For the Hag players...

SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

What are some basic or advanced tips and tricks you've learned from others or taught yourself?

What are some things that you wish someone had told you about the Hag sooner?

What are some questions that you have right now that no one has been able to explain clearly enough for you?

The new hag guide is almost finished, but I thought it would be fun to include this kind of information to help make the guide more in-depth and make sure that I cover things that I might not have thought about.

Or even put in new things that I never thought about.

Let's see what we can learn shall we?


  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    Best tip I can give is refrain from large loops and long chases.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    @SpaceCoconut has an old vid that shows most of the core concepts. It's a bit out of date and could use some updating. But it will still teach you how to 4k. check out his youtube channel for it.

  • fischyhb
    fischyhb Member Posts: 23

    Love your content, keep up the good work.

    Only thing I could suggest for your guide is an estimate on the trap triggering range for the various addons

    What really works for me as hag is using her small stature to sneak up on survivors and the more fog they use the better. Lots of time they will run into me because they do not know from where I am coming as I use lots of obstacles to block line of sight. I hunt with my ears as much as my eyes so this works really well for me.

    But what really makes hag deadly for me is using survivors altruism and greed against them.

    Save the best for last( for the fast chain hits)

    Franklins (Greed I just have to have my item and I going back for it, trap it and and even if they crouch in for it it is still a good time killer)

    Mad Grit ( When they are trying to save their buddy)

    and the last is a toss up between Iron Grip (for the trip to the basement) or Blood Warden(drawing them back in and as they save, smacking and downing them as they head for the gate and get stuck there.) You will still down quite a few as they just cannot leave without their items.

    This seems to work better for me at red ranks than at lower ones. but regardless it works so good. Wish I could say these were all my strategies but these are things I have picked up for your content and others.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    All I can say is Save the Best for Last is a godsend, don't play her much but use that, Franklin's Demise helps too when they want to grab their item in your face, secure kill. Block off loops with her, not gens or random spots, 110% sucks for looping.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    Alloways trap the corner from the place they can drop ( like the cool tower) this will mess up the BL and because not direct from the edge they will have no idea.

  • Dathro
    Dathro Member Posts: 29

    The 2 nastiest pieces of tech I've seen are the instant teleport hit, and the placement of a trap such that it turns the Surv's camera so that they are forced off their loop.

  • Spike_Plays
    Spike_Plays Member Posts: 3

    Take your time on the start of the match to trap at least 5 traps and always replace the traps when you get the chance

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    Not a hag main but something I learned was to trap a small distance away from a window and not directly next to it because I found out sometimes if a survivor runs around the other side of said window, sometimes the trap will trigger from the other side if the window, if that makes sense

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Devour Hope on hag = win.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    My biggest thing is trapping a lane where survivors will run to after I hook someone or just lanes in general. Downing people so fast as Hag is the biggest reason why she’s top 3.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    3 gen strat on Hag has never given me a loss, which is why I don’t main her.

  • TomTheSequel
    TomTheSequel Member Posts: 58

    The scarred hand add-on seems useless but the collision can prevent anyone from looping you. Placing traps in all the entrances of a killer shack with the scarred hand add-on is game over for survivors most of the time.

    It takes time to set up in the beginning of a match, so ruin or corrupt intervention is sorely needed. DO NOT play hag if you see at least two survivors with flashlights in the lobby. You will put yourself at a massive disadvantage if you do.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    She insanely good on the game map and Leroy's memorial map.

    Other then that when setting a web a good idea is to place one where you spawn and work around about half the map centered close to a object or building that gets heavy traffic. As the game progresses you narrow it down to a smaller area.

    Dont place traps at a Hook if you already have one they might assume you didnt trap if it's a SWF or they watched you hook.

    Using traps to force people out of loops for free hits or into dangerous areas is fun.

    You can get free hits at pallets by not teleporting right away as they typically vault. If they can still teleport and get a hit. Keep the tactics random too.

    Same as ruin, but chase them towards a trapped area when you follow them. It's easy to push them towards traps by taking a offbeat route.

    Set traps frequently once you place your first few traps you should never see a high number again. Trap before you pick a survivor up, trap near a unused area you know will come into play soon.

    Place a trap prior to picking someone up can ruin there DS and help you catch up.

    Hag is a fantastic killer dont treat her like a typical M1 killer it will only be a horrible game for you. Her teleport is a mindgame so use it effectively.

  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328

    Putting traps in corners to make survivors who activate them face the corner. Setting a trap further away from the hook than most survivors would expect. Using her small TR to your advantage (nurses).

  • Wahara
    Wahara Member Posts: 237

    Old thread, but one thing that people haven't mentioned is trapping popular line of sight blockers. Dense clusters of trees on Macmillans, the tall grass patches on Yamoakas, that (I can't think of what to call it) rectangular block in between the two houses at the end of street on haddonfield, are good places to trap. Survivors crouch to these places and when they see you leave, get up and book to the next gen and pop your trap.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853
    edited October 2019

    Never chase early, once all your 10 traps are set then you're good to go, use corrupt intervention and ruin to help buy time to place your traps, make your choice is a decent perk on her but i prefer monitor and abuse with STBFL

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224
    edited October 2019

    Never chase for longer than one pallet break unless it is the last survivor. Ensure you have traps down at all times. If you lose the survivors just focus on patrolling gens and setting traps.

    I like setting traps in a line across the middle on big maps and in open areas between defensive structures on the smaller maps. Corners in buildings to force survivor camera to it. Goal is to hit a survivor and have the wounded survivor run into a trap to a down.

    Ensure you mash your teleport button to fast teleport hit a wounded survivor when you see they are running to a trap.

    Some survivors have mastered turning away from the teleport phantasm so they are not in your direct view when you teleport, but that only works if you do not insta teleport to the trap.

    If they bring flashlights I switch to Clown or Mike hue hue

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    I love how you tag the best Hag a post he made himself

    10/10 xD

  • Financial_Stability
    Financial_Stability Member Posts: 466

    Would be a good idea to show what hag struggles with I suppose. Knowing that if survivors know how to safely pop traps and always be able to get to a safe zone, Hag will almost never stand a chance against a 4man OoO team. I did some teating, and a survivor that triggers a trap at the very edge of it's hitbox has a good 28-36 meters if the hag teleports immediately before the Hag can get a hit in.

    This actually makes me sad. I've tried to play Hag in many tournaments, but she really doesn't stand a chance when OoO is in play against the best of the best.