Post chat is not "TOXIC"!

To people that got triggered once in post chat:
Stop spreading misinformation about players being toxic in post chat cause what you do here is creating toxic aura in it. When i first started playing this game i RARELY ever had toxic comments in post chat but then i was reading a lot of forums and people were claiming about how toxic post chat is how toxic the community is how toxic survivors are so in 90% of my games at the end i m going toxic myself in post chat and its all because of you cause i dont feel like its me for example in other games i never feel like going toxic towards other players.
P.S. Post chat is FRIENDLY. Peace.
Your experience will not be the same for everyone else.
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So you are toxic because other people say end chat is toxic? Really?
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I mean, its toxic by choice, you can literally close end game chat lmao. But he is right that creating threads complaining about it just makes a more toxic environment, the game is literally 18+, people can/will say what they want.
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Still doesn’t mean that it can’t be toxic. Just because you closed it doesn’t mean they haven’t said anything.
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I bet not only me cause when the game ends i always feel like survivors going to say something bad so i go toxic first in maybe 80-90% of my games
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If others are toxic you don't have to be.
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Probably but people are different and by propaganding things like this community is toxic post chat is toxic will do the worse. People will expect other people being toxic and they will go toxic themselves.
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I can't see any logic behind it. If you want people not propaganding toxicness you could be an example. What you are doing is just making more toxicness blaming someone else for being toxic. You make it worse.
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Then I guess online bullying doesn't exist
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If you and more people will propagand some place being dangerous(when it was dangerous only for you and few other people) guess what other people would do? They will walk in armed.
I dont get what you want to say
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Or just avoid the place....
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So by your logic i suppose to be like you ? Act like you ? talk like you?Why you tell me how to approach things?
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I gave an alternative, because by your logic I would arm myself, which I wouldn't do. Just because a majority may be doing something doesn't mean everyone is also doing the same thing. There's always other options.
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Salt for the Salt throne?
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I make it worse by blaming someone for being toxic? What are you on about ?
The thread is for people who spread negativity to think about what they actually doing. Never did i blame anyone in this thread.
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It does exist of course. But there are also good things that happens in post chat but NO ONE talks about it? People would rather spread negativity rather than something positive. Ive never heard someone saying " The post chat was friendly today". If you spread negativity you will end up in that negativity.
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So you're saying that adults are just ######### all the time?
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You make it worse by being toxic and then blaming that on someone else. It is your choice and you did it stop looking for a scapegoat.
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Just do like deathgarden, remove it. It is near useless anyway.
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Press that button and never open the chat again. It'll save everyone a lot of sanity.
The game would lose NOTHING from removing the post-game chat completely.
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Not blaming anyone. Learn how to read. Im saying that people create toxic atmosphere(reputation) for the post chat that it sometimes makes me go toxic myself.
If i d blame anyone i d say its all your fault youre the ones to blame. But i said (at least meant)that something is going on with me because you created such atmosphere yourself and gave a few examples as to why( i dont feel such atmosphere in other games).
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I have been called a variety of names, but most of the time, I see plenty of good commentary.
PSA: Even if you are not feeling offended, report people who are calling you names anyway. Just remember that it will help in the long run.
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Learn how to not contradict yourself. You said you are toxic because others created that "atmosphere". Isn't that avoiding responsibilty for your actions?
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you are blaming others right there, you are saying its not your fault that you are toxic
you being toxic is nobodies fault but your own
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i report you, noobass camper and tunneler, i hope your mom has a very bad day >:c
i hope someone has interracial sex with you, whilst you be the female!
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This is....Random.
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"I rarely ever experience toxicity. Therefore, you all are wrong."
Nah buddy, i closed it after the gazillionth threat to my life.
I made my profile private to stop getting messages saying cancer is what i should have.
I never cared too much about these messages, but being flooded by them is annoying enough for me to make an effort and click the post-chat button one last time to stop them from coming in.
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"Sometimes i go toxic myself"
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I don't find post chat toxic - I find it entertaining.
Such as the teams I destroy calling me legitimately trash.
If I'm so trash, why are you all dead?
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Those people wouldn't say anything like that in public. It is easy to say bad stuff behind the anonimity of the internet.
That is why I have my messages disabled on my killer account and there is no end game chat on console. I bet they get so frustrated when they can't reach me. I imagine them breaking a controller or something when I demolish tbagging flashlight trigger happy swf. Make me smile.
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Nobody can make you do a damn thing. If you are toxic in chat it's for one of two reasons.
Either someone said something to you and you responded in kind, negating your view that chat is not toxic.
You decided/wanted to be toxic and blame it on others because that's easier than admitting you just decided to be an unpleasant person.
There are no phantom hands on your keyboard, nobody holds a gun to your head in order to type something, so please...just stop. People say the chat is toxic because a good portion of the time it is. I've experienced death threats, ######### threats, been told to kill myself and called all manner of things. In the end I turned off messages and my play time has been much better.
Now there have been threads about some of the nice in game messages we receive, but sadly they are few and far between for a REASON.....
If you want to say nasty or mean things to people in a game, well thats your prerogative. But man up and own it.
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Yeah lets all expect post chat to be toxic then? What your point?
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Again im not blaming anyone. As i said i have noticed myself going toxic in post chat because of "post chat is toxic" being a meme already. I dont have a feeling to go toxic in other games.
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Why isn't everyone toxic because of that then? If others can manage not to be toxic you can do it too.
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"I have noticed myself going toxic in post chat because of 'post chat is toxic' being a meme already" is LITERALLY placing the blame elsewhere.
I have seen the same memes as you and yet strangely, in two years of playing, i have not once been toxic to someone in chat whether I win, lose, or someone is toxic to me for no reason since I'm never toxic in game.
Like i said before, if you are toxic in chat, for whatever reason, it's your fingers walking on the keyboard, ergo...your responsibility.