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General Discussions

why i'm a killer....

the fact of the matter is that i'm not good at video games. i like em and i have fun playing but i know i'll never be a 'skilled player'. of course i win occasionally but thats just odds of probability more than me being on point.... i originally bought DBD to be a survivor. it eventually became clear that i was not suited for that. in all honesty, my dwight is responsible for more deaths than a rank 15 wraith and hes damaged more gen than a 'trapper with Pop Goes The Weasel'.... its just not for me. so instead of being the random guy in your lobby that inadvertently gets everyone killed, i opted to be the one who is blatantly out to kill you.... now while i understand that my job is to kill the ######### outta you by any means necessary, i absolutely refuse to play like a scumbag. i will opt to chase a healthy survivor rather than one fresh off a hook. i always leave the hook after a quick check of the area. and i avoid putting a person on a hook again unless i've hooked someone else prior. its just a code i try to maintain.... i've met quite a few survivors along the way. in fact half of my friends list are survivors that were appreciative of a 'fair game'. they often ask me to play SWF and i warn them. they don't believe me so i join them and they never ask me again. its cool. i understand.... but just remember this. i'm only playing killer because i can't accept the burden of 3 other ppl depending on me to not **** up. so if you think that a killer is blind or a noob just because he walked by you while you were crouched in a corner crying fresh off a hook, maybe hes fully aware whats up and chooses not to be a scumbag.... ya see, i play with headphones and (because i don't have 3 other ppl in my ear telling me 'what a goober the killer is') i hear EVERYTHING.... grass, breathing, crying, totems, chests, gens, lockers, all of it.... i don't get tilted over DS. i don't get tilted over flashlights. i don't get irate over loopers and such. i understand survivors have a limited arsenal to avoid killers. i don't dodge lobbys or camp ppl for being 'rude'.... somedays its really tough to be a 'friendly' killer. so if you think a killer is giving you a fair game (even if he eventually kills you), hows about cutting back on the tbgs or not stalling his lobby for shits and giggles.... remember that he might just be a survivor that didn't want to **** up your game and became a killer instead.... thanks.... /speech....

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  • Member Posts: 1,857
    Thanks guy!
  • Member Posts: 5,873

    Holy f that's long and very deep c;. Nah jokes aside, I play both but more survivor because gen rushing is way too annoying as killer, once I've maxed out all my survivors I'll move to killer and get ruin but for now it's not really fun as killer. Btw I never respect pallets so it's not looping that causes problems for me it's just that I play base killers and they're weak af. Except Billy or Nurse I'm OK with them.

  • Member Posts: 624


    i meant window looping and such. pallets don't even cross my mind (they do however cross the top of my head).... i run Enduring so i maximize my usage. lol. i don't run Ruin but i still have good games. i'm a billy main. gen rushing happens but not as much as you might think....

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    Window looping is way too OP imagine if they never added bloodlust or the entity block? Killer mains would be powerless (more then they are right now)

  • Member Posts: 624

    lol. yeah. it can get ridiculous.... i know when i have a pro looper it gets tedious af.... he'll run from one loop directly to another one. i know when hes found his next one because he gives me that quick little 'come over here' tbag....

  • Member Posts: 10

    You are quite the beacon of morality for this community from what you've said and I greatly respect your decision with the way you've chosen to enjoy the game. I wish you good luck and fun in all your future trials of the fog!

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