Has Dead By Daylight finally lost it's charm? *A defeated Rant*

For the past few weeks I've been struggling more and more to play DBD,The games become rather dull for me; i see myself playing at least 1 or maybe 2 games before i become tired of playing against the community or just plain bored and i have to play something else without losing my mind or patience.
Their's just nothing new to the game anymore, you chase, knock down a survivor and hook or if it's the other way around, you run, hold down m1 and escape; rinse and repeat, over and over again.
Even holiday events have become bleak and nothing new, you simply collect this amount of stuff during a match and tally it up to win some cosmetic you can just easily unlock with auric cells in the coming months; nothing gained and nothing new.
New killers that are released are just copy and paste from other killers, combining previous powers from other killers *Ghostface*,
Newly released maps are lazily done, taking bits and pieces from other maps and adding a couple of new objects here and their; nothing new.
And survivors, yeah their designs maybe different, however it's just the same scream and holler that these survivors make :/
This post may have turned into a rant, but as a veterinary DBD player, i've grown tired of this community and game; so to stop this torment and wanting to see this game flourish, all i'm asking for from the devs, is something new, and i'm not meaning new cosmetics that are behind a paywall, a new killers or survivors; i just want a simple new mode to play in, is that so much to ask?
It can be whatever, 2v8, last one standing, casual mode, just anything, anything to spice up the game and not make it so dull and boring :/
Please Devs, take it into consideration will you...
Maybe stop playing for a while? I took a break for 1 month and have now fun again. But I guess if I get to high ranks again, it will turn dull again very soon.
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Take a break. My recent break was from Legion release to Legion rework. Moonwalking really burned me out, but now Im back playing dbd most of my free time.
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Same here, I mostly play skyrim now with a few dbd matches now and then. Games getting stale now, it needs new game modes. Even the Chinese ripoff Identity V has other game modes.
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Wraith used to be considered OP. Spies from the Shadow was meta. DS has become a lot less common. Self Care is seen as a waste of time by a lot of players. Sloppy Butcher is incredibly common.
Just a few of the meta changes.
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There are very, very few games that can be played indefinitely without becoming dull or repetitive. If the game has lost its luster, it just means it's time to move on to something else.
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That's exactly what i did for a while, but when i returned not much has happened since then; the only interesting thing they added since then is the end game and even then that should have been added a long while ago?
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Maybe it's because you've played the game a lot that it's becoming less and less interesting. Part of why i've barely been playing for a while is because after over 2,000 hours i'm kinda getting bored. I'm still interested in the game and jump on for a few matches from time to time but I have no desire to sink in hours a day like I used to.
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My main reason for only playing a handful of matches at a time is due to the Grind making me feel forced to play more seriously than for fun because without BBQ & Chili on every Killer it's almost counterproductive to how the game's grind is designed.
I want and need Perks unlocked and obtained on my Killers, some Killers and fun builds require specific add-ons which may not appear often or at all....the game ia too damn grindy that I end up 70/30 or 80/20 on playing for points or for fun.
Add in people DCing to deny Hooks and Kills and BBQ stacks, longish waiting times and you wind up with a recipe of me playing at most 3-7 games