Who's excited for the ptb tommorow?

I'm going to test out ghost in the ptb tommorow :D who's going to test him out also? And are you excited for the ptb?
I don't have access to the PTB, but I'm excited to see gameplay of Ghostface , and what everyone thinks of him after actually going hands on with him.
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not excited at all, GF is meh
poor skin development, un-interesting perks, boring power...
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You haven't even tryed him out yet. Before you say hes bad. Give him a try:D
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k but watched gameplay and description, not really need to try~~
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That's fine:) as he could be good or he could be bad.
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Not really. I'm on console, so the ptb is meaningless to me. As for Ghostface, he feels more then a little underwhelming to me. Time will tell, but he might be the first killer I pass on altogether.
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I'm excited for Ghostface, but I'll probably stay out of testing. I enjoy the playing with your prey feeling Myers, Hag, Wraith, and Pig can give. So he may fit in well for me.
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I am cautiously optimistic. I think that ghostface is overall very meh. The power seems to have some viability. But the perks look really dissapointing to me, except for one, which can block gens after grabbing someone.
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I'm not excited about the chapter (ghostface) but about some Bugfixes and QoL things. It really reached the point that I'm more excited about this stuff than actual new killers. This is really sad..
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I’m excited for ghostface and seeing what other changes they did to the game but I’m on PS4 so I’ll be watching other people play it in the meantime.
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My expectations are pretty low actually.
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PTB will be disapointing like always i mean, no maps change , no killers change (poor clown) , no perks buff/rework(vigil , boil over , tinkerer).
Basically it's all about GF no new feature will be added except if i'm wrong.
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Since it will be impossible to test the new killer, I'll just watch a streamer.
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@xllANDRESllx Often we find out about certain balance changes, when we read about them in the patch notes. They don't tell us everything beforehand and wait for the time after PTB goes live to go through all the changes. So it's possible we see a few minor balance tweaks or even changed perks. I actually expect to see the enduring change, they've talked about.
Yeah, if you don't have five people for a serious KYF test, than it's barely possible to test out a killer in ptb. Especially, when there isn't a new survivor or large survivor perk changes. I will probably just watch streamers as well and maybe play a few rounds solo survivor against GF to judge from the survivors perspective.