Perks raise values?

This is just a suggestion.
- Open-Handed: 4/6/8 to raise 12/24/36
- Vigil: 10/15/20 to raise 20/25/30
- Breakdown: 4/5/6 to raise 7/8/9
- Boil Over (Hook): 10/12/14 to raise 14/16/18
- Distortion: 6/8/10 to raise 9/12/15
open handed: nope. with kindred...... open handed is fine as it is
vigil agreed
breakdown .. dont rly care but "yeah_whatever"
boil over .. dont rly care but yeah whatever
distortion.. dont rly care but yeah whatever
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Open handed: Just double the base values to 8/12/16.
Vigil: Agreed.
Breakdown: Agreed.
Boil Over: Don't care.
Distortion: Just increase the tokens from 3 to 5 or 6.
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yeah sure open handed for 8/12/16 nice job, just the value of unused features should be slightly increased and other :v
Oke again uptade list;
- Open-Handed: 4/6/8 to raise 8/12/16
- Vigil: 10/15/20 to raise 20/25/30
- Breakdown: 4/5/6 to raise 7/8/9
- Distortion: 6/8/10 to raise 9/12/15
- Detective's Hunch: 64 metres for 5/7/10 second (aura)
other suggestion? thanks
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I would love an Update were they rebalance all the perks that are a bit weak. I think buffing This is Not Happening's values would also be nice.
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Yes but everything will be over time.