Bring Ft13th’s Chad to DbD

Since Jason’s rage buff has nerfed Chad, I propose he is allowed to join DbD. That way at least he’ll have infinite stamina running from the killer. And with Ash having voice lines, Chad could easily do this too.

As for perks, I have a few in mind in keeping with his character. Would be nice to see him being able to use his trusty baseball bat once a match. Not a guaranteed stun (maybe 50/50), but stacking luck to help it tempting players to possible run Up the Ante in addition to luck offerings.

Another one that is also a potential one use would be to sell out your teammates (Chad is a dick after all). All other survivor auras are revealed to the killer for x seconds while yours can’t be revealed and you leave no scratch marks during x seconds. Only one sell out can be active at a time. Would probably need some kind of requirement to to be able to activate this.

Are there any Chad-esque perks you can think of?

I know the chances of this happening are low, but just thinking how much fun it would be to have Chad in this game, especially if they ever did add Jason.
