Finding Perks in Chests

The title says it all, but just imagine.....
You’re hurt, and you dig through a chest hoping beyond hope that you find a medkit. But wait, what’s this? Oh glorious day, you found Self-Care instead! It’s only tier 1, but whatever. As you grab for it, you choose a perk to swap it out with.... let’s just drop Sprint Burst for a sec. Grab the perk, heal up, and then swap again to take your sprint burst back. You can always come back to this chest if you get hurt again!
The game progresses a while and sure enough you’re injured. But you know where to find a wonderful self care perk! You carefully make your way back to the chest, look in and.... what’s this?! Sole Survivor?! That’s garbage! It was that Dwight! I just know it! He swapped it out and kept it! Guess who I’m not going to save from the hook? 😒
If this were done, it would have to be done carefully or game balance could be severely affected. Certain perks would have to be unavailable to ever spawn in chests. It would also be fun for killer chests to be introduced with the same ability for perks, and maybe a couple consumables mixed in, like throwable items or something.
While we’re at it, let’s make it possible to collect offerings as well! They won’t affect the current match, but if you survive they’ll be added to your inventory for future games.
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Yeah like moris. Let killers be able to find them in the basement. So much balance.
And let killers find perks in the game as well and switch them up. When ruin is gone maybe you will get another totem lit.
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That would be a really interesting and fun idea. They should have a rare chance to appear tho. Upvoted
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Maybe a new mode called perk roulette, you have to find perks, items and offering around the map and they spawn randomly over time in little chests or something.