Which trophies are you having problems with?

Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

Just wondering what achievements are you finding tricky? I only have 'Where Did They Go?" and 'Wounded Healer' left.



  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Agreed this was tricky. Best to get purple Nurse's Call, but that was the hardest Adept for sure.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    On PS4: Where did they go? (Have no friends), 3 blink nurse grab (just never seems to happen). Have all the rest on the base game - still have quite a few DLC ones to get.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    Yes this was tough. Somehow did it once but never come close to a 4K with nurse since on PS4.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    With 3 blink Nurse, use Insidious, put survivor in basement ('east' hook, sideways) and hide in corner behind wooden wall. The 2nd survivor won't know you're there due to Insidious and when they go to unhook the other survivor they will have their back to you. 3 small blinks - attack - gotcha!

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Those for killers/survivors I haven't bought.

  • javimasilla
    javimasilla Member Posts: 12

    Shoot 100 survivors with the axes of the The Hunter. On Ps4

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    So glad I got that one done before the double pip requirement.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    That is near enough impossible unless you farm for it and snipe survivors who don't care eg at the exit gates.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    I think on PC they changed the requirement to 10 which is far more sensible.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Yeah definitely. I got Plague after double pip but did it on the day of rank reset so was playing with a potato crew and got it first time. I wonder how tricky GhostFace will be...

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Adept Killer achievements since it requires you to stay in the game for like 40 minutes, break every pallet, generator thousands of times, down Survivors, let them bleed a little, hook everyone to death, etc etc, when all you gotta do for Survivor is escape.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Where did they go is the only one I need for the plat. I have 2 friends. And even when the stars align with a farmer, things happen like no keys or THE DOOR DOESN’T EVEN SPAWN.

    This is the one trophy I hope either gets changed or we get a perk that will help this out like Deliverance did to the unhook ones. I really dislike that the trophy that requires team work is one that really has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with dumb luck. There’s too many variables that messes this up.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited June 2019

    @javimasilla  I thought that one was gonna be a tough one... I only had to get 20 but I'll tell you how I did it.

    You sort of have to farm the survivors.... but you don't really HAVE to farm... you pretend to.

    I just found a spot in the map where I could throw long shots, and near a locker and just kept throwing them down.. eventually the survivors come over and think you are doing a daily... I found they usually would stay far back as they don't know exactly what you are doing.... and you can pick them off that way, let them heal.. then keep doing it... I could get about 5 to 8 in a match.

    Then when you get 2 or 3 down.. move in and start hooking them... move onto the next match. Didn't work every match but it only took me about 5 matches once I started doing it this way.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    I have all the ones from the Freddy and Legion dlc, and wounded healer but that's it

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    Honestly i got where did they go first try a few months back with one friend. I got so lucky

  • purebalance7
    purebalance7 Member Posts: 90

    Pallets don't affect adept, but you need to pretty much 3 hook every survivor

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Any Adept Killer with how emblem system is, not even gonna bother trying after em for awhile...attempting them without cheesing things is just masochism....

    Trapper's Trap Trophy for whatever reason doesn't want to unlock, despite me having well over 10 Traps triggered....

    "Where did they go" because people are really potato and on console hard to communicate what you're doing.

    Legion's Deranged Pursuit Trophy. With the changes to Legion, no idea how to go about this...

    Nurse Trophies on console.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @Nikkiwhat  with the Trapper traps... You have to pick the survivor out of them for it to count... if you hit them.. it won't work. Just run up and grab them out of the trap.

    Legion's is super easy now.. just put Deep Wound on a survivor.. break FF then chase them and down them... that is it.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Oh my Gods.....that's why I don't have it oh I could head desk so hard right now...it doesn't state that anywhere on console's Trophy page D: I have some grabs but I usually smack them in case they break out (dont use higher quality add-ons too often)

    Thanks for the clarification for Legion! The wording kinda made it confusing amd before their rework looking up,online had conflicting info. Mucho appreciated 💀💜

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    Deranged pursuit works with hitting down someone with borrowed time (since it's also deep wounds).

    I have the base game platinumed (ps4), so the dlc ones. There are groups to find people on ps4 if you struggle with the hatch trophy. I've gotten it organically a few times as a solo survivor (maybe I'm just lucky).

    I found adept nurse easier than adept Billy.....this is with cheesing as billy (two dcs and farming).

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited June 2019

    I'm going to have a find a group of hatch hunters in order to get 'Where Did They Go?'. Hopefully the match will be complimented with a complete root vegetable of a killer.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Skilled Huntress and "Were did they go?"

    But.. I am not exactly trying sooo.. eh.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    All killer archivements you need to have 2 pips so that you get it its bad and it needs to be like the old times you kill all survivor you got the archivement

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    Try to farm with the killer for "where did they go?"

    On Ps4 is quite easy since you can send messages to your team and the killer.

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    If anyone on ps4 needs help with survivor team ones, you can send me a message and I'll group up. *Pokes name*

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,370

    Skilled Huntress and Evil Incarnate

    Evil Incarnate seems especially difficult as you almost need to use both ultra rare add-ons, combine this with gen rushing, hiding in lockers, DCs and hatch spawning as soon as one survivor is left makes this pretty difficult.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    I actually got this on my 3rd attempt (1st time last noob dc, 2nd last survivor got the hatch).

    It's now easier with End Game Collapse as you can close the hatch, preventing the final survivor getting an easy exit.

    Get the unlimited tier 3 Evil Within & tombstone add ons.

    Get good perks like Monitor and Abuse (adds to less detection when stalking), Surveillance (tracking), Nurse's Call (injured tracking) and Ruin (slows gen rush as long as possible).

    Be patient and build up your Evil Within as quick as possible.

    When you reach Tier 3, go on a rampage.

    If you keep on top of the survivors and nobody DCs...you'll get it.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    The adept killer trophies need to change back to what they used to be. Where did they go is a stupid trophy as well but devs always need to make at least 1 bullshit trophy to piss people off. The nurse 3 blink grab one I dont have either but that one seems easy you just message survivors and ask them to help you until one does. I've helped several nurses get it.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    Skilled Huntress was the absolute worst one to get. I had to message survivors asking for them to farm a bit every game for about 30 games in a row. The actual distance is so great that I have no idea how they thought it was even remotely okay at all under any circumstances to ask people to do 100 of these legitimately. Even 20 is an insane pain in the buttocks.


    Evil Incarnate is the one hard achievement that I got on the first try. Meanwhile I've spent dozens of hours trying to do all sorts of stupid things that are supposedly nowhere near as hard. Right now I've spent about 20 hours trying to get the Ormond Gen achievement. I've only seen the map twice as survivor in those 20 hours (because there's 27 of them now); and both times were spectacular failures I couldn't do much about.

  • Jesp
    Jesp Member Posts: 192

    Evil incarnate.

    Was bad enough when people hopped in lockers, at least you could try to drag them to a dead zone and then force them to jump off your shoulder. Now you've got rampant disconnecting to worry about as well.

  • The_Bogeyman
    The_Bogeyman Member Posts: 269

    The Huntress one where you gotta down survivors over 24 feet away with hatchets. Screw that one.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    You can’t send messages to the killer until after the match, which sucks when you just want the hatch trophy.

    If anyone on ps4 wants to get where did they go, hmu at jaustengirl - just leave a message so I know you’re not a creepy weirdo trying to friend me because I’m a girl.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Nurse 3-blink-grab was extremely easy for me. I only needed to get to a gen, smack it with a Survivor nearby, blink three times and grab them. Dropping them straight up afterwards. It only took me one match.

    Since I never play as SWF, "Where did they go?" is difficult. Might be easier to get as solo if the Killer wants to farm during double BP on the weekend.

    Skilled Huntress takes a while, but Im getting there. Survivors seem to be really difficult to catch the idea that if you arent playing seriously and take distance for your shots, then Im farming for it.

    Taking One For The Team takes ages. But at least its a steady progress.

    The Adept achievements, same deal as everyone. Shouldnt be a double pip, should just be a 4k. Still missing a couple. I know I willl never get some like Adept Laurie, Adept Shape, Adept Ash or Adept Ghostface, since I will never buy them. At least I will avoid the Evil Incarnate achievement.

  • rayoxium
    rayoxium Member Posts: 112

    The skilled huntress achievement is definitely a difficult one, but there is a method you can use to make it easier. Put on tons of aura detection perks, bitter murmur, discordance, bbq and chili, surveillance. Then you put on iridescent heads, with the infantry belt of course. You have to down the survivors so the instas make it so much easier. Then you have to choose a map that has a lot of generators that are in the open, blood lodge or a corn map. Then you just snipe when you see someone with your perks, also remember that you can hit people if they are working on a generator from any side. The hit box is slightly above the gen, so aim a bit higher and you’ll get them. In general, hit boxes for hatchets can be hit higher than most people think.

    It also helps if you can convince the survivors that you are looking for snipes, I had a game where I got about 7 because a Kate figured out what I was doing and let me get a couple. She was cool. Perhaps it’s not the intended way to finish the achievement, but there’s are so many and not everybody has the time to become a huntress main.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    I managed to get all the main ones for platinum but Evil Incarnate is a 🤡, i always get close but the last survivor dcs

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Work as hard as you like for Wounded Healer...the trophy is currently broken and we've got no feedback on a solution.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Whats wrong with it? I got it some weeks ago with no trouble whatsoever. I do know about the 51/50 thing, but that didnt stop me from getting it.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    Evil Incarnate. The survivors like to jump in lockers and DC.

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    I have all the achievements on PC and all of them on PS4. AStupidMonkeyy on PS4 but haven't played in awhile so I believe I never bought the last killer on there since I got it on PC instead. Otherwise, I did everything twice on both PC and PS4.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited June 2019

    Skilled Huntress, Where Did They Go, and the one where you have wiggle out (there always seems to be a hook nearby whenever I get downed or nobody wants to bodyblock, seriously thinking about just running a don't slug me build until I get the trophy).

    I did that before the ranks and Adept Killer trophies got ruined by 2.6.0. It was still pretty hard, but I cannot imagine trying to do it today. I had to get Adept Plague that way and it was horrible.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    They should at least rename it. It has nothing to do with skill so it should be "Really Lucky Huntress."

  • SlickSal
    SlickSal Member Posts: 112
    edited June 2019

    I have all trophies including dlc except wounded healer, wiggle out of the killers grasp 10 times and hit 100 longe range hatchets

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    May I ask:

    Did you get on PS4?

    What date did you get the trophy?

    Which perks did you use?

    Were the heals full or partial?

    Many PS4 users are reporting (including myself) that they have done well over the required 50, some close to 100, and no trophy pop.