SWF without voice

Let SWF play together but without voice programs.I think need to restrict voice programs in game.
What do you think about it?
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If the devs would ban SWFs using discord, no one would almost play. They just need to make a different game mode for solo survivors and after no one plays against SWFs, it would die down. They can say no one plays against us. Guess what? No one wants to deal with that. You can always play solo :D
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Because solo survivor is such a FUN and ENJOYABLE experience, so why not make playing with friends as FUN as playing versus four killers?
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ok.maybe then aura survivors will be highlighted?survivors using voice killer use entity's advantages :D
its joke
if srsly need to make killers more powerfull
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idk how for example add voice programs in Easy anti cheat or autodisconnect when voice program switch on.
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So they are gonna create more voice programs and EAC will not detect it.
And what if they use a WhatsApp call, by using their phones? tell me how "EAC" will detect that?
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Lol that's impossible.
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They're using outside software to communicate, there's no way around it.
The only thing that needs to be done is to buff Solo survivor to the point where they are on par with SWF level of information sharing and then Buff Killers accordingly. I wouldn't hold your breath though It doesn't seem like their interested in doing this anytime soon.
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Even if you could block out all other voice programs, how would we stop people getting together and playing DbD together?
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@Bongbingbing buff solo survivors on par with SWF?u want hell for killers?
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Perhaps you missed the second part where killers are buffed to compensate? In the I end it is likely the only way to actually balance out the game.
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so so maybe need buff solo survivors and killers or rework things (repair's speed pallets...)
The killers are in the minority. It is a fact
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It's been an entire year of killer buffs and people still complain about SWF?
Why not take the time to be really good with a killer and beat the teams? If you look on twitch the top killers don't even batter an eye lid at SWF and destroy most teams, as soon as MoM gets it's nerf it'll be EVEN easier.
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@SenzuDuck lul.maybe u win killer without SWF? :D who to win swf?Nurse and hillbilly only.For example how u win SWF Leatherface or Plague? :D
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idk man seems impossible to play these killers
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Your basing balance around the top killer streamers? By that logic we should also balance around the top level survivors which thanks to SWF are well above most killers.
SWF is game braking, You can't deny that. The game wasn't built for voice coms that's just a fact. It doesn't matter that Killers have gotten buffs or not.
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It's impossible to restrict voice calling. Ban Discord, they'll use Skype. Ban Skype, they'll use Teamspeak. Ban Teamspeak, they'll exchange phone numbers and just call eachother like that.
Or people would just quit the game and the game would have a relatively quick death because most people (including myself) assume that talking to my friends wouldn't be against the rules in a MULTIPLAYER GAME.
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I see nothing but holes in this reasoning
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@makayla when devs made SWF it was Biggest mistake in this game.
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You cannot expect to have a Multiplayer Onlinegame without the option to play with each other. This is simply not possible.
Besides that, if you make it harder for people to play together, you will only have more Tryhards. The casual players who just want to play with their friends will more likely quit DBD if it is hard(er) for them to play together. The Tryhards will find their ways.
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Not need bloodpoints because how it to help get pip? :Dit was hard :D need change emblem system add SWF.
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The other option could be to embrace SWF with coms, and make killers stronger in general to help balance it out. Then again, stronger killers would make the new survivor player experience more difficult, not to mention solo survivors would be cannon fodder. So what is the answer? Simple.
Make a new game.
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Actually no, facing them when I play killer can be annoying but its a needed thing in this game.
If you don't have friends playing with each other you'd see a lot less activity in the game in-general. Its a very necessary thing that this game had to put in.
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As for this post, the concept of this is literally impossible.
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SWF = Survive With Friends (no voice comms)
CWF = Cheat With Friends (you know what i mean)
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No, people complain because they think they're owed a 4K every match with every killer even if it's their first match as that killer.
People want every killer to be "viable" without putting in the hours as them, I've put a ######### tonne of hours into huntress, billy & nurse. Does that mean I should load up a match as Myers and be just as good with his entirely different ability? God no!
I have 3,300K hours mixed with Surv/Killer, and I've had freddies at rank one with no perks absolutely demolish me because that's all they play.
People want to beast mode every killer and wonder why they get trounced on by someone who only plays survivor
I've had killers at rank 1 - 5 with level 1/2 perks play against me and say in chat "damn SWF" as if the fact that they've barely played that killer has anything to do with the outcome of the match.
Also, the fact you've named a couple of bugs as nerfs is absolutely ridiculous.
Remember Me had to be changed to make end game even possible with 1/2 survivors, pig also had to be changed for the HEALTH of the game.
Exhaustion changes affect everyone, therefore it nerfs SWF.
Insta FLs affects everyone, so it affects SWF.
BNPs affects everyone, so it affects SWF.
Universal Healing nerf affects everyone, so it effects SWF.
Pallet distribution I'll admit can be wonky, but you used to see a pallet at every place one could spawn and now it doesn't, a nerf to EVERY survivor.
Pallet Vacuum was removed which, you guessed it, AFFECTS EVERYONE!
Killer pick up speed was reduced
I think using Dying Light, Remember Me, The Pig as some way to disregard all the buffs is ridiculous, lets not forget the 3 changes you mentioned only happened last month and have had barely any effect on matches
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You need to read better,
he say to buff survivors to swf par level so we can buff killers
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You can't win as leatherface, but you can as plague.
I have destroyed swf with trapper, so I dont know what u mean
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If voice cannot be disabled, then make its advantages baseline for every survivor and rebalance the game.
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I believe that if BHVR could prohibit the use of voice comms during SWF games then they'd have already done it. This game was intended to be played without voice comms.
"But people would stop playing the game", I hear you cry. I don't believe so, because: not every survivor is SWF, a lot of people just want to play with friends regardless of voice comms and lastly there are workarounds for voice comms.
Not everyone would use a workaround for voice comms though. Some SWF players don't know each other personally and might want to keep details such as email addresses or phone numbers, private.
I feel the game, for killer, is balanced somewhere between solo survivors and SWF teams. So when solo survivors get demolished by a skilled killer, they call for killer nerfs and survivor buffs. When killers get humiliated by a competent SWF team, they also call for nerfs and buffs.
Success in this game is not just about voice comms though, it has a lot to do with player skill, perks, add-ons and map. There's a big difference between the killer abilities as well: hillbilly will usually do better than, say, the clown. But a skilled clown main could get 3-4ks consistantly.
SWF should never have been added to the game, but it can't be removed now. But now its been added, I can't see any way of balancing this game, due to voice comms, which adds a significant, unfair advantage.
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you should start tryin to understand that nerfing or restricting SWF will NOT be an option. It's NOT good killin game experience. most people just want to play with their friends because they dont enjoy the solo gameplay or they dont wanna be alone in the dark.
restricting this option would result in a regressing playerbase. And that's a smart move for a game developer.
So as a game developer you should consider to adjust the solo gameplay. Because you have the problem: There's a SWF group with *that* much potential and there is a solo group with that... *eye roll* potential... And then there is the killer playerbase who complain about swfs. So if you would do changes to the survivor gameplay you would balance the game for the kilelr vs swf groups in a healthy and good way.
But at the same time you start ruin the experience of solo players. And they are already very frustrated.Most people are aware about the unfun gameplay as a solo player and you would make it even more worse. And that is very unhealthy for the game because the main survivor base is not the swf part, it's the solo part.
So as a developer from a good game you start thinkin about giving solo players more advantages. Advantages swf's have. That's pretty smart because when both modes are equal to each other there will be no longer a difference between them.
So as a developer you can feel free to see survivors as one unity. It doesnt matter if 4 people team up with TS or if 4 solo players play for themselfs. Now you can do changes, gameplay adjustments and other balance fixes to do sth for the game health as killer against survivors.
But the developers dont care. And i am not sayin this like "ay, the devs dont care about us" like many people do in the forums while theyre wrong. They dont care about this fix. I asked them in the last Q&A and the answer was "we would like to look at this" aka "thanks for you question".
But if more people would scream for solo fixes the devs were forced to do sth. But sadly, IF there are people complaining about these balance issues they just ask for swf nerfs which are not an option. Hopefully you realized what I mean and maybe it changed your mind so you can ask for changes for the solo players. Making both survivor groups equal to each other.
People requested already awesome ideas. I mentioned them in my Q&Q question:
- being chased icon
- totem counter in the HUID
- built in kindred
Have a nice day my friend.
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It would be cool if the killer could hear the survivors when they are talking if they are near
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maybe make a second game option where ONLY solo survivors can match up with a killer. Next to the already existing gamemode where everyone is allowed (solo & swf). It would mean you have a choice as killer if you really don't want to enounter swfs. But before you say, oh but then no killer would queue up anymore in the original gamemode... well you could give them 50% extra BPs (for example) to get extra insentive to play against possible swfs.
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To play Devil's Advocate, how would you enforce such a rule? First you would need to blacklist every voice chat program out there (which would be tricky since Steam itself has built in voice chat, and you could even use Discord through a browser so you'd to block every browser as well). But that wouldn't stop someone from using voice chat on their phones to circumvent that entirely, or prevent people in the same room from communicating.
Ultimately it's not possible to do and trying to manually enforce that would be a guessing game. It's not something we're looking to do.
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SWF doesn't have voice.
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The game would die out, becuase a lot of players don't play with Comms. All of us would stop playing because it's just an exercise in masochism.
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That's impossible. Buffinf Survivors will buff SWF, because SWF are made of survivors.
This isn't rocket science.
You cannot get around people working in a coordinated way. It's just how online games work. Killers need to stop whining about SWF and using SWF as a crutch and en excuse for their lack of skills.
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@Peanits thank's for answer but I think u know that VOICE is strong advantage for survivors :D idk how to make balance equal when killer play SWF team. Ideas ran from my head. :D
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@Mochan yes.but now masochism for killers :D I mean when play against SWF with voice :D
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@Peanits voice is a thing in DBD and needs to be addressed.
If the devs has no indications if someone is using voice or not, you have to assume they all are using it and balance the game accordingly.
Voice is basically a voluntary feature of the game and solos chose not to use it.
Please take voice in mind when the devs are designing new perks and killers.
I personally would love to give every solo the option to activate the voice buff (enable all the perks you can get solely by using voice)
If there would be a player that don't like the extra power they could turn off the buff.
If everyone is playing with the same premises we can start balancing the killer roaster around the new and fair solo/swf/survivors, because they all would he at the same level.
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@Akuma very interesting.ok.survivors buff to swf.And we have SWF with TS and buff solo and buff solo survivors.Nice.But what about killers???It will HELL fot them :D maybe need buff killers too?but idk what need to make
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It's not impossible. You just have to buff survivors in such a way that they get what SWF already has. This wouldn't affect SWF, but it would affect solo survivors.
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@Orion it will more difficult for killer.and what about killer????I think not all players tryhard killers :D
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Killers would be buffed at the same time, obviously.
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@Orion Legion super buff :DD
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Simple fact is devs know voice adds too much power to survivors. They know buffing to match that power will overpower solo survivors. So they'd rather let a 5th of their player base suffer than address the issue
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SWF isn't that broken. Most swf groups are casuals that play for fun and those who aren't don't even need the communication to dominate as a team.
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Just like they made a queue of survivors to play with friends, they should make a queue for killers who want to play against swf.
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I’m going to play devils advocate here.
Not only is this system you mentioned incredibly restrictive, but blocking communication programs in general is absurd. Just deal with SWF, four mans are incredibly rare according to the data released earlier this month.
Not to mention, this would not work on Console.
SWF is okay. It’s not in a great spot, sure— but it’s better than other things that need fixing.
Also; it could probably be avoided relatively easily, so restricting communication would ruin the casual experience.
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Same as eac detects cheats. It could detect voice communication programs and instead of a ban DbD would just close itself (not start)