im very angry about they ignore nurse spam and how its op even before nerfing survivors

jiyeonlee Member Posts: 211
edited June 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

now im getting serious and very angry about devs (even more broken english alert)

cause they never told about how to nerf nurse

even they considering adjust exhaust perks individually like i said

and buffing others and nerfing survivors like i said

than where is nerf nurse most big problem in this game is existance of this character

cause if wasn't exist at firstplace devs might try to fix ez looping earlier

so get into point without raging

how they solve nurse spam at high ranked battle and i wonder do they realize nurse is beyond of op

you know speed is power in this game like sprint burst

than who is fastest killer and can ignore everything like godmode and only killer can enhance speed from add ons

even from bronze add ons

who can it be?

even before they considering nerf survivors nurse was overpowered

but recently devs buffed nurse indirect way again

and they might do it again with freddy patch

and they might do it again at next wraith patch and do it again at cannibal like blindfold morons

from all games i always top tier skilled and good at abusing broken balance like this

but when i getting abused by ######### balance and disadvantaged so if i can't do anything

naturally im angry and choose go abusing broken balance again and have fun with winning like that

but i played like that lots so now im looking for something new in this shitfest meta

i demand again as always nerf nurse buff others(now they doing) balance perks(now they considering well)


  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    Pellets needs to be adjusted to be no more than 12 on a map before this happens, OP is a biased troll

    Post edited by Someissues on
  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    lol complains about imbalance but when it's not a nurse they go pallet looping ds using and crap against the worst killer but they don't complain when the imbalance favors them

    thsy didn't buff the nurse they fixed her brokenness on maps where she literally could not blink and survivors would exploit that 

    they fixed the things that shouldn't have existed in the first place 

    cant beat the nurse? Play stealthy, hide, learn mind games, break line of sight go in lockers when they blink they can't grab you out 

    don't go on the forums to complain about a killer that I will admit is op but what are they gonna do short of removing her? There is nothing that they could do to nerf the nurse without making her useless

    just deal with it 
  • jiyeonlee
    jiyeonlee Member Posts: 211

    @RSB said:
    If he is so OP, then why don't you play her and get easy rank 1?


    Because she is not easy to play, and you are just whining.

    first i don't like nurse only faggots here, they only play that character and come discuss about balance here?

    asia rank 1 is moslty can't be without nurse spam unlike casual white dudes with bad incoursing

    of course more than 50% of nurse spam starts at purple rank

    so i want to playing survivor for taunt walking killers include billy and huntless

    but i can't do this at nurse at all and i does nurse or huntless cause l don't like be looped either

    or when they are swf,more than 2 items,equip flash i does nurse

    even i know current balance is broken for walkers but devs told they gonna fix it

    so they should have nerfing plan about nurse

    if this is hide and seek game they always should walking cause this game all about pallets

  • cTrix
    cTrix Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2018

    Just ######### delete nurse already. The entire concept is broken. Who on the dev team is so ######### butthurt that his concept is ######### that they refuse to have any changes done to it.

    Spoiler: Ignoring the game mechanics all the other killers are balanced around turns out to be ######### broken OP. Not only can she be anywhere on the map in 2 seconds but she can walk through walls and cut off survivors. HOW IS THAT BALANCED AT ALL
    You cant fix a killer that can teleport in a game that is balanced around movement. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR ######### SKULLS DEVS

  • jiyeonlee
    jiyeonlee Member Posts: 211

    @cTrix said:
    Just [BAD WORD] delete nurse already. The entire concept is broken. Who on the dev team is so [BAD WORD] butthurt that his concept is ######### that they refuse to have any changes done to it.

    Spoiler: Ignoring the game mechanics all the other killers are balanced around turns out to be [BAD WORD] broken OP. Not only can she be anywhere on the map in 2 seconds but she can walk through walls and cut off survivors. HOW IS THAT BALANCED AT ALL
    You cant fix a killer that can teleport in a game that is balanced around movement. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR [BAD WORD] SKULLS DEVS

    i know what your talking but its a bit exaggerated

    yes, when nurse using range or green blink add ons

    can go any generators in maps for 2seconds from center of the map

    actually kind of 5seconds with first charging, but survivors can't hear charge sound from far

    and its least bullshit thing about wall throught festast movement speeds with best range ability

    i forgot to mention another op thing is teleporting range itself is too good even without add ons

    so im using this fag character like this

    if light on the whisper i predict where they are and full charge teleport to gens without notice them

    than survivors can ezly spot with 10~0meter distance (range addon)

    and even if failed to ambush them still noticeable time is much shorter than others

    so even when survivors notice that quicker still ezer to find them than other killers

    cause less time to hide make them much obvious

    im not gonna talk about chase its stupid for both factions and everyone know it

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    So much salt about the nurse geez someone just had a bad nurse game where they got rekt and you know it 
  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Another rage post by a new player who just got rekt by the nurse. I have one tip. Git Gud.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @jiyeonlee said:
    now im getting serious and very angry about devs (even more broken english alert)

    cause they never told about how to nerf nurse

    even they considering adjust exhaust perks individually like i said

    and buffing others and nerfing survivors like i said

    than where is nerf nurse most big problem in this game is existance of this character

    cause if wasn't exist at firstplace devs might try to fix ez looping earlier

    so get into point without raging

    how they solve nurse spam at high ranked battle and i wonder do they realize nurse is beyond of op

    you know speed is power in this game like sprint burst

    than who is fastest killer and can ignore everything like godmode and only killer can enhance speed from add ons

    even from bronze add ons

    who can it be?

    even before they considering nerf survivors nurse was overpowered

    but recently devs buffed nurse indirect way again

    and they might do it again with freddy patch

    and they might do it again at next wraith patch and do it again at cannibal like blindfold morons

    from all games i always top tier skilled and good at abusing broken balance like this

    but when i getting abused by ######### balance and disadvantaged so if i can't do anything

    naturally im angry and choose go abusing broken balance again and have fun with winning like that

    but i played like that lots so now im looking for something new in this shitfest meta

    i demand again as always nerf nurse buff others(now they doing) balance perks(now they considering well)

    Survivors just forgot how the game actually should be played (yeah its not pallet looping)
    Nurse just profits from braindead survivors that want to run in circles like they can do against any of the other trashtier killers

  • cTrix
    cTrix Member Posts: 122
    edited July 2018

    @TrumpJunior said:
    Am I actually the only one who enjoys playing against Nurses?


    The only people who argue that nurse isn't broken are people who want to keep abusing her. Maybe you should get good on a different killer instead of telling people to play around your broken playstyle.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @cTrix said:
    The only people who argue that nurse isn't broken are people who want to keep abusing her. Maybe you should get good on a different killer instead of telling people to play around your broken playstyle.

    Try the other killers that isn't Huntress, Billy, Nurse and Clown and tell us your experience at Rank 1 after 10 games on a different killer

  • cTrix
    cTrix Member Posts: 122

    @Someissues said:

    @cTrix said:
    The only people who argue that nurse isn't broken are people who want to keep abusing her. Maybe you should get good on a different killer instead of telling people to play around your broken playstyle.

    Try the other killers that isn't Huntress, Billy, Nurse and Clown and tell us your experience at Rank 1 after 10 games on a different killer


    Just because the trash killers are trash doesn't mean Nurse isn't op

  • cTrix
    cTrix Member Posts: 122

    You're only proving my point.

  • jiyeonlee
    jiyeonlee Member Posts: 211

    @TrumpJunior said:
    cTrix said:

    @TrumpJunior said:

    Am I actually the only one who enjoys playing against Nurses?


    The only people who argue that nurse isn't broken are people who want to keep abusing her. Maybe you should get good on a different killer instead of telling people to play around your broken playstyle.

    She’s only broken in terms of broken map design, caused by several deadzones and 4/5 blinks (which I only use for memes). Three blinks are debatable. Although she’s my main killer, I do play every other killer too, some more, some less.

    Maybe it’s a „get good“ problem on your side because you rely too much on pallets and an overall aggressive playstyle. A good Nurse punishes and won’t give you room for that.

    And what „broken playstyle“ do you mean? I think that’s rather directed to the crutch perk combo swf group?

    only 5blink setting is meme, 3~4blink setting is better than 2

    three blink setting is best cause no penalty to each blink

    and i lol too much at this wrote of yours

    @TrumpJunior said: Three blinks are debatable

    if you re not rank 1 with nurse "main" what you told i wouldn't surprise

    why those should git gud people have wiredly wrong own opinions,

    high ranked people don't have different individual opinions about nurse

    they just have different judge about situations like walkers or loopers are badly up or op

    so killer should pick nurse to release thier anger or something.

    i respect all lowrankers or midrankers or new users but they shouldn't argue about balance here

    also currently huntless and billy is much more viable at high ranked battle if you git gud enough

    lots of other region rank 1 billy players even don't know about existence of snapsaw

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    @jiyeonlee "where is nerf nurse most big problem in this game is existance of this character"

    Haha nice joke. The biggest problem in the game is that survivors have too much power againts every killer, included the nurse.

    If you think playing the nurse is just 2 click, one down and easy game you didn't play her at all. The devs already said they aren't going to touch her for now. So no matter how hard you cry try to get better instead of spaming the forums with more "nerf nurse threads" wich we have too many already and they are created by player that needs to get better.

    Also shes isn't imposible to play againts, watch some videos, equip the required perks (wich you have an arsenal of perks againts the nurse). And problem solved.

  • jiyeonlee
    jiyeonlee Member Posts: 211
    edited July 2018

    @Irisora said:

    first im 1rank at both killer/survivor player so what i can say is you just needs more git gud to relate balance

    or grow up cause you looks never even saw subjects on here,what your talking is just out of place

    2rd only can say 15~20ranked players can say nurse have certain answer to deal with

    what you re talking is you can't find survivors who using stealth perks, than git gud i can find them well

    the only useful stealth perk in red are iron will/urban and it works same for all killers

    also nurse can through the walls, while seeing things at blink path so if you can't find them

    they just did gud

    and here this is international thing

    always noob nurses whine about find survivors like after first hit but remind this

    other killers are harder at everything except find survivors after one hit thats only one minor drawback

    but even it can solve with hear sounds if you can't git gud than

    if you re nurse main but can't feel its overpowered git gud and shame yourself

    im playing nurse for sub character, cause its too overpowered to use everytimes

    and currently only solution about swf

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    Well nurse is easily both extremely powerful and extremely weak depending on who actually plays her. Its because of this "human factor" that can make nerfing nurse a hard task.If you were to nerf nurse and maker her hard to play no new players will play her and if you nerf her so badly as to make her extremely hard you might have the nurse pros completely leave the game due to their main being run into the ground.

  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228

    There are international sections of the Forum if you cannot speak English that well

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @cTrix said:

    Just because the trash killers are trash doesn't mean Nurse isn't op

    Yes and that means someone who is trash at playing killer and refused to play the Nurse doesn't mean that Nurse is OP

  • cTrix
    cTrix Member Posts: 122

    Except that's not what I'm saying you clown, stop misrepresenting my argument.

    I'm not gonna repeat myself you can scroll up.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    What do you even complain about?
    When survivors meet a baby Nurse, they will ruin her life completely with T-bags, flashlights and you can bet that the game will take way more time than with a good Nurse, because survivors will refuse to repair any generators just to make the nurse suffer even longer.

    But when they meet a good Nurse? Holy Moly, now there's an astronomical difference. Toxic threads, crying...
  • cTrix
    cTrix Member Posts: 122
    edited July 2018

    What's even your point?

    That nurse isn't op because people complain about it?
    That it's not OP because you can't just pick it up and instantly kill everyone on the map with one mouse click?

    You're just proving that Nurse is toxic for the game and should be removed is all you're doing.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    edited July 2018
    cTrix said:

    What's even your point?

    That nurse isn't op because people complain about it?
    That it's not OP because you can't just pick it up and instantly kill everyone on the map with one mouse click?

    My point is, that you cannot nerf skill.
    If you think that you can, then tell me your suggested nerfs to her. Everybody can complain, but very few will make any suggestions.
  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    @Irisora I bet he watched ochido's video called nerf nurse and he went here to complain 
  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    @xxaggieboyxx said:
    @Irisora I bet he watched ochido's video called nerf nurse and he went here to complain 

    Haha probably. The survivors in that video were so bad... I could upload only the good matches too and claim "nerf this nerf that" but that isn't the reality of the game. There are many ways to fight a nurse.

  • jiyeonlee
    jiyeonlee Member Posts: 211
    edited July 2018

    @Global said:
    Well nurse is easily both extremely powerful and extremely weak depending on who actually plays her. Its because of this "human factor" that can make nerfing nurse a hard task.If you were to nerf nurse and maker her hard to play no new players will play her and if you nerf her so badly as to make her extremely hard you might have the nurse pros completely leave the game due to their main being run into the ground.

    the problem is only brown nurses weaker than walkers for unskilled reason in asia

    they should bad cause usually brown rankers noob at this game

    and they don't know maps yet right?

    if player who escaped noob level and they know the maps,nurse can do anything with adjust blink range

    which all thing is depend on git gud but its all up to nurse player, not a survivors moving

    like if someone i can see might can down in 30seconds with nurse no matter where they are

    how they good and again no point about unused pallets cause its useless after pallet patch

    nurse can ignore theres pallet or not and hit them if they didn't predict at perfect timing and position

    even nurse fail at first blink still nurse massively advantage to hit them cause vault speed is slower than second blink or 3rd so try to using pallet or window is same as speaking hit me please

    also window looping is useless too do i have to telling you this?

    hiding can save sometimes but when they gud enough

    nurse can utilize whisper perk better than others too or using stridor to find them directly

    also iron will only works at hurt state so again and again and again who needs to git gud players

    please don't tell me nurse have some answer

    currently max blink range is too good and speed is best movement speed is best

    while wall through ability

    if they can't utilize these best options and ability? is there any problem? they just noobs

    and this game is easy game like i said, this game can exprienced quickly

    someone might can shorty think and say why theres lots of noobs than?

    cause this is one indi game lots of people don't like to grind 100h in one indi game

    Post edited by jiyeonlee on
  • jiyeonlee
    jiyeonlee Member Posts: 211

    i decided to maximize these broken parts of this indi game

    ill using multi account for intentionally downed rank play

    to harass noobs and abusing broken balance with nurse for lowrank seal clubbing

    and loop 20ranked killers for 5gens and t bag at every pallets hits and when before exit gate

    i don't care

  • JusticeZERO
    JusticeZERO Member Posts: 173

    Nurse has a high skill cap, if you play well with the nurse, you should be rewarded...kinda like when you are learning to play nurse and you spend most of the match looking at the ground with zero kills.


  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    jiyeonlee said:

    i decided to maximize these broken parts of this indi game

    ill using multi account for intentionally downed rank play

    to harass noobs and abusing broken balance with nurse for lowrank seal clubbing

    and loop 20ranked killers for 5gens and t bag at every pallets hits and when before exit gate

    i don't care

    So basically he is saying, he will derank intentionally to bully rank 20 killers? Because of a one killer?

    If so, then he is pathetic.
  • rObLoCo
    rObLoCo Member Posts: 23

    The Nurse should be nerf, she should not have the extra blinks, she should not be able to blink so far, if she swings she should have to wait longer to recover after her blink. She shouldn't be able to blink through pallets. With a person that knows how to use her, she is unstoppable.

    The dev's seem to cater to killer mains on all the updates, we need to cater some to the survivor. Nerf our best perks to survive PLUS making the killers stronger isn't balance, one or the other please.

    Hillbilly is OP now because he can turn on a dime with the chainsaw, up sensitivity and he will carve you out. Sensitivity change on the fly does exist... Also he moves to fast with the chainsaw up.

    Doctor is OP with the way he can shock you on the small maps not even being on the same floor. The range on him is REDICULOUS!!!

    Freddy, not OP but you cant ever tell where hes coming from because the directional sound is non existent.

    The Huntress is turning OP with the 1 shot axes and the rapid fire axes. Not to mention some monitors come with built in crosshairs like my ASUS monitor. If you don't have one you can always use a piece of scotch tape and maker the center to make a quick one.

    The new character makes new bottles too quick, Ive seen the killer sit there and hit the survivor with them until he dies, no chance for save.

    Im survivor main, it sucks to see our perks nerf and the killer get strong time after time after time. You almost don't want to play survivor anymore. Don't kill this game due to overpowering killers, please.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    edited July 2018
    rObLoCo said:

    The Nurse should be nerf, she should not have the extra blinks, she should not be able to blink so far, if she swings she should have to wait longer to recover after her blink. She shouldn't be able to blink through pallets. With a person that knows how to use her, she is unstoppable.

    The dev's seem to cater to killer mains on all the updates, we need to cater some to the survivor. Nerf our best perks to survive PLUS making the killers stronger isn't balance, one or the other please.

    Hillbilly is OP now because he can turn on a dime with the chainsaw, up sensitivity and he will carve you out. Sensitivity change on the fly does exist... Also he moves to fast with the chainsaw up.

    Doctor is OP with the way he can shock you on the small maps not even being on the same floor. The range on him is REDICULOUS!!!

    Freddy, not OP but you cant ever tell where hes coming from because the directional sound is non existent.

    The Huntress is turning OP with the 1 shot axes and the rapid fire axes. Not to mention some monitors come with built in crosshairs like my ASUS monitor. If you don't have one you can always use a piece of scotch tape and maker the center to make a quick one.

    The new character makes new bottles too quick, Ive seen the killer sit there and hit the survivor with them until he dies, no chance for save.

    Im survivor main, it sucks to see our perks nerf and the killer get strong time after time after time. You almost don't want to play survivor anymore. Don't kill this game due to overpowering killers, please.

    Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
  • Smoker101
    Smoker101 Member Posts: 52
    I like how people still complain about 1 shot hatchets, when survivors still have BNP and Insta heals.
  • Smoker101
    Smoker101 Member Posts: 52
    This whole discussion is really stupid, clearly the OP never plays killer and just wants an ez game. This is exactly like the threads where people complain about BBQ and chilly and how OP it is.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @cTrix said:

    @TrumpJunior said:
    Am I actually the only one who enjoys playing against Nurses?


    The only people who argue that nurse isn't broken are people who want to keep abusing her. Maybe you should get good on a different killer instead of telling people to play around your broken playstyle.

    I enjoy playing against her.
    She is the only killer when this game actually feels like a horror game, ya know I like to be scared if I play survivor. Abusing safety loops feels somehow wrong, but yeah I am a very special snowflake :wink:

    Oh, also my stealth build works wonders against nurse (stealth is when you actually try to hide from the killer, instead of flashing in his face, in case you didnt know)

  • jiyeonlee
    jiyeonlee Member Posts: 211
    edited July 2018

    if you morons are main about one factions shouldn't join this conversation

    my conversation always all was about 1rank~5rank game balance thats so

    don't even try to relate balance at all especially if you re playing nurse only or survivors only

    cause it will end up with nothing

    @Smoker101 said:
    This whole discussion is really stupid, clearly the OP never plays killer and just wants an ez game. This is exactly like the threads where people complain about BBQ and chilly and how OP it is.

    like this one i could answer bbq is not op its just tier1 perk like vigil
    but so many moronic people like this illusional thinking one
    like just want to out of subject please shut and grow up and read actual subject

    and remind i don't thinking easy subjects for idiotic level as you

  • jiyeonlee
    jiyeonlee Member Posts: 211
    edited July 2018

    the worst conversation always from players who considering this game as horror game

    or that kind of meta regions and also

    if you re not rank 1 on there or anywhere with current emblem system you don't deserve to talk about balance

    cause you not understand how to play this game yet

    in asia lots of japs does sitting with urban and does nothing at any rank battle

    cause thier brave genes almost died in ww2

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    Can you please use capital letters at the start of a sentence? And don't forget to use the dot "." at the end of the sentence. It's sometimes hard to understand your comments (not insulting you, just saying my opinion).


    1) Vigil is not considered as a "Tier I" perk. It's almost useless, because it doesn't even stack when there are more Vigils in the match.
    2) This game is a horror game.
    3) Stop insulting people just because they don't share the same opinion with you.
    4) Although some people are not around R1, they still have a right to talk about balance issues.

  • WhiteAqua7
    WhiteAqua7 Member Posts: 30

    I think nurse is only op when she has more than 2 blinks, otherwise she is balanced.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    jiyeonlee said:

    the worst conversation always from players who considering this game as horror game

    or that kind of meta regions and also

    if you re not rank 1 on there or anywhere with current emblem system you don't deserve to talk about balance

    cause you not understand how to play this game yet

    in asia lots of japs does sitting with urban and does nothing at any rank battle

    cause thier brave genes almost died in ww2

    Funny but DBD is actually horror game, just FYI
    NURSE and Billy are the only killers played at high rank because rhey are the only viable ones (maybe hunters too)
  • Smoker101
    Smoker101 Member Posts: 52
    Holy Sh** calm down
  • Smoker101
    Smoker101 Member Posts: 52
    Im just saying this discussion is pointless cause there have been a million like this already. And usually everyone agrees that the way DBD is right now we dont need to focus on nerfing killers and actually buff them and nerf survivors. I know it might seem tough to lose the power role as a survivor but youll survive.
  • Smoker101
    Smoker101 Member Posts: 52

    I think nurse is only op when she has more than 2 blinks, otherwise she is balanced.

    I feel like 1 extra blink is enough but until things get better, we shouldnt bother messing with her.
  • Smoker101
    Smoker101 Member Posts: 52
    popoles said:
    Can you please use capital letters at the start of a sentence? And don't forget to use the dot "." at the end of the sentence. It's sometimes hard to understand your comments (not insulting you, just saying my opinion).


    1) Vigil is not considered as a "Tier I" perk. It's almost useless, because it doesn't even stack when there are more Vigils in the match.
    2) This game is a horror game.
    3) Stop insulting people just because they don't share the same opinion with you.
    4) Although some people are not around R1, they still have a right to talk about balance issues.

    Rank 1 killer and rank 8 survivor.