The Trapper and the Chaser Emblem
so, with the latest hotfix we have seen a change to the Plagues chaser emblem gain, as she would not receive points towards said emblem when corrup purging a survivor. this got changed, so she actually scores the normal chaser points as for a normal melee hit.
that way she will not get punished for using her power in chases anymore, which is a great change, but why does Trapper still get the penality?
currently, trapping a Survivor grants you no points to the Chaser Emblem, resulting in worse scores, the better you played (good Trapper = short to no chases and instead trapping a lot => bad chaser emblem; badly played = lots of chases, no real use out of your traps => good chaser emblem)
i think a score for a Trapped survivor should reward the Trapper with the equivalent to one succesfull chase and grabbing a Survivor out of a Trap should reward you with another won chase, so for trapping a Survivor and picking them up, you get a total of 2 succesfull chases (same amount you would have gotten for a normal chase), while injuring them with the trap will grant you a won chase, as they went down to the injured state from the healthy state.
i think we can all agree that this change is needed, especially if you have played Trapper for extended periodes of time. Ive literally had games where i got 3 iridescent emblems and then a bronze / non existant chaser emblem.
as a Trapper main i really hope this will get implmented, as it would be a huuuge QoL change for the Trapper and also make him more viable in higher ranks.
thank you for reading!
ill see you in the fog.
I agree, +1