Not_Queen says "we're gonna have exclusivity that you guys don't know about"...

in the third anniversary trailer, not queen says "we're gonna have exclusivity that you guys don't know about" what do you think it refers to? a friend of mine hypothesized that she refers to chapters on licenze that on which we still don't know, perhaps pinhead?
I can't connect anything to the word "exclusivity". What do you think it refers to?
We might be getting a full Ghostface chapter or Pinhead as a paragraph as well.
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I think she meant they're going to reveal stuff exclusively on their anniversary stream. Basically saying that what has leaked isn't all they're announcing.
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I know what it is now... It is Game Of Thrones!!!!
The Mountain will be the killer and the survivor will be The Hound.
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I need this
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@Killmaster But...That's not even out yet...It could suck...
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Maybe rewards for devotion currency
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I hope it is a new prestige event one can only dream for another prestige skins series but who knows.
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@Hexyl Legacy Legion when?
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I hope it's a swimsuit cosmetic set for every killer, yes, even clown
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@Plu Does Freddy get a Christmas Speedo?
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ofc @Bbbrian2013
Also clown in a mankini because he is worth it
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Rank rewards
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It's a... SuRpRiSe
(again, please don't hurt me)
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Probably something minor like a new event reward or something like that. Nothing big like a new game mode or big rework/new mechanics I fear.
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For the record, we're drop-dead serious about that Clown man-kini cosmetic.
"But where's he put the finger collection?" *coughing fit, then... prrrfffftttt*
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@Keene_Kills You just find my new favorite expression. Thanks.
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the (not) queen ignores me 😥
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@Niitosky Did you just speak of the (Not) Queen?
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@not_Queen is our Xellos.
When it comes to the word exclusive, it rings a marketing bell. Somewhere out there theres an asymetrical game looking to buy up horror killers for their game. (Last year, has been talking about getting movie based killers ie) DBD is the big boy of the playground though, so i'm guessing they are locking down some newer franchises.
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@not_Queen I liked Soon™ more :(
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@PolarBear Don't worry, I'll have many reasons to use Soon™ in the future.
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@not_Queen I expect soon will be back at roughly 4-5pm eastern time on the 31st 🤣
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Soon™ there will be a SuRpRiSe™. We can roll like this all night, fellers, but that lady has given us all we'll be getting for now I do believe... and that's cool enough for me. Just be thankful there always seems to be something(s) to look forward to.
Until then, let's just look forward in antici... ... ... ... ... pation©.
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I really hope we get some cosmetics for Michael and Laurie. That alone would make me very happy.
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Im sure that she talk about new stuff like a new rituals, plans for ranked and emblems system, the new roadmap, new features and plans for the game. You know, the cool things are coming..!!
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A dev (Peanits) said in the forum, that we did not know everything ... there were things to discover ...
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It's something so exclusive even the devs don't know what it is.
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I get the feeling we will finally see the Sweater boi's rework, which I am excited because I main him. Also demonstrated footage of him when you talked about announcing new stuff.
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I think she meant a wedding, Cote will marry her or smth, so exclusive news!
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I GOT IT! This will be the THREE year anniversary. So the game will turn THREE years old.
YoU kNoW wHaT eLsE iS THREE yEaRs OlD?!
That's right... Babies.
You know what else is a baby... The survivor player base.
SOOOOO!!! Some survivor mains who "got access to vanila DbD for short time" actualy was asked to model for DbD, and ge them in the game! SURVIVORS WILL BE SURVIVORS!!! I know this because I wasn't invited... because I play on Console like a pleb 🙃
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Maybe they are gonna release that DBD was all a dream and it never happened, it was inside our heads...
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Omg please no on the Clown!
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Swimsuit Clown.
Unbuttoned shirt with trunks and sunblock smears for his makeup.
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Banana Hammock Clown or we riot.
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What about The clown mankini?
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Exclusivity means 8v2, bugs fixed and Kate's trikini
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Sorry but this...or we riot! LOL
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Yes. PLEASE @not_Queen
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@Meme You could already see a few glimpses of freddy in the stream announcement video. It looks like his power will now have a power gauge and survivors will now be able to see freddy even when not in dream world so freddy can now possibly hit survivors without having to put the survivor asleep first.
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LOL @chemical_reject I know you have been asking for this.