I'm Done.



  • Hito420
    Hito420 Member Posts: 89

    yes, those things are annoying, but when you disconnect, you are screwing over your team, which makes THEM want to disconnect, what about when you play a map offering and because the killer doesnt like the map on their killer, they dc immediately and you lose your map, thats annoying right? same logic items, perks, offerings, they are all in the game, whether we like them or not, doesnt give us the right to disconnect from the game because we dont wanna go against them, do i wanna go against an IH huntress? insidious leatherface? 4 blink nurse? no, but does that mean i have the right to disconnect and deny them a game, no, and it works both ways, if i dont like a map for my killer, ill play it out, take the depip if i dont do well, an get the points, its like there are nothing but entitled pre-teen crybabies playing this game now that only wanna play the game if they are winning (defined obviously by getting a 4k or going out the exit gate waiting as long as possible)

  • Sythalin
    Sythalin Member Posts: 280
    edited May 2019

    The argument is countered by one simple fact: Players are playing for THEIR enjoyment, not to make sure everyone else is being entertained. It also says it right in the game's description that you can team up or go solo, thus there is no obligation or requirement to care about your "teammates".

    I don't support DCing, but if you're going to bring in "rights", then make sure you're considering all the facts before getting on that soapbox and trying to tell people what they have to do when they clearly don't.

  • Hito420
    Hito420 Member Posts: 89

    ... you say you dont justify dcing, but in the sentence above you did, saying "i understand why" is the same thing as saying "it's ok" "it's understandable" there is no reason to DC in this game, you hurt yourself with loss of progress, BP you gained, hurt your team, and gives the killer bonus points (both if you are a survivor), and if you are a killer the game just ends and it likely depips the survivors (which it shouldnt)

    on a side note, some of the DCs as of late arent the people DCing but the game booting them, happened to me an my friends multiple times, unless the killer was lagswitching to boot us of course but since ive heard multiple reports from multiple friends of getting booted id believe the former would be the more likely

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Hito420 Well said, I too play through the match as Killer/Survivor regardless if I do amazing, or I did horrible.

    You play till the end, you don't just quit because everything was against you. If you do that then whats the point in playing? Are you playing for GG EZ wins or something? (That's a question to DC'ers not you for clarification.)

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    The same logic can apply to me the Killer, so if i'm not having fun why should I stay right?

    DCing isn't the answer, I don't care if you're having fun or not you don't just quit because of the smallest thing going wrong. Doing that just proves one thing, that you're a baby who can't handle the smallest obstacles thrown at you.

    Not everything is handed to you, it must be earned.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    DCing for any reason (besides special reasons such as bugs and real life situations) is NOT okay. Just because a killer used an add-on that you didn't like doesn't make your actions valid. Stop blaming the killer for their actions, it's time that people take responsibility and improve their behavior.

  • Sythalin
    Sythalin Member Posts: 280

    Not everything is handed to you, it must be earned.

    We live in an age of participation trophies, and I'm willing to bet that the majority of the whiners have one on their shelf somewhere. Taking that into consideration, it's self explanatory at that point.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Sythalin its sad that I was thinking that exact thing while I was typing my response to what you said.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @NMCKE I feel like some people, especially in this community, could never understand that last part of your post.

    Most people who DC, consider it not taking an L. And as a result, they also will blame everything and their mother for what happened. It could be the most fair and balanced match, and they'll still blame something because they lost.

    This mindset, is so narrow minded, so near sighted. That... its incredible how anyone puts up with it, let alone listens to it. Having no empathy, no compassion for anyone around you is so selfish and sadistic that its just plain pathetic in a way.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    TS is another one that isn't Fun! I think the problem with all of these request is that it doesn't get to the heart of the issue. Why are people disconnecting? Why are people going to torture themselves if they're not having fun? Another big issue are killers that slug you just to get the final Survivor. It's one killer I went against last night was really after my friend and a random was in the dying state for what felt like 30 minutes, and he would come back with deerstalker pick him up and drop repeatedly. He was using him as bait with Insidious, and fortunately the random messaged my friend and said he was going to disconnect and to go to the hatch. Needless to say The Killers greed cost him a sacrifice and the other person got to escape. Not to mention the fact that he was holding this one Survivor hostage, it was very boring to watch the whole thing.

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    waves of DC bans will make players to suicide or quit forever

    what DBD needs is new stuff: game modes, items, features, rewards...

    ppl DC cuz bored of the same

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited May 2019

    @BACKSTABBER That's not the EXACT reason, or even the main reason people DC in-general.

    But yes, the game needs something fresh as it continues to grow and change. Also, those wave of DC bans only effect people who don't know how to play the system. People who i faced that night DO know how to play it, and will continue to do some until something is changed.

    That's why I reported them, despite it probably not going to be considered due to them wanting to rely on the current disconnection system in place. (Which as stated in my rant, is a terrible idea to go about this...)

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Nicholas I can agree, certain Killers play-styles are to be questioned of course. Some of them lack class, or even a plan when going about things in a trial.

    But regardless, you shouldn't DC because of it still. You shouldn't DC under ANY circumstance in-general its not the way to go, of course its easier to just leave and move on.

    But then that just makes you apart of the problem if you do that... You won't always face Killers like this, so I don't see the reason to use such drastic measures.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I didn't say anything about me disconnecting, and I didn't say I necessarily agree. I was merely pointing out another example of why people may disconnect. In the example outline, I think the killer shouldn't be able to hold survivors hostage. IMHO the Survivor should have the option to accelerate the bleed out and simply die on the ground.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @applepie_1998 Because, if you DC it goes towards their system and will eventually accumulate towards a ban.

    And while you could just say "Yeah but if I don't do it EVERY time" then you're a part of the problem, and you're someone who knows how to play the system to avoid said ban.

    Its understandable, why should you suffer for what your other teammate did? And you shouldn't. Its not right. But doing the same thing doesn't justify your actions either, it just ropes you in with them. If the system actually worked, these people who do this would be banned and you'd see DCing happen a lot less often.

    Besides, even if someone DCs Its not going to effect how you play, you can still get enough points (give or take) to not depip if that matters to you. We all have to face the worst situations, it just matters if you actually put the effort in to do so.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Nicholas I was speaking like, in-general to people who do DC. Not you specifically.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    It is happening on all ranks.

    I guess it is rare at 20-15 but newbies play there.

  • Chad_Kensington
    Chad_Kensington Member Posts: 44

    Hard to get the daily ritual for sacrifices done when people DC. I mean, sure, I am running The Legion of Doom here,

    but I still hardly use their power and just regular attack. Not to mention I don’t play Legion much either as I know I’m not that great with them. Mainly play them for dailies.

    Maybe make DCs count towards the daily ritual sacrifice progress?

    FYI: Every of these DCs came when they got downed and would have been taken to the hook for a third time/death hook.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Why didn't they link the FLIPPING LEAVE GAME BUTTON to the counter to punish bans?

    You clicked it to ragequit, if you clicked it more then X times a day or a week you get a ban, simple as that.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited May 2019

    I play in green and while I get DCs here and there (much more than I did last year) it's nowhere near as bad as FireHazard is describing. I'm actually *gasp!* still having fun playing the game. It is totally playable. As per Steam I have played 60 hours this week.

    Definitely not feeling the pain as FireHazard is.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Legion is legion, people DC to him by default.

    I'm talking about the general spectrum here.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    They stated that every game has it, so their game should have it too.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Mochan Its mostly Purple and Red Ranks, thats still pretty bad though. And on Green is also bad.

  • Chad_Kensington
    Chad_Kensington Member Posts: 44

    I understand that, but only posted that one as it denied me completing my daily ritual.

    Here’s some non Legion DCs:

  • Mediva
    Mediva Member Posts: 124

    I will say this, i play survivor. And as a survivor, i get screwed over by dc,s quite a lot. But in my games, its hardly ever by being the first downed. Thats just rare. Its just a killer's scummy playstyle that does that.

    Most Dc's I encounter are DC,s when someone got hooked first, got rescued (even close to second hook) and the killer still decided to go after that person again. Its the back to the hook and tunnel playstyle that causes most of the DC's. Especially in the red ranks, where this behaviour is almost every playstyle.

    Killers call this optimal gameplay. I call the DC of that person optimal gameplay in response too. If you know you are already getting chased every hook off again, you wont do well that game. Cause there simply is no outplay when killer immediately tunnels you like that. Best course to gain points? leave that match immediately and go to the next. Nothing to win there. just 1k points.

    I will never DC against a good killer that is clearly better then me. If they dont tunnel, dont camp, but still manage to do good, i will never leave and just take my 3 hooks, although it wont give me many points still. But staying in a match with a person tunnelling all the way? its a DC from me too.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Chad_Kensington Let me guess, they either DC'ed cause they were found first, someone died before them, or you outplayed them.

    Or bonus, a specific killer.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Mediva Then that's just contributing to the problem, it may be more lenient than the others. And it may have a some what justifiable reason behind it.

    But its still contributing to the problem sadly, I just can't get behind anyone DCing no matter the reason.

  • noneofyourbusiness
    noneofyourbusiness Member Posts: 532

    I just play 4 omega blinks nurse with ebony mori and survivors dc, pls devs ban these toxic players. Killer main logic lul xDDD

  • Mediva
    Mediva Member Posts: 124

    @FireHazard For me the tunnelling is just as much a problem as the DC-ing. Maybe more. Cause it happens almost every game. To me, that is loosing fun quickly as a survivor. Its the few games where killers actually try to do their best and not just be a prick for which i play this game.

    I dont see what me staying in a tunnelling game has for an advantage. When you get downed again 1 second after your feet touch the ground, what good am I in that way to the team? Has nothing to do with being farmed or my teammates doing unsafe rescues. With killers like that, there is no chance at a safe rescue. just the tunnel life.

    I run BT. I do saves. And its actually scary how many times that BT goes off. Its basically the same as DS. if you get hit with it, it means you are just a low life scummy killer. And most of them are. And i hate to have to bring a perk in the game that does nothing for me, to counter a fifth perk the killer is using. Because downing someone straight from the hook and get rewarded for it, is basically a free perk. And a very strong one, cause there really is no counterplay. A tunnelling killer will always get you.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited May 2019

    @Mediva That is just toxic behavior of certain Killers, it shouldn't cause anyone to be reduced to DCing because of it. That's actually probably what they want you to do to be quite honest...

    Regardless, I understand the struggle but it isn't the answer. And tunneling Killers are either often or not sometimes. So its not something to always be afraid about.

    This is usually why people run DS now a days, it counters this issue. Using DS, and BT can help stop tunneling in most situations and save people from it too.

    The point though is, for your reasons for DCing is a tricky discussion to have. But I can't get behind it despite the reason BECAUSE of the DCing, which just adds to the crisis at hand here. Many factoids can happen in the future to counteract tunneling even more, but DCing shouldn't be one of them.

  • Trevize
    Trevize Member Posts: 27

    I think It could be great if any surv that is waiting for a game could join a match where one surv has done DC, being the same surv, with the same perks and everything the same.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Sairek Sadly nothing is perfect, and this game is far from that luxury.

    All we can hope for is a fix to this soon, as waiting till summer for dedicated servers shouldn't be the answer... Its just not thinking about people dealing with it TILL then.

  • Mediva
    Mediva Member Posts: 124

    Well i am sorry too.. But unless behaviour gives real penalties to people tunnelling like that and give us something proper to punish it, i will be dc-ing. thats my own answer to people playing the game like that. And i dont feel bad by it. I am to no use to my teammates being on the floor or hook the entire time. Its just points for the killer. thats all. And i still play this game to have fun. To me, all fun is gone the minute i realize i am playing a killer like that yet again. You just know its not going to be a good game.

    Dc is a plague. But its also a reaction to another problem. You cant say we will fix it without adressing the reasons they DC. And tunnelling is a very big reason to DC rght now. And unless killers get really punished for it, DC's will happen. if behaviour dont punish them, then i will. A killer like that, doesnt get any more points from me.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @Trevize I feel having that ability would also need people to invite others to live games, and that would cause a whole bunch of issues.

    Also, the way this game is structured would have this go well, since what of the hooks they've taken? Do they just reset to a clean Survivor in that situation? Or do you take whatever hooks that Survivor had? The concept is too messy, and way too abuse-able.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited May 2019

    You shouldn't really be given the right to take that into your own hands, but it is one I can't stop you from using.

    Also, this post is mostly about DCing just happening regardless of any rhyme or reason so I just want to point that out (For clarification, and also cause it was happening to me for those 9 matches in a row...)

    That being said, if they had measures taken into account for such toxic behavior you wouldn't be forced to do any of this. But sadly, they don't and toxic play-styles like these are continuously rewarded. They fixed camping being rewarded, but tunneling is still a common issue people face. And there are only so many things you can do to prevent it until its just pointless to bother win.

    With all this kept in mind, I can agree to disagree with what you do. I can understand the reason, and I can understand that you know its wrong and that DCing in-general is a massive issue that needs to be fixed. But I can't get behind that being the answer, I just can't. Despite this also happens to me sometimes as I play survivor, I still press on regardless...

    I wish you the best of luck, but continuing to do these actions could also get you banned so please keep that in mind... (Also if you do it in "moderation" like most people who DC do to abuse the system then... that's also just contributing to what I said in the main post, weather its directly or not.)

  • Mediva
    Mediva Member Posts: 124

    @firehazard. just played 5 games in a row where there was a DC all games. All of them where because of a tunnlling killer. Those persons were all the first downed, unhooked safely, but killers as a billy are that fast back to the hook there really is no point. getting downed again no problem. I can get that to gain time. But hanging those people immediately? I would DC as well. So i am not even mad at them. I just DC-ed too and i am hoping everyone does that too. So this problem will get adressed too.

    Ever occured to you that it is the survivors way of telling behaviour to fix this problem? To me it is. For me this is not acceptable.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Wait, how many times have I heard killers say that they don't care about survivor's fun? That they don't play the game for anyone's fun but their own? So explain why anyone should care about the "fun" argument?

    Not that I support the DC epidemic. It is one of the reasons I've been on a break for a month. At the same time, let's not act like killers don't share some level of guilt for the state of the game. Why would anyone want to play survivor anymore unless you are a hard core competitor or love suffering?

    I logged in last night for the first time in a while. 4 killer matches as Trapper, 3 4ks one mercy release. Bored to death at how easy it was. Played 3 survivor matches, all three were hard core camping or tunneling. One match I only saw the killer when I noticed insidious Bubba standing next to the hook. Yep, lots of fun.

    Guess I need a longer break.....

  • ba_tetsuo
    ba_tetsuo Member Posts: 330


    Here's the thing. When you click Ready and load into a game, you are agreeing to play a game of DbD. Not "I'll play if its not X/Y/Z"

    The reason you DC doesn't matter. If you DC because you don't want to play, you shouldn't have readied up for a game to begin with. What if a killer DCed every time they saw back to back loops and a ton of pallets? Or if theres 4 mom/ds/bt/adrenaline?

    I hate flashlights, Should I dc any time I get blinded?

    Some games are fun, some suck. Hold the L, don't be a #########, and finish the match you agreed to play.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I honestly do get the point of dcing against anything, but even I have been driven to dc a couple time. The times I've dc'd were just due to genuinely not wanting to deal with super aggro survivors who want to rush the game to hell and back then want to hyper toxic because I won't give them chase points because I've not had time to even play the game.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    You could say it is their way of telling BHVR to fix things, but its gotten so out of hand if that is the goal.

    Most dont even do it because of an agenda, they're just mindlessly doing it out of anger or salt. This entire thing has gone above just being about broken mechanics in a game, its just making everything terrible for every player. Regardless if they're toxic or not, it effects everyone.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited May 2019

    You missed the point, its not fun for anyone. And I speak as a Killer main (I know funny killer main btw jokes) but I want to look out for both sides equally.

    I'm also referring to Killers that actually dont use those cheap broken tactics to get a kill. Camping and or tunneling is just plain toxic, and thats not who i advocate for. Even in times where it would be acceptable to camp or tunnel (which is 99% never anyways) I don't do it.

    I would hope both sides get a fun experience, and thats apparently rare for someone to think these days.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Maybe the reasoning behind it is that they simply don't care and they have implement super complicated solution that WON'T WORK.

    We are 3 years in and DC's and Ragequits became common how long, 1 year ago?

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @FireHazard oh, I got the point, but that was overridden in my mind by the countless killers I've seen say they don't care. I apologize if I insinuated you directly. It is the pizza poor attitude of killers and survivors who don't care about the fun of others that is ruining the game. That and BHVR's inability to have any level of plan or foresight into what issues their actions or additions to the game may have. This is one of the saddest examples of game management of a product with a dedicated fan base I've ever seen. Wish they would sell the property to someone with a clue on how to run it.

    Like you @FireHazard , I care about the quality of game experience as a whole. I don't care as much about the win as I do for the experience as a whole. It is the primary reason I play killer, because I can at least control the tempo if I'm clearly out outmatching my opponents. I can also control whether it is a snoozefest by making sure to engage the survivors throughout the match as opposed to protecting the one hooked player.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Or maybe, they just don't know what they're doing in-general with this...