Make Hook Struggle Automatic

I keep having survivor teammates kill themselves on the hook before anybody has a chance to rescue them. Why not just get rid of the button tapping so they can't suicide in 5 seconds. If people want to bail on a match so badly, they can disconnect and get their 0 BP.
And I'm sure somebody's going to bring up how suicides are important for hatch escapes, but I think that's about equal in terms of poor gameplay.
Make it automatic, but add an option to stop. Farming is a thing and nobody should have to be penalized for that by being forced to disconnect.
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That doesn't really solve the issue with people intentionally killing themselves on the hook. If a player rockets through the first phase of being hooked, they're just going to go straight to stopping the struggling on the second.
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Nothing will ever completely solve the problem. Making it less tedious to struggle (believe it or not, that's actually one of the main reasons why people suicide) while allowing for suicides when necessary is the best option, IMO.
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So, when I am on my second Hook and can give my friend the Hatch by simply not struggling, I should need to DC?
Just make struggle automatic with an option to give up.
(and yes, I am aware that you mentioned it. But no, it is not bad gameplay and I should be able to give up whenever I want)
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It fixes the issues of either people or the game not pressing/registering the struggle. Not to mention that struggling brings nothing to the get as far as skill or fun goes. The only benefit of struggling is that some people can die during this stage, and that's why we need the option to stop struggling.
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They will still find a way around that. Plus struggling is kind of the point. Sorry that keeps happening to you, it happens to me a lot too when I play solo.
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So you'd rather have them DC and not get the points for the sacrifice so that either way, the last survivor will get hatch? Not really that much of an innovative idea.
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They already do that anyways.