Vanilla Gameplay Experiment E-mails

Has anyone gotten them yet? They said they would send them out around this time.
My face when after all this waiting I'm not even selected for the test.
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I just opened up my email and got this...
I guess I wasn't accepted.
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You got the email and it just said that you were not accepted?
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I think it was just a joke xD
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Mine just had a photocopy of M. Cote's middle finger.
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Anybody know how many people signed up? At first I thought 500 sounded like quite a lot, but idk
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Probably 5000 applicants
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Just got my invitation😉
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Its 500 spots, so we'll see out of how many signed up get in.
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honestly it sounds very lack luster; out of all the KYF gamemode concepts that have been done then choose the easiest one that honestly doesn't even require a test...its just rank 20 but with nothing....okay wig
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So people have been chosen? Damn, ofc no one's gonna choose the danes :((
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Rip I was waiting 4 days for this email and I'm kinda sad I don't get to help. Hopefully the lucky people who got chosen have a fun time. :(
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A "Thank you for your interest" rejection mail would have been polite.
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If BHVR delivers on M Cote's middle finger, I will purchase $20 in their store.
Holla @ yaboi, BHVR.
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Ikr? Feels like my old days when I applied for a job interview and some companies were "to good" to even reply with a rejection. Just straight up ignoring people and letting them wait with hope. So mean.
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@Peanits Has any of the invitations even been sent out yet?
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I'm not knowing anything, they sent a first wave?
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I haven't even heard of this. What is the experiment intended to find out?
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Instead of saying *Darn* or post meme, could we atleast have an answer?
After all the time, they treated us like this? Without a confirm?
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they were to afraid of my Hag. Muahahahahaha!
Honestly I was looking forward to playing somehting other then hag, to see how things worked with no perks or add-ons. I was betting on Clown to be a sleeper badass in that setting.
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Clown is exactly who I was intending on trying with that very same mindset.
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"After all the time"..I mean it's been a couple of days, not years. Like I get you, it would be nice if they made an announcement that they have sent the emails out but honestly, today is the 22th. Give it an extra day (or days) to see what they say.If people could be patient enough for 4 four days or so for the email, then they can still be patient for a few more days to hear the announcement that they have gather enough players for their experiment and they are grateful for all those who were interested C:.
Just wait a bit more. I am sad I didn't get the email but who knows maybe they are still sending them out so we will soon find out if they ever make an announcement. Time well tell~
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I mean you are right, but a simple statement from a mod here if the selection is closed or ongoing would be the correct way the comunicate this. If the mods don't know ... say that.
They clearly read the request for information. I don't get why you should let people incite each other in 2-3 forum posts until they are mad.
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Makes no sense, but that's how these things go on these forums.
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awaiting mine, do more devoted players get dibs? must be completely random
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So.. have they been sent out yet? I've received nothing.
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I have no idea, I asked literally everyone I know who signed up (which is everyone I know who plays DBD) and none of them got a invitation.
So either SO many people signed up that we're the ones who didn't get in or... its not over yet but they didn't tell us that yet @se05239
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Also @se05239 we don't know if they'll make a post about it or if they email whoever wasn't picked a "Thanks for being interested" email.
So its just radio silence atm which is kinda nerve racking
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I hope I get one
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Same, but we'll probably see something about it tomorrow.
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U feel lucky by working for free for an unspecified reward as beta tester many hours???
Reward will be mostly a lazy cosmetic, don't expect coins or smth physic like merch
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Man, but I want the cheap trash cosmetic @BACKSTABBER I WANT IT! GIVE ME IT!
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@BACKSTABBER I am mostly interested in the novelty of it. A no nothing free-for-all? Sign me up!
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Okay enjoy a Nea's new hat or a trapper's new helmet
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I'm not gonna say if I was invited, because I'm not gonna break the NDA. Unlike those madlads above.
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Break what?
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No disclose agreement
but i feel like they probably were not invited im sure behavior would have done an announcement regarding it they also cant put you under NDA through a email its usually done verbally and or done written on a contract.
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I highly doubt that you cant be put under a NDA through email bud thats not how it works.
"NDAs are commonly signed when two companies, individuals, or other entities (such as partnerships, societies, etc.) are considering doing business and need to understand the processes used in each other's business for the purpose of evaluating the potential business relationship. NDAs can be "mutual", meaning both parties are restricted in their use of the materials provided, or they can restrict the use of material by a single party. An employee can be required to sign an NDA or NDA-like agreement with an employer, protecting trade secrets. In fact, some employment agreements include a clause restricting employees' use and dissemination of company-owned confidential information"
A good example would be those who went to behavior when they arrived had to sign a NDA.
They are not gonna make 500 people sign a NDA to play perkless its a internal test to give them the results they are looking for at the end of the day a NDA is a contract that requires personal information behavior would have openly said that if they were gonna collect that information or else how would they sue you if you leaked something common sense people google it bud.
Now back to the whole email part again i think an announcement will be made when they are sent out as there is a lot of hype around it.
Post edited by MonsterInMyMind on3 -
I don't know why people would think you'd be signing a NDA?
They don't have to tell you squat about the game or what you are testing... you are probably download another version of the current build but connecting to a specific server or something. No new content..
I would highly doubt anyone sees any new content.. and keeping 500 people under wraps from around the globe... Good Luck...
I would be 100% surprised if anyone seen anything new other than maybe connecting to dedicated servers, or tools using those dedicated servers in the game itself, which isn't a big deal.
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Was it random or did the team actually select the participants? I'm a day 1 player with over 1000 hours, I don't know what else I've got to show in order to be selected.
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Anyone received a confirmation email at all? The situation seems to have gone dark on the Vanilla Experiment.
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It seems they are going out in the next couple hours id assume
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so the emails haven't been sent out? I'm so confused.
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I dont think they have been behavior has made no announcement surely they are gonna announce when they go out since there is so much hype around them
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Wait does this mean there will be another round of them or just next experiment?