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Voice programs

Honestly voice programs the survivors I take it as an dishonest advantage.This my opinion.what do u think about it?and what do u think about it DEVS plz answer.

ps no trolls no blame

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  • Member Posts: 1,142

    Given the numbers, it really is not a huge advantage.

  • Member Posts: 192

    It's an advantage but not one that the devs can do anything about without basically taking their own game out back and shooting it.

  • Member Posts: 77

    What they need to do is create a queue of killers to play against SWF.

    In this queue, the killers can listen to the survivors talk, in this way, the balance is balanced between SWF and killers

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    I'm not a fan, but swf is here to stay and everyone is on discord these days. The only thing I would want to see happen is that SWF can be chosen a queue type for killers to play against. I am ok with waiting longer for a full solo q game. When I play survivor I play exclusively solo and I honestly like it that. Though the issue of swf goes so much further beyond just voice communication. The worst person to person experiences I've ever had in this game have come from swf.

  • Member Posts: 620

    @RicardiBacardi listen Chinese players :D

  • Member Posts: 77

    Well, the important thing is you hear them talk, and if you understand them, its a bonus.

  • Member Posts: 68

    That'll never work because they will just go into party chat and mute the game chat or talk through discord

  • Member Posts: 77
  • Member Posts: 270

    So - the only people using it will be 12 year olds who want to scream about how they just had carnal relations with another players mother, mouthbreathers who sound like they just ran up 12 flights of stairs, and people whose radios go up to 11 and are obsessed with the latest boyband...all of whom cannot be muted.

    Meanwhile everyone else just keeps using discord so you can't hear them talk.

    That's the worst plot twist I've seen since the last M. Night movie.

  • Member Posts: 77

    You don't understand, if you play with your friends in the SWF queue, the killer can hear you talking to your teammates, without the possibility of silencing the game. Using any type of voice communication program.

    Its like within a radius of XX, you can hear them talk.

  • Member Posts: 77

    I would like to see how the voice system could be implemented for all the survivors and the killer, being able to whisper to your friends and fear that the killer will hear you or not.

    It would add suspense to this game, something that was lost a long time ago.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    This is coming from a Freddy main, SWF is not that big of a problem and I don't even tunnel, I just sit down and relax and whenever I enter a chase I just break there sanity

  • Member Posts: 68

    I personally just don't think it will help, not that the idea is bad because it's not but people will find another way to communicate without the killer hearing them and it will be the same as it is now

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2019

    I view voice coms with swf as cheating. The equivalent of a killer running speed hacks. The game wasn't intending for survivors to have voice chat between each other.

    This is why I save my best addons with a mori for those groups as it's trying to level the playing field as much as possible. Which ends up being funny as the swf group DC's as soon as they see what you're running because they don't think it's a fair game..oh the irony.

  • Member Posts: 620

    @Blueberry agree.SWF team like to disconnect when they seememento mori)

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    It's because they don't actually want a fair match, those groups just want to bully a killer.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    if there was game chat I would use that instead in SWF but there isn't so I have to use party chat.

  • Member Posts: 2,320

    @Blueberry TBH though.. they don't even need to DC in the match.. they can have one of their teammates DC during the loading screen right after the game shows them you are burning a secret offering.

    At least you get to keep your offering though. This hasn't caught on too much, but I've gotten this a few times.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
  • Member Posts: 620

    If u will voice chat in game it will HELL for killers because people will play SWF with voice programs and solo surviviors will use game chat

  • Member Posts: 194

    @RicardiBacardi fine I'll detach my mic from my headset and use Discord on my phone. Easy way to get around it.

  • Member Posts: 620

    And main survivors wantvoice programs that was opportunity to annoy killer

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Just add voice chat to the game. Give the option to mute. Have the range be like 12 meters. Let the killer hear if they're in range. Have the killer unable to talk to avoid making deals.

  • Member Posts: 620

    @Peanits thanks for answer

    But when survivors with voice programs are controlling killer's steps and take information about generators (degree of repair) I mean.

    ps.without toolboxes gens repair fast but it other issue...

  • Member Posts: 114

    4 man SWF that coordinate their perks around each other with 3 of them body blocking on each hook attempt is a guaranteed wiggle free. Happened to me multiple times in a match yesterday. It was far from fun.

    Not to mention the 2 with flashlights always knew where their friend went down to be there with their purple flashlights trying to blind me.

    It's hell when the group is really good and take perks based on the group.

    I basically got farmed the whole match I should have just walked away and saved myself the frustration.

  • Member Posts: 229

    yeah, but its hard at some point too. Not any flashlight save could be succesful.

    Otherwise, you could run mad grit or agitation, that could give you a better chance on succesful hook.

  • Member Posts: 2,886
    edited May 2019

    Just how common are these hardcore 4-man super coordinated bully squads?

    I am sure they are not as common as deranking killers bullying baby survivors in the low ranks.

    So really, I don't care. It's a big advantage, yes, but there are tons of casual players who don't abuse it, there are tons of casual survivors and solo survivors who get massacred by killers every day, there are tons of casual killers who get outplayed by casual survivors every day.

    Far more than the number of hardcore SWF groups and hardcore killers who just want to bully survivors (and yes there are many of those), I'm sure.

    This is a non-issue, but killers can't seem to let it go. Just let it go. Just accept that sometimes you will be outplayed, and sometimes you will be the one outplaying others.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    And you think using Ebony Moris is fair? Killers who use Ebony Mori just want to bully survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    I'm sorry that you had to face superior players, but no, actually I'm not sorry.

    Sometimes you will just get outplayed! That's how it is. There is always someone better than you. There are tons of good players out there. And they will beat the snot out of you whether they are in an SWF or not.

    Just accept the loss, learn from it if you can, and move on to the next game.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    You missed my entire point.

    I don't think Ebony Mori's are fair. I think they are fair when you are going against a full SWF on coms rolling with their insta heals and purple flashlights.

    I highly disagree that the average killer runs Ebony Mori's just because they want to bully survivors.

  • Member Posts: 114

    I lose matches it's not the loss that was bothering me.... If it wasn't swf they wouldnt have done near as well as they did. I would have gotten more hooks.

    I managed to kill 2 of them in the end but I feel like they let me have 2 kills for putting up with them the whole match.

    I could have just DC OR Walked away until they left the match. It was obvious they were on headsets they could have beat me without the coms as they were all really good.

    I was playing around rank 13. I just ran into a swf group that either didn't play after rank reset or intentionally deranked to farm less skilled killers.

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