FUNDAMENTALLY Rework Ash's Perks

Mettle of Man: This Perk is absolutely terrible for the game and even the most dense of Survivor-Main-Who-Never-Plays-Killer type of players cannot defend this bullshit.

I don't know what to say about it beyond what has already been said countless times by streamers like ScottJund and Zubat, who have thousands of hours in this game.

A Perk that punishes all Killers who are not Hillbilly or Huntress for not being the Hillbilly with an InstaSaw combo is not good for the game.

Flip Flop: Another abomination of a Perk that needs a complete and total rework from the ground up.

BHVR in 2019: "We get it now! 30% Decisive Strike was a horrible idea that was really bad for game balance!"

Also BHVR: "Here's Flip Flop! A Perk that literally does the exact same thing!"

Do I need to say more?

Change this thing completely.

I want to be able to enjoy playing Wraith, Pig and Drift King Billy again.

I don't mind not getting a 4k every match, I'm not one of those Killer Mains who count a single escape as a slight on the honor of my ancestors, I don't mind people spamming CTRL in a video game - I play chill, I play fair, I just try to have a good time and make sure the Survivors in my matches do too.

What I do mind is not having a choice in the matter.

I mind getting "outplayed" by a Perk.

I mind invulnerable Survivors walking out to the gate with absolutely nothing I can do about it because the team was immune to pressure and everyone had a secret extra health level and automatic 30% DS.

Oh, and while you're at it, you should feel free to delete NOED, Prayer Beads, Keys, Mori's, InstaSaw, extra Blinks and Omegablinks as well.

I love Bruce Campbell, but Ash ######### ruined my day.


  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Flip flop isn't connected to the old decisive at all... it's a true rarity when it comes to play...

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Flip flop is a perfectly fine perk. They are looking into ways to make MoM healthy for the game.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Complain about flip flop when it becomes meta. You talk about reworking perks but don't mention the one which is literally useless.

    Buckle up should work from anywhere on the map. Even at that it is completely useless.

    MoM needs a rework, flip flop is fine and buckle up needs a buff.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Flip Flop is fine, it counters a completely unfun mechanic, getting left on the ground unable to do anything while the killer decides what they want to do.

    It is NEVER a guaranteed result, it has requirements to work unlike old DS, and only goes off if the killer is doing something frustrating. Even then it isn't a high success rate and burns a perk slot in the process.

    If you hate Flip Flop so much, a frankly incredibly rare perk, maybe don't slug so much. If anything it needs a buff.

  • FTSA
    FTSA Member Posts: 33

    I never thought I'd see the day when someone complained about flip-flop LOL. It's legitimately useless, an inferior version of unbreakable.