How to avoid [trick] the hex ruin

Hey, i don't know if I was the one who started this, but probably might be.
How to: Keep in constantly pressing the key to start the repair in the generator and release right away, so if you keep spamming every one second 1 sec the key to repair, the skill check won't show up and you can complete a generator almost as the same time as no hex at all (not considering the great skill checks).
So this is how you avoid ruin. I discover this a long time before but never really care about it, but last week i did it in front of a guy and he was staring at me like I was the killer, and yesterday i was playing survivor as well, and in 9 matches that i playied, having 5 of them with ruin, 2 matches different guys were doing what i did.
I don't like the tecnique altho it works, you can try. I wish you guys could fix it, it's not a glitch, but u guys need to set a skill check if the survivor keeps spamming that button in the generator.
Did you just explain to us how to Gentap?
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Welcome to 2019 lad. It's not 2017 anymore.
The called "trick" is known as gentapping.
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This is gentapping.
You don't gen tap in 2019. You hit the skillcheck.
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You're actually not accomplishing much if you do that. You're not progressing for part of that so you're still taking significantly longer to finish the generator than you would if you did it normally. So long as you're hitting at least good skill checks, you'd be better off just powering through it or finding the totem.
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If you're looking to cheat ruin just let go when you hit a good skill check. If timed right the gen wont regress.
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one of the many reasons why i stopped using this perk.
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Just a quick question: Was it ever an idea to delay gen actually repairing by 1s to prevent bypassing the ruin with that tactic or forcing skillcheck to happen at certain treshholds throughout the gen to not prevent skillcheck mechanic to ever come into play?
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This man just discovered gentapping in 2019
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First: Gen tapping is dumb and you guys should fix that.
Killer need an animation for hitting the gen.
Survivors not.
In a 1 vs 4 game is this fact just dumb.
Survivors should get an animation and not the killers.
As example:
"Every time, when you start repairing a generator you must complete an animation."
This would solve both problems.
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I'm dead lmao ππ I can't believe this is a thread
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Umm yeah...pretty sure most realise this early survivor days, it's not a good habit... if you're really struggling but want to power through gens and practice hitting greats without the risk of stalling/regression try running stake out (Tapp teachable) this allows you to turn good checks into great based on tokens while in the killers TR but not in chase. Also you can let go and restart if you hit a good and spark it, this seems to reduce that no progress delay but not really that worth it...
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I just did a test. Gen tapping a gen only took 105 seconds, compared to the 80 seconds it takes to complete a gen without any great skill checks. This means that gen tapping only takes about 30% longer than repairing a gen without ruin, assuming you never hit great skill checks.
So survivors can either search for ruin for however long it takes to find it (can be minutes), or gen tap through all 5, taking about 525 seconds instead of 400 seconds. It's kinda like adding another gen to the game, but I wouldn't say it takes significantly longer to complete the gens this way.
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There is a secret technique all Killers hate:
There is a small white zone in the skillcheck, if you hit it Ruin will glitch out and not work. It also gives bonus BP.
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This is ridiculous though, any survivor that has played longer than a couple months knows where the ruin is most likely to spawn or they will just hit those great skill checks and power on
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Sure, but if the survivors can't consistently hit hex skill checks or find ruin, they can just gen tap and not really worry about the totem. I'm sure you've seen your fair share of red/purple rank survivors running around looking for ruin or failing hex skill checks.
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Honestly, devs should implement something where there's a skill check as soon as you touch the gen. This would stop gen tapping, as well as people tapping during a chase to stop gen regression
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Hi, have you met limited perk slots and good game design that doesn't require players to equip specific things to maybe sorta compensate for a design flaw?
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Killer wish list:
- Hex Ruin halts any and all progress on gens till the Totem is meticulously dismantled requiring nanoscopic skill checks
- Hex Ruin Totem is located inside Killers pants
Because /balance is hard
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People would just hit a great skill check, tap, great skill check, tap, ect... Might be fine if it only happened with ruin, but I feel like that might be too much of a buff for an already meta perk.
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I'm gonna meticulously dismantle what Myers has in his pants
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Yea, I run Overcharge literally for this reason. Overcharge is a hard skillcheck to hit. I'm not asking for a hard skill check to hit. I'm asking for an immediate regular skill check to get the gen to stop regressing.
Stopping Gen Regression should take at least as long as starting it.
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Not gonna lie this thread is kind of cute. π
Next thread: "not sure if you know this but there are wooden boards on the map that you can drop so the killer can't hit you!"
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@peanits that isn't true, due to ruin not only pausing the meter, but removing a fail skill checks worth of progress from it as well. Gen tapping takes a little longer then sitting there holding the mouse button, sure. But it's still much faster then plowing through the generator, unless you are hitting nothing but greats.
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Powering through it also helps you improve on landing those greats though. Ruin trains smart survivors to be even better.
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Welcome baby survivor to The Fog!
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Multiple people on a single gen is already slower than on seperate gens anyway
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Oh wow this got so much worse since I last saw it, I was going to say during matches I make innuendos about "touching their totem" but you took it right to the next level π
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Several, actually.
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This man learned gentapping in 2019. Much better to just hit your skill checks. If you land a good instead of a great let go while it sparks, during the spark animations you canβt make progress but you CAN trigger more skillchecks.
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this dude think he invented gen tapping, plus, tapping the gen is slower than working thru ruin
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Dear, @LPS11 ; @thatguyinktown ; @PolarBear @HavelmomDaS1 (lol ><) ;
Well, for my honor i should say:
I did NOT find this out this year or even last year, altho i sayied i MIGHT (5% chance maybe?) be the one that started in this plataform (xbox) but who knows? who cares? that's not hard to find out. I'm just saying i've never used it before in front of the others, and never seen ANYONE in XBOX DOING IT, so, ######### is the coincidence that after i did that to a dude suddenly i see a lot of survivors doing the same, maybe that guy was important idk, but in youtube there must be someone teaching it, so yeah, maybe ur boys copy from me that teach to another guy years ago, or not. --- How that makes you feel? ---
I'm not saying i'm the "inventor" because, anyone can find this out its just a metter of time if u use 0,0000000000000000001 of your BRAIN. Just to be clear.
@Aven_Fallen yup i did, i believe there are still people that doesnt know it. WHY are you BORN WITH THAT INFO? THE TITLE WAS TO GET ATTENTION kid. marketing, i wish to avoid this toxic method, because of dumb game design
@KingB that would not be cheat that would be skill.
@CallMeSpidey , yup, thats the idea Spidey, but there are ways to avoid that.
@ShyN3ko for your commentary that was my point, altho i made it dumb ^^ ty
@Mister_xD right? ^^
@theArashi Thanks man
@SurpriseSurprise THANK YOU.
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I just think, to fix this would NOT be nice to add a skill check if u gen tapping ( i learned that vocabulary here hehe would been easier if i've used it), because that would destroy freedy.
I just follow what @ShyN3ko said, i didn't though in that, that would solve the problem. I beleive.
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Gen Tapping promotes bad game play by newer players.
The reason why some survivors will stare at you on the gen when you are tapping, is because they judging your ability.. or lack of ability. It is a sign of a new player.
If it is a more seasoned player.. players will be wondering if you are meme'ing or not...
Either way they are thinking.. "Oh no... This match isn't gonna go good."
Gen Tapping is the sign of garbage players.
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I usually extend when I tap, 5 seconds instead of spam.
Na, I'm joking. I usually either power through it or knock ruin out
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The lost time is minimal and rewards you with those sweet coop points. That said it's why I run Prove Thy Self.
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Not trying to disgrace your honor but you're definitely not the one who started gen tapping on any platform, that has been around since ruin was brought into the game , a better counter is to put survivors all on separate gens because the killer can only chase one at a time and just power through it trying to hit those great skill checks ,that's why you see alot of killers say ruin isn't viable, it gets taken out too fast and good survivors will hit those skill checks , I've saw games where the ruin stayed active and the gens still popped in around the same amount of time, when I see survivors gen tapping it tells me you don't know totem spawns and can't hit skill checks I usually try to stay away from those teammates
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I know man, i'm just messing around (i'm bored at my work), the "definitely not"part i will take as a compliment ^^ but i did anyway.
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yeah, gen tap is a bad tactic but it does work against ruin, like i said "I don't like the tecnique altho it works, you can try", thats the point. This method spoof the ruin. But yes, their are judging me and that can be even more true because my rank as a survivor is 14-11, so players in there are pretty basic.
Like i use this technic IF i searched for all the map and didn't find the hex, so well fk it you know.
The real point is, if everyone starts to abuse this, might be a problem, if people just skill check they just deal with it. Like camping is a tactic as much as gen tapping is, but that is to only bypass the hex ruin that clearly doesnt work.
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Actually, I know what you mean. When I found this I was doing it for a hot minute. Yes the gen does not begin sparking, but it still will have the effect of hitting a good skillcheck in ruin. It will regress and stop progression for a few seconds.
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Devs don't need to fix anything. The perk is called overcharge!
This is such a ridiculous thread. I run both sides and yes I hate going against ruin but sure as hell like running it. Hex ruin is not broken. It doesn't need fixed. It doesn't need changed. As a killer it's a gamble. Either it lasts awhile and prolongs the game or it's destroyed early and you are down to 3 perks. As a survivor you either find it. Power through with skill checks or gentap. That's the name of the game whether we all agree with it or not. The game is supposed to be challenging regardless of what side you play! Not a picnic on the beach!
I love this game and will continue to play both sides and have a good time but holy hell the dbd community as a whole is the whinniest bunch of pansies I've ever seen on a game! (Obviously I'm not talking about EVERYONE! If you got butthurt by the comment then it was most likely about you. If you didn't then kudos we are brotheren is what is overall a great game with a few minor annoyances!)
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It's also a five-month old thread. If you have opinions to share about Ruin or Overcharge, I would recommend making a thread of your own to do so instead of necroing this one unnecessarily.
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Lol you found it didn't you? Why start a new thread on something that already has a thread that can just be bumped! How many threads do we need on the topic??
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This is either bait or is gonna be a really rude awakening, but what you have just described is something called gen tapping, and it actually takes longer too do a gen if you just held M1 and powered through it.
Gen tapping has been in the game since Ruin and Lullaby were introduced (and probably sooner). My advice is simply to just power through it or find the totem.
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The original thread was opened in May π its just been necroed.
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Yes, I found it, because you bumped it up to the top page by commenting on it. We don't resurrect months-old threads because a lot can change in the game in that time and it can get confusing for people.
You're new to the forums, so I'm just trying to explain to you how things generally work here. You are free to create your own thread on the topic, but please don't resurrect old threads. The discussion here has already ended.
@MandyTalk@Gay Myers (Luzi) This thread may need to be locked.
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I see your point on resurrecting old threads. A lot can change in this game for sure. That said Hex ruin is hex ruin so I guess I still thought it was relevant. At any rate i appreciate the info and will be sure to not resurrect old going forward.
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You're fine, I'm happy that you learned from this! π€π
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People still whine too much! π€£
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@Fibijean Thank you :)