Can we make hexes slow down the game a bit more?

I mean yes, some hexes are a little strong and probably need to be able to be cleansed, but survivor perks are not cleansable at ALL, so why do we have killer perks that can be dismantled completely in the beginning of the game? What if all hexes were like NOED? At the end of the game, a random totem is chosen to be the hex totem for that specific hex, and THEN it can be cleansed, OR you can cleanse every totem before end game, causing those hexes to be disabled. Then things like Ruin would remain until every totem was destroyed, allowing a bit more time to drag the game out. I get that NOED is an end game perk and that's why the totem is chosen only at the end of the game, but I feel like forcing ALL totems to be cleansed to remove a killer's perk would actually help to give some extra time for killers. This would make removing a killer's perk a LOT more time consuming, and that ruin, if you decide to get rid of it, will make you have to look for EVERY totem and destroy it. In addition this would help with giving Detective's Hunch more play. It might stop gen rushing, because of Ruin being active until all totems are done as well. Ruin might have to be nerfed a slight bit(perhaps slightly bigger great skill check zone), if it becomes too powerful, but I feel like this would be a great suggestion to add some extra time to the game.
I agree. It would increase the time in-game and prevent killers from feeling so rushed. Or at least, make the hex totems not light up until halfway cleansed so it's like roulette.
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Yeah, exactly(and in case they add my idea, although I kinda like your idea too), hexes like Devour Hope might actually become much better perks.
Post edited by Atrushan88 on1 -
Why not make survivors not able to repair gens until 5 mins into the game. This would make even bronze rank killers able to pip and sacrifice at least 3 survivors.
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They need to find a way to stop the genrush meta without adding more gen progression time (GOD NO) and they also need to hide totems well.
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Why not make survivors not able to repair gens until 5 mins into the game. This would make even bronze rank killers able to pip and sacrifice at least 3 survivors.
Oh come on, being forced to cleanse all 5 totems if you WANT to remove all of a killer's hex perks completely is totally fair. Killers already have 4 perks against 16, assuming the killer they're using is level 15+, with hex perks that can be even less. Yes, some hex perks are powerful, but those can be rebalanced if they become too powerful after having to cleanse all 5 totems. I'm not asking for killers to be overpowered, I'm asking for balance between killers and survivors, because games can END in 5 minutes really easily and that removes a lot of perks from play on killers. The only perk I can think of for survivors that can be completely removed from a survivor that won't see play is DS, and you have to know the survivor has it for that to happen. Killers have several perks that can be removed immediately, and the only thing I see survivors complain about perk-wise for killers is NOED and Ruin. Well if you had to remove all totems to remove Ruin, you'd also be removing NOED, problem solved.
They need to find a way to stop the genrush meta without adding more gen progression time (GOD NO) and they also need to hide totems well.
That's why I suggested making survivors forced to cleanse all totems to remove all hex perks(and rebalancing any hex perks that become overpowered afterwards). It'd give survivors a different objective, and totems generally don't take that long to cleanse. It'd also make it so that killer perks weren't forced into a 2-3 vs 16 situation. Overall it'd only add a small amount of extra time to the game.
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Im not sure if you understand how much ruin slows the game down.
Maybe playing at rank 20 with a freddy it doesnt have much difference. But if you meet a full perked billy(for example) who knows what to do it is absolutely crazy strong and a buff is a big nono.
there is a situation that is a bit stupid for example where survivors spawn in front of the hex totem.
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@premiumRICE As I said, they could nerf ruin if they did this. Also from what I've heard really good survivors can generally hit the hex skill checks pretty much all the time.
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"In addition this would help with giving Detective's Hunch more play."
A perk that gives info for completing a gen for 5 seconds... . And after you complete (if you are the God of skillchecks ;) ) find those 3 totems in the radius. How exactly?
Also Small Game is way better than Detective's Hunch for finding hexes
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@Milo You can complete a gen with Ruin on it. People power through Ruin all the time. Maybe Small Game is better, but it also shows traps, etc and has a 10 second cooldown which isn't huge, but what if you're facing Hag or Trapper? You're gonna be hearing that notification quite a bit if so. 5 seconds is also plenty of time, and it reveals EXACTLY where they are, rather than a perk that gives you an auditory warning if you're looking in the direction of one that you're basically on top of already. I don't understand the question on HOW you would find totems in that radius, considering the aura of the totem would be revealed. You'd know exactly where they are.
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People still power through ruin.... Yep. They do.
Still cant see how that would make Detectives Hunch more useful somehow.
Oh btw how exactly would this work with 2-4 hex perks?
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@Milo Cleansing all hex totems would remove all hexes. The hexes would last until ALL totems were destroyed. That's why detective's hunch would be more useful, because you'd need to find all hex totems to remove hex perks. This way they get more use than just 5 seconds to use their hexes.
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@Atrushan88 so basically the killer can bring 2-3 hexes and defend even one totem to still get full value. Fast moving killers would love this, for slower killers (except maybe trapper/hag) this would work like Corrupt Intervention
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Anything to slow the game down a bit. I was playing Freddy without ruin today. BIG MISTAKE! I'm not very good with Freddy so those survivors kicked my ass. Although one of them was a random I encountered awhile back when I was playing nurse.
Wholesome moments are so nice :)
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If the killer is just protecting one totem then survivors can just get gens done while one or two survivors distract the killer
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@Milo Yes, that was the point of it. Of course defending one totem would also mean you weren't patrolling generators, unless you had like Wraith's movement speed, and people already say Wraith needs help so I don't see a problem with that. The thing is this gives Survivor's an extra goal, for example if the killer has Devour Hope, generally that's something you want gone, you're gonna be trying to get those 5 totems. Same with Ruin, of course some people still power through Ruin, but it's still likely to slow the game down even if they weren't worried about totems. The issue with hexes is that they're countered quite easily. It also gives the killer another thing they have to patrol. This would make it easier on killers because survivors would have to actually clear all totems to remove the killer's perks, but at the same time if you run all hexes, all of your perks can be gone. Things like Devour Hope would become a bit better, and Ruin wouldn't be gone within the first 30 seconds. Haunted Ground would need a rework though, but I suppose it wouldn't be a difficult rework. Just make it where when every totem is taken out, all survivors are given exposed instead of when the lit totem is taken out. It wouldn't make it more difficult on any killer, it'd make it easier on all of them. It might make it easier on some more than others, but all killers would still benefit.
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Wouldn't it be better if the developers did something to slow down the game by itself? By introducing secondary objectives that rewards survivors. A natural way of slowing the game down, sorta?
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@se05239 I mean there's no secondary objective they could introduce I can think of that would make a survivor risk not getting out, so they'd likely just keep doing gens. Also this technically already IS a secondary objective for survivors, removing perks of the killer, and it does reward survivors by doing exactly that, and it would slow the game down more, imo. Outside of this, the only thing I can think of that would make survivors slower would be slowing down generator progression, or making them have to complete more generators. This would just give the killer a bit more control because now their perks that they have 4 of vs 16 can't be lessened within 30 seconds of the game starting.
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1 of my idea its that make some hex invisible until 2 or 3 mins then will become visible or survivor wont see the hex until they are cursed so that and the other 1 its a small buff on hexes that skillcheck goes little bit faster than normal if you are cursed
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I feel like forcing ALL totems to be cleansed to remove a killer's perk would actually help to give some extra time for killers. This would make removing a killer's perk a LOT more time consuming, and that ruin, if you decide to get rid of it, will make you have to look for EVERY totem and destroy it.
I understand your motivation for posting this. Too many times I've played killer and my ruin totem has gone within 30 seconds. That's why I don't use ruin (except on my Plague, who hasn't got many perks yet.)
However, I've played many games were the ruin totem has lasted the entire match. Ruin is a devestating perk and slows gen progression a lot - that's why it's a hex perk. If you're playing against a strong, highly-skilled killer, who applies pressure early in the game, it's difficult to focus on objectives: gens and totems. Totem placement has a lot to do with it as well. Totems are better hidden on the indoor maps IMO. So ruin can slow the game down too much sometimes.
It also sucks playing against a competent team who complete the gens super-fast.
I feel the ideas you've proposed would work wonders against well equipped, elite SWF teams or on certain maps. However, for the rest of the survivor population, they'd be a nightmare! I don't know what the best solution is to be honest.
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no point imo, hex placement is so RNG that they often just get put in the open with nothing to hide them and they become 100% obsolete, and SWF will just brute force your Hexes anyway.
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@Impact I mean, yeah, games overall go entirely too fast without ruin, and with it, all it takes is finding the totem which also in my experience goes pretty fast. As a survivor I'm not amazing at finding totems personally, but maybe that's because I haven't gotten used to all the totem spots. Either way, I think that non SWF survivors would be able to adapt pretty quickly. Small Game and Detective's Hunch would help a lot for solo survivors in general, and NOED is already generally a perk that requires all totems to be taken care of, unless you wait until it activates. Devour Hope is one pretty important reason for this change as well though. It feels like it generally gets taken care of before you can do anything with it. I don't think I've actually seen anyone get a kill by hand with it, and I've seen Monto use it in quite a few videos.
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@premiumRICEI don't know if this post was meant as sarcasm or to be silly, but it's hilarious. 🤣
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Too many times I've played killer and my ruin totem has gone within 30 seconds. That's why I don't use ruin...
I commend you for trying a different Perk other than Hex: Ruin. I think that too many people feel forced to use Hex: Ruin just because of community balance perceptions. I'm not going to lie and say it wasn't one of the first Teachable Perks I unlocked. After witnessing for myself, how often Hex: Ruin can leave you with only three functioning Perks, I couldn't figure out what all the hype was about.
Welcome to the "occasionally used, but not mandatory" Hex: Ruin Club! 😁
I feel the ideas you've proposed would work wonders against well equipped, elite SWF teams or on certain maps. However, for the rest of the survivor population, they'd be a nightmare!
I couldn't agree more.
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A lot to read here, so I'm not reading all of it, but I'll throw in my 2 cents.
Perhaps some sought of trapping mechanism that makes it dangerous to do them? We have haunted ground and thrill of the hunt, sure, but both of those will most likely happen when you're too far away to capitalise on it.
Another idea is perhaps to add some sought of countering perk, which does take up a perk slot, but allows more control over them, unlike thrill of the hunt which is, itself, a hex totem that will be destroyed before you can capitalise on it's warning.
Last idea is to perhaps make it so a totem doesn't show it's a hex, this makes survivors slow down by making them have to do even inactive totems, while keeping what ones do have hexes secret.