Rate my survivor perk ideas

Made a killer perk thread in GD (https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/5831/rate-my-killer-perk-ideas-updated-6-29), decided to make this in survivor forum this time. Tell me what you think!
Sign Language - You're so good with your hands. Doing the "come here" gesture within 10/20/30m of a survivor will reveal your aura to that survivor for 4 seconds. Doing the "pointing" gesture toward a generator, chest, totem, or item within 8m will reveal that object's aura to all survivors for 3/6/9 seconds. If another survivor does the same gesture as you within 10m and 5 seconds, you both get +100 Bloodpoints bonus for altruistic co-op action. This bonus can only be earned once per survivor pair (ie. you can only do it with every other survivor once for a max of +300 BP).
Houndini - Now you see me, now you don't! Once per trial, when in a chase, jumping into a locker will instantly teleport you to another random locker within 8/16/24m. This will cause you to jump out of the chosen locker and will trigger a notification. Equipping this perk removes the option to struggle during hook phase 1. Killers that check the locker you used within 10 seconds will be treated to confetti and "ta da" sound effect. (NOTES: Q&Q will prevent notification upon jumping out of the locker.)
Hemophiliac - Your blood makes a mess. When hit, cover the killer's camera with a blood splash for 3/4/5 seconds. Suffer from hemorrhage status effect for 20/15/10 seconds after being hit.
Spiteful - Awww, did that hurt? It look like it did! Once per trial while on a hook (any phase and during unhook channel) and if the killer is within 10m of you, throw a rock at the killer that will cause a stun for 3/4/5 seconds. Using this perk's ability counts as 1 struggle attempt. (NOTES: The stun does not cause the killer to drop a survivor they are carrying. The stun does not stop the interrupt animation, so if the killer gets to the guy before you throw it you will waste it similar to using DS while being hooked. The struggle attempt cost will not kill you, instead you will just not be able to use the perk ability if hook health is below the cost of using it. Slippery Meat can reduce this cost allowing you to do it with less hook health.)
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- The BP makes no sense. Other than that, this is just a combination of perks that already exist, but more powerful.
- No, Survivors don't need yet more free escapes. Furthermore, you can't struggle until the second hook phase, and if you don't struggle then, you just die instantly.
- I take it you haven't played Killer. The amount of blood you get on your screen by default is absurd.
- No, you may not punish the Killer for being near the hook.
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@Orion said:
1. The BP makes no sense. Other than that, this is just a combination of perks that already exist, but more powerful.
2. No, Survivors don't need yet more free escapes. Furthermore, you can't struggle until the second hook phase, and if you don't struggle then, you just die instantly.
3. I take it you haven't played Killer. The amount of blood you get on your screen by default is absurd.
4. No, you may not punish the Killer for being near the hook.- BP is there more for fun than anything. It's 300 BP at most, nothing to whine about.
- It's not free, there is still a notification and you could very well teleport to the locker right next to you. It extends the chase more than it is a free escape. Also you can struggle during phase 1, that's how you kobe. That is something you can't do if you use this perk.
- I do play killer and the blood is nothing. If it really bothers you then I question how good of a killer you must be. It's meant to be similar to Dance With Me in that it gives you a window to escape. Plus the downside of hemorrhaging means any decent killer will be able to follow your blood trail and keep on you.
- The perk is meant to give survivors a chance to make an unhook, because if the killer is that close it is literally impossible to actually unhook someone. Maybe don't stand within 10m if you don't want to get stunned and it's not a problem.
Maybe take a look at my killer perk ideas if you are a killer main.
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- I'm saying it makes no sense to give BP for this perk. How is it altruistic to point out a generator?
- It will be free most of the time, since lockers aren't usually in visual range of each other. Chases are already long enough; no need to extend them further.
- Maybe they changed it since I last played (been a little busy IRL), but last I played, it was hard to see for a brief moment.
- Survivors already have a ton of chances, plus second-chance perks. Killers can stand wherever the ######### they want, and there's no reason to punish them for it. Killers are supposed to be the power role; not Survivors. Suggestions like this completely forget that very basic principle.
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@Orion said:
1. I'm saying it makes no sense to give BP for this perk. How is it altruistic to point out a generator?
2. It will be free most of the time, since lockers aren't usually in visual range of each other. Chases are already long enough; no need to extend them further.
3. Maybe they changed it since I last played (been a little busy IRL), but last I played, it was hard to see for a brief moment.
4. Survivors already have a ton of chances, plus second-chance perks. Killers can stand wherever the [BAD WORD] they want, and there's no reason to punish them for it. Killers are supposed to be the power role; not Survivors. Suggestions like this completely forget that very basic principle.- The altruistic part is because you do it with another player. You don't even need to point at something just do the same gesture as each other.
- No it's not free because it has downsides. It triggers a notification so the killer knows what locker you came out of. It has a risk because most lockers are grouped together, in fact you'd have a very low chance of going to a locker far away. You also can't attempt to kobe, which might not be that big of a deal but it can make a difference in some cases, but the idea is you trade 1 kind of escape for another.
- I honestly don't notice it. I have no problem tracking someone that I just hit, except when I'm Freddy and they are a P3 Claudette and even then not that much.
- You just have to stand farther away. The fact killer can totally prevent you from making a save is BS. If a killer sit that close to you there is no way you can be saved, don't pretend like you can. If you want to talk about things for free, bad killers get free kills because they can camp hooks. Now those killers will get punished for it. If you don't want to get stunned, then don't stand so close to the hook. Killers being in a power role doesn't mean they can completely block hook saves. That's like saying the catcher should be able to just pick up home plate and carry it with him so no one else can score.
But I'm not going to argue the camping issue with you here. Thank you for the feedback, but you are obviously not the demographic I'm trying to reach here. Go check out my killer perk ideas because then you get a better picture of what I think killer should have.
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@thesuicidefox said:
@Orion said:
1. I'm saying it makes no sense to give BP for this perk. How is it altruistic to point out a generator?
2. It will be free most of the time, since lockers aren't usually in visual range of each other. Chases are already long enough; no need to extend them further.
3. Maybe they changed it since I last played (been a little busy IRL), but last I played, it was hard to see for a brief moment.
4. Survivors already have a ton of chances, plus second-chance perks. Killers can stand wherever the [BAD WORD] they want, and there's no reason to punish them for it. Killers are supposed to be the power role; not Survivors. Suggestions like this completely forget that very basic principle.- The altruistic part is because you do it with another player. You don't even need to point at something just do the same gesture as each other.
- No it's not free because it has downsides. It triggers a notification so the killer knows what locker you came out of. It has a risk because most lockers are grouped together, in fact you'd have a very low chance of going to a locker far away. You also can't attempt to kobe, which might not be that big of a deal but it can make a difference in some cases, but the idea is you trade 1 kind of escape for another.
- I honestly don't notice it. I have no problem tracking someone that I just hit, except when I'm Freddy and they are a P3 Claudette and even then not that much.
- You just have to stand farther away. The fact killer can totally prevent you from making a save is BS. If a killer sit that close to you there is no way you can be saved, don't pretend like you can. If you want to talk about things for free, bad killers get free kills because they can camp hooks. Now those killers will get punished for it. If you don't want to get stunned, then don't stand so close to the hook. Killers being in a power role doesn't mean they can completely block hook saves. That's like saying the catcher should be able to just pick up home plate and carry it with him so no one else can score.
But I'm not going to argue the camping issue with you here. Thank you for the feedback, but you are obviously not the demographic I'm trying to reach here. Go check out my killer perk ideas because then you get a better picture of what I think killer should have.
Y'all need to chill. Don't know why y'all heated about some ideas, but I like chocolate ice cream.
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@ItsDaEmuDood said:
@thesuicidefox said:
@Orion said:
1. I'm saying it makes no sense to give BP for this perk. How is it altruistic to point out a generator?
2. It will be free most of the time, since lockers aren't usually in visual range of each other. Chases are already long enough; no need to extend them further.
3. Maybe they changed it since I last played (been a little busy IRL), but last I played, it was hard to see for a brief moment.
4. Survivors already have a ton of chances, plus second-chance perks. Killers can stand wherever the [BAD WORD] they want, and there's no reason to punish them for it. Killers are supposed to be the power role; not Survivors. Suggestions like this completely forget that very basic principle.- The altruistic part is because you do it with another player. You don't even need to point at something just do the same gesture as each other.
- No it's not free because it has downsides. It triggers a notification so the killer knows what locker you came out of. It has a risk because most lockers are grouped together, in fact you'd have a very low chance of going to a locker far away. You also can't attempt to kobe, which might not be that big of a deal but it can make a difference in some cases, but the idea is you trade 1 kind of escape for another.
- I honestly don't notice it. I have no problem tracking someone that I just hit, except when I'm Freddy and they are a P3 Claudette and even then not that much.
- You just have to stand farther away. The fact killer can totally prevent you from making a save is BS. If a killer sit that close to you there is no way you can be saved, don't pretend like you can. If you want to talk about things for free, bad killers get free kills because they can camp hooks. Now those killers will get punished for it. If you don't want to get stunned, then don't stand so close to the hook. Killers being in a power role doesn't mean they can completely block hook saves. That's like saying the catcher should be able to just pick up home plate and carry it with him so no one else can score.
But I'm not going to argue the camping issue with you here. Thank you for the feedback, but you are obviously not the demographic I'm trying to reach here. Go check out my killer perk ideas because then you get a better picture of what I think killer should have.
Y'all need to chill. Don't know why y'all heated about some ideas, but I like chocolate ice cream.
OP got pissy because he asked for feedback and didn't get the feedback he wanted. Sucks, but his ideas are just bad, IMO.
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@Orion said:
OP got pissy because he asked for feedback and didn't get the feedback he wanted. Sucks, but his ideas are just bad, IMO.I'm not looking for feedback from killer mains. You can have you opinions of my ideas I don't care, but I don't want to argue with you about the game in my thread. If you want to leave feedback fine, but if you want to just rail on me because your a killer main (which is pretty obvious considering the petty nitpicking of just the first perks BP bonus put there for FUN), just state your opinion and move on.
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@thesuicidefox said:
@Orion said:
OP got pissy because he asked for feedback and didn't get the feedback he wanted. Sucks, but his ideas are just bad, IMO.I'm not looking for feedback from killer mains. You can have you opinions of my ideas I don't care, but I don't want to argue with you about the game in my thread. If you want to leave feedback fine, but if you want to just rail on me because your a killer main (which is pretty obvious considering the petty nitpicking of just the first perks BP bonus put there for FUN), just state your opinion and move on.
"I want a feedback, but ######### YOU if that feedback is not what I wanted" - won't comment that
As to the perks:
1. Seems nice.
2. Yeah, sure, and when survivors unhook someone, let's teleport the hooked person on the other random hook. Can be triggered once per 60/50/40 seconds.
3. It would make Nurse unplayable, nope.
4. Another crutch?0 -
@thesuicidefox said:
@Orion said:
OP got pissy because he asked for feedback and didn't get the feedback he wanted. Sucks, but his ideas are just bad, IMO.I'm not looking for feedback from killer mains. You can have you opinions of my ideas I don't care, but I don't want to argue with you about the game in my thread. If you want to leave feedback fine, but if you want to just rail on me because your a killer main (which is pretty obvious considering the petty nitpicking of just the first perks BP bonus put there for FUN), just state your opinion and move on.
Excuse me for actually taking the entire suggestion into consideration, points included, instead of ignoring parts of it just because "it's there for fun".
And sure, ignore Killers, because that's totally not how the game got to the current, unbalanced state.
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@RSB said:
@thesuicidefox said:
@Orion said:
OP got pissy because he asked for feedback and didn't get the feedback he wanted. Sucks, but his ideas are just bad, IMO.I'm not looking for feedback from killer mains. You can have you opinions of my ideas I don't care, but I don't want to argue with you about the game in my thread. If you want to leave feedback fine, but if you want to just rail on me because your a killer main (which is pretty obvious considering the petty nitpicking of just the first perks BP bonus put there for FUN), just state your opinion and move on.
"I want a feedback, but [BAD WORD] YOU if that feedback is not what I wanted" - won't comment that
As to the perks:
1. Seems nice.
2. Yeah, sure, and when survivors unhook someone, let's teleport the hooked person on the other random hook. Can be triggered once per 60/50/40 seconds.
3. It would make Nurse unplayable, nope.
4. Another crutch?Constructive feedback is one thing. Flaming and bashing my ideas because you are a killer main and just want to start an argument with me about stuff I said in a different thread is another. Your feedback is technically negative, but you don't have an attitude about it, so thank you. This thread is for a fun discussion, not arguing. He can move on, points noted.
Also regarding Houndini, just really think about the perk for a second. Say you go to the shack and the basement is there. There will be 7 lockers, 3 top 4 bottom. If you jump into one at the top you have 50% higher chance of jumping out of a locker in the basement. If you go to the basement, it is 50/50 if you go to basement or top. There's only a few maps and a few spots in a game when you would have a lot of lockers to go to. So if you don't pay attention to where you are then chances are you will just end up jumping out in a bad spot. There is actually a very low chance it would help you get away if you actually consider the layout of lockers and such. I'm not saying it wouldn't be powerful, it definitely would, maybe some other downsides to it. But the idea is to extend the chase, which is what the valuable survivor perks do.
Nurse unplayable with blood splatter? Not really considering it has the downside that you bleed more for a time after being hit. It's supposed to give you a window to lose the killer, but good killers or those with Bloodhound will be able to counter your perk easy. I won't argue that numbers might be too strong, but that's something you need to test.
As for #4, I say to you what I said to the other guy. Check out my killer perks, because one of my ideas is literally teleporting hooked survivors to the basement.
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Regarding your Killer perks, I went all the way to page 10 in "Killers" and couldn't find them. You should get a direct link. However, what you said about teleporting hooked Survivors to the basement is as ridiculous as the second perk in this thread.
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It was in General Discussion, and the link is in the OP. First line or did you seriously not even read the OP?
And you can say what you want about my ideas, but I'm not going to respect your opinion if you have an attitude about it. If you want to keep giving me attitude please just don't even respond (here or the killer thread).
I honestly don't even care anymore. I made these posts for fun but it seems like people take themselves way too seriously here. This place is a friggin' cesspool.
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So these aren't real suggestions; you made the posts for fun. On the other hand, you also claim to want feedback, which isn't necessary unless you're making a real suggestion. Which is it?
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I want feedback that doesn't have attitude attached to it hence the idea of a fun thread because it's not supposed to be toxic or argumentative, so thanks for ruining my thread and you will probably ruin my killer perk idea thread. You came in here with an attitude and just bashed my ideas because of things I've said in other threads. You gave your feedback, why do you continue to spam my thread? If you wanted to make your points, make them without being a pure ######### about it. Also maybe read what people write, which is obvious you didn't do merely because you didn't see the long ass link in the first line.
Post if you want I'm done talking to you.
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You're the second person to think I'm disagreeing with them out of some personal vendetta. Here's the cold, hard truth: I don't read the usernames of people who comment unless they complain that I'm targeting them. So no, I didn't "bash your ideas because of things you've said in other threads".
Fact is, I have no idea who you are outside this thread. I don't know what you've said or where you've said it, because I simply do not care. I judge ideas on their own merit, which is apparently something you don't do.I do read what people write, but I also have ADD. I likely skipped over the link because it didn't seem related to the thread at hand and simply forgot about it.
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just kiss and make up guys.
Like seriously.
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I love the thought and detail, but they seem a little kooky and I can't see them working well in game.
Hemophiliac could be cool.1 -
I think they're brilliant ideas personally0
Thank you both for the feedback. @MinusTheBillie I won't disagree they are 'kooky', it is just IMO the game is better with more perks like this because it mixes up the meta. If a perk is really strong, it should have some costs to it though. DS, for example, has no cost other than you have a higher chance to be the obsession, which isn't really a big deal. The new version the devs mentioned is a bit more of a risk/reward, since if you are not the obsession it will almost be worthless to use, but I think a perk like DS would be totally acceptable if there was a higher cost to using it. Maybe obsessions get faster hook progression or something.
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Sign Language- nothing to change, seems pretty good and is just a fun novelty perk
Houdini- replace the inability to kobe off hook with just a cooldown, considering some of your perks give me a magician survivor feel, the inability to kobe off would clash
Hemophiliac- not a big fan purely because it wouldn't be practical to run, covering a killer's screen a bit more in exchange for hemorrhage seems impractical
Spiteful- also not a big fan of this one because it punishes killers who have to defend from overly altruistic survivors0 -
@Dolvling said:
Sign Language- nothing to change, seems pretty good and is just a fun novelty perk
Houdini- replace the inability to kobe off hook with just a cooldown, considering some of your perks give me a magician survivor feel, the inability to kobe off would clash
Hemophiliac- not a big fan purely because it wouldn't be practical to run, covering a killer's screen a bit more in exchange for hemorrhage seems impractical
Spiteful- also not a big fan of this one because it punishes killers who have to defend from overly altruistic survivorsThanks for the feedback.
Regarding Houdini, giving it a cooldown so that you could do it multiple times in a game would be way too strong IMO. It's meant as a 1 time escape from a chase, with odds that it could also backfire if you use it improperly. The inability to struggle on first hook is the trade off for using the perk since using it even once would be very strong. Though I'm open to other ideas for "downsides" besides just that, but a cooldown I don't think is a good alternative.
Hemophiliac is also a risk/reward type of thing. A good killer will be able to track your blood to offset the fact they lost you on the hit, but if you use the time properly you could escape I'm quite sure. Maybe the Hemorrhage time is too long, that's possible, but as with any sort of thing in a video game testing is required to nail down those numbers. It could very well turn out I was even too low and they need to be increased to make it viable. I only put numbers for completion sake, don't think of them as set in stone just placeholders until they get play tested.
I can totally understand your point about Spiteful. I was thinking maybe it could be an obsession perk too, just so that everyone in the game isn't running it. Maybe it also would only apply to the first hook so then, as killer, if you can get someone to second hook then you don't need to worry about spiteful. The idea with the perk is to counter the EXTREME camping some killers do, and punish it as it should be punished. If you are a killer that leaves the hook, 10m is such a small distance that you shouldn't honestly have to worry about it. Only those killers that will sit really close to a hook to grab someone or hit the guy as he is unhooked risk getting hit with Spiteful. You could also impose other limitations, maybe it can't work after the gates are open or something because in those cases killers are almost forced to camp. Again all this needs play testing, so for now just focus on the idea that "Spiteful punished hardcore campers by giving survivors a chance to get off the hook and act". It doesn't actually stop them from coming after you as much as it just gives you a shot of getting off the hook when it would otherwise be impossible.