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Autodidact or We'll Make It?

I have never used Autodidact but it would be nice if you have 5 tokens, 75% free healing. But the downside is RNG based though, if you're lucky to have many skillchecks, it's golden.

We'll Make It is by far the most effective healing in my opinion, even though you need to rescue someone to activate it. With 120s of healing, x2 faster, it mostly covers all the match if you rescue 3 or more people with it.

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  • Member Posts: 3,919

    Currently its so random if you're gonna get lucky with Autodidact stacks or not. We'll Make It is far more reliable.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    We'll Make It. Much more reliable. Botany is a good choice as well. Not nearly as fast as We'll Make It. But it has the upsides of, always being active, effecting yourself when self caring, and making your med kits last longer.

  • Member Posts: 1,922

    Why not go all out healing wise. Botany knowledge we'll make it, autodidact, a green medkit with both the green add-ons that increase speed and possibly self care to top it off. Max efficiency and Max speed

  • Member Posts: 695
    edited May 2019

    The healing progress can't not go over 100%, so botany + we'll make it is wasted, same thing goes for medkit + autodidact can't be used together.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    Autodidact is garbage. Don't believe me? Just play 5 games with it and come back and tell me how many tokens on average you get. Any heal perk will out perform it.

  • Member Posts: 695

    Nah just by the look of it I already knew it was but the concept kinda cool when giving free 75% healing progress at the stack of 5 tokens

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I ran autodidact for about a month and it’s just too unreliable. If you don’t get your tokens early than it can be really counterproductive later in the match. We’ll make it is a lot more reliable

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    We'll Make It is one of my favourite perks, it's usually in every build I run. I like Autodidact but it's just so RNG if you get your stacks or not, so I'd rather stick with WMI personally.

  • Member Posts: 295

    I was lucky enough to get 5 stacks early in a game and that helped 3 of us to escape as after the 5 stacks managed to do a further 5 heals in quick time.

    But yes it is random if works so prefer We'll make it. Just need stupid survivors to stop running away after unhook lol

  • Member Posts: 16,662
    edited May 2019

    We Will Make It is a great Perk, always my Perk to go.

    I also really like Autodidact, but like said before, it is pure RNG. Sometimes I get 4 Stacks in 1 Healing Process, this is great, if I get the 5ths Stack then, I will be so useful. But when you get your first Stack lategame or are in a Rush to heal someone and start getting Stacks...

    Yeah, Autodidact is a cool concept, but not compareable to We Will Make It.

  • Member Posts: 393
    edited May 2019

    Fastest possible healing speed is 4 seconds. Green Medkit with addons, WMI, Botany, Resilience and Spine Chill buffs. So, yes, you can have more then 100% healing speed.

    Autodidact to be viable should have 2 guaranteed skill checks during healing, on top of random ones, like Snap Out has.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Autodidact ask run Unnerving. Hahah

  • Member Posts: 198

    WWMI is way better you can easily heal multiple survivors after an unhook,this perk never left any of my build for more then a year now :D

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Run BOTH perks

  • Member Posts: 695

    Good idea but wasted slot unless I have some one to play swf

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    Both is not really gonna work. You heal so fast that you might not get Skill Checks.

  • Member Posts: 118

    @PeenutsButt3r I watched Monto use it on YouTube. Don't bother!

  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    We'll Make It is great if you want something consistent. It'll work every time as long as the killer is far enough away. Autodidact is a risk. It could pay off, but it could also backfire horribly. You don't need an unhook, but you do need to get lucky and get skill checks. I would personally recommend running Spine Chill if you want to really make it work. The increased skill check chance will work wonders and increase your chances as the killer heads your way.

  • Member Posts: 3,786
    edited May 2019

    I'd say We'll Make It, but nowadays I find it almot useless: if the killer doesn't come back asap after the unhook (which is rather common) the other guy most of the times runs away, making you waste a ton of time.

    I wouldn't recommend it for solo survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    I hope when charms come out (if they are something that's going to stay in game permanently) that theres a few charms that boost the chances of getting a skillcheck while healing.... it would be dope for autodidact

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Yeah. I run we'll make it with friends, but randos will either run accross the map or straight up not let you heal them anywhere. So I pass on any healing perks with randos.

  • Member Posts: 356
    edited May 2019

    autodidact was considerable before it got nerfed, just as any FUN survivor perk that gets nerfed to the grounds

  • Member Posts: 3,293

    Autodidact is gimmicky trash so don't bother.

  • Member Posts: 269

    We'll make it ftw.

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