Perk ideas for both roles.

Im to lazy for descriptions and to uncreative for names. So i'll just leave some ideas below.
Killer perk
1. Survivors now emit a blue stain showing where they look similar to the Killers Red Stain. Direct line of sight is needed for this perk to activate.
(Synergises with Huntress, Clown, Freddy, Spirit and all stealth Killers).
2. Hooking a survivor will reveal the location of all survivors within 24m, all BP gains are increased by 100% for one minute as long as you are in a chase (win-win for the Killer and the guy that won't get farmed or camped, its designed to promote aggressive behavior and deter unsafe rescues).
3. Any survivor that causes vault blockers to activate will get blinded for a few seconds.
Survivor perks.
1. After unhooking a survivor, the rescued will leave no scratchmarks or blood for 10 seconds (only applies to the rescued because it should redirect Killers towards you).
2. For each time you get hit, downed and hooked, your luck increases.
3. Allows you to sacrifice an item in an open chest to close it, this will allow the Survivor to open it again and receive a new item, sacrificing items of higher rarity results in better luck.
Not bad... like it :)
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killer perks
- doesn't that makes the surviver very obvious to see, no
- bbq and chilly 2.0, NO
- seems decent prevent big loops, yes
surviver perks
- sound good prevent tunneling, yes
- seems useful but also little OP (even that it is luck), should say only with hooked or downed
- to OP becouse you can cicle items until you have what you want, NO