is just so bad on some maps there's a hook around every corner and you waste 3 perk slots.
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That's exactly the point of the perk.
Sorry I get that Killers don't like "second chance" perks but guess what Survivors don't like getting hooked.
If the perk never manages to give you what it's supposed to do (a chance to escape) then it is useless. Do you killers even listen to yourselves?
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You want to be left to bleed out for 4 minutes every single trial? Sure, that sounds like fun. /s
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It's fine. My fellow survivors can come over to pick me up then, or just pack NoMither or Unbreakable as suggested and you're back on your feet when the killer leaves you out to bleed.
These are valid strategies and alternative ways to waste a killer's time.
The alternative is everyone just plays looper builds, and we all know how much killers love that.
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@Mochan There is a difference between a "2nd-chance-perk" and a perk that simply helps you increasing your odds of survival.
Don't think everyone who wants a balanced game is a killer main. What fun is a "win" when it is achieved by having used a dozen 2nd chances? That doesn't feel like having accomplished anything. It doesn't feel like a win.
Btw, if you want to let others know that you replied to them, please use the @ function.
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Except when killers start running slugging builds. I'd rather be hook farmed to death than be left on the ground every single trial.
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Don't try to change anything in survivor favour. This is a killer forum. You can see in the previous page a conversation about "PETITION TO BRING OLD REMEMBER ME BACK" and that has better responses. lol
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Or... what if Boil Over extends the killer stun from dropping you now that Enduring won't be a thing.
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Tge game was never intended to not get survivors on a hook. The only purpose of the wiggle bar is to pretend the killer from hooking everyone in the basement. Stop asking for ways to give survivors the ability to stop the core function of the game. It only forces killer to slug more and try to avoid hooking, nothing anyone will actually enjoy if it happens
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The problem with buffing wiggle perks is that wiggling free is supposed to be a rarity. It's there so the killer can't just hold you the whole game or bring you to the basement every time.
Enduring wont effect any stuns outside of pallets from now on so if it was possible to wiggle free easily with 1 or 2 perks it'd be pretty game braking.