POLL: Do you WANT a DBD Battlepass?



  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714


    You're right about the battle pass theme thing. Unfortunately that's the hook. But if you think about it, they already release theme skins. Like the neon collection, the Japanese inspired one, the 90's one, ugly sweaters, etc.

    You said: "You'd likely get more for less from the pass as well if you put the time in."

    I say I'd mostly get stuff I don't want/don't care about and 1 or 2 things I would genuinely like. I play 95% killer. Only Jeff and Kate when I do play survivor. Why would I want to grind for stuff for Dwight, Claudette or Jane? I don't even have Jane in the roster, since I bought Plague with shards. And the real question, Why would I put myself in the position of being FORCED to grind for all that unwanted stuff just to be able to get the sweet Huntress mask, or the cool beanie for Kate?

    You may be right about the $100 - $200 value crammed in a $20 pass, though. But that's the same argument big retail stores use when handing out discount coupons for certain items. "You're SAVING $180!" You know how else you'd save those $180? Not going into the store at all, if you don't NEED any of those items.

    But in the end, the battle pass is not even out yet. And I'm not trying to be rude, annoying, or anything like that. I'm no preacher at all. I will just allow myself to say this, hoping it won't bother you or anyone else:

    Try to keep an open mind and an open set of eyes when facing this kind of business practices. Especially if you're a young person.

    Other than that, have a nice day.

  • BlackReaper
    BlackReaper Member Posts: 134

    I dont know if you look something of this "battle pass" but its more than a simple free grind or a pay grind, there are new misions, new features and even history and lore as we could see, is that so bad??

    I have 800 hours on this game and Im starting to get boring, i have all characters lvl 40 and some of them P3, i dont have much to do in the game except for the lvling devotion and its give you like nothing, even daily rituals are trash, so boring and force you to play other characters that you have nothing on them, just boring stuff and i want something new, im a competitive player and i want a new ranking system and is yet to come but the game feels empty, few objects, lots of perks useless, just a few builds worthy to pull off, boring offerings and just a few, all survivors are boring, they are all the same, they just bring 3 perks that one just worthy... (main survivor btw), just one mode to play and playing it give you nothing. If you look closely, you can see this game needs more stuff, and i dont wanna complain about they release new things and free things. Im not stupid.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714
    edited May 2019

    And for those defending the "Free Stuff in an optional Free Battle Pass"

    Nothing's free.

    You pour hours of your life into the game. A battle pass will most likely make you pour even more hours than you normally would into it.

    Edit: grammar

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    You're bored and you will pay them to (maybe) get you out of your boredom and give you mundane tasks. Up until next season, with pirates and all. And then, you'll be bored again.

    Don't misunderstand me, I'm all for supporting the devs when they drop a new killer, a new survivor, new perks, etc. There are already a bunch of people supporting them buying cosmetics in the store.

    But when they consider milking you for a battle pass with cosmetic "rewards", I don't like it. It leaves a foul taste in my mouth. Put all the cosmetics in the store right away. Introduce the new goals, nothing prevents them from doing so. Fix the bugs, and more players will stay/return.

  • Schwifty
    Schwifty Member Posts: 70
    edited May 2019

    What's a battle pass?

    Never mind. -Googled it-

  • LvGamer34
    LvGamer34 Member Posts: 76

    VOTE people!!

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @TKTK Pretty much all gaming company's do this, as long as there are people who will spend money on this stuff ANYONE will do it...

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    They could give us those same items for free through short term themed events or just give us the things out right whenever they wanted us to have them. They could do weekly or monthly community goals that results in everyone who played getting the free item.

    Also battlepasses in general don't sit well with me. They always lead to burn out as they make playing the game feel like something I have to do on schedule instead of when I feel it is when I want to or worth playing. I'd rather just pay for the items I want directly and have more short term theme events.