I know swf can be hard but why lobby dodge them?

Isn't it better to face something no matter how hard it is? Lobby times are already long as it is, just saying.
I play killer and I will never dodge a lobby because of the swf.
I don't dodge anymore cause i'll always get SWF. (Doesn't matter what the numbers said, i'll always get them and someone is blessed with half the solos i should get.)
And if i always get SWF, if i start dodging again, i'll never play.
But when i used to dodge, i did so because i found it to be cheating that they can communicate.
I don't view it as cheating anymore, but i now view it as clear abuse of what's allowed.
And no, that's not me saying every SWF group does this, it's me saying that the devs made a powerful tool for everyone with friends to use and haven't done anything balancing around said tool for years.
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Kind of why I take breaks from killer and just goof as survivor. I never dodge a lobby. Bring in every toxic thing you want and come as a group, I only play killer when I'm mentally prepared.
This is why I want them to do something about swfs (and other toxic things) though. It just makes my bad days worse and can make a good day turn bad. I have stepped away from the controller during really toxic games and had to dc once because of how much it just affected me. I just want them to be mindful of the player's mental health when they design things. -_-
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As main survivor I have killer at rank 17, I'm not a good killer, just barely doing my job, no perks, lvl 1 killer, no tier 1 killers. Almost 80% of low rank (13-20) lobbies are swfs with torches and at least 1k hour playtime. Not fun bro.
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Seems I am the only one then. When killer become stressful I just play survivor more and when I start feeling helpless I just play killer.
I prefer playing the game over waiting.
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Because swf is annoying to go against for some people. The fact that swf groups can talk to each other using third-party software to get free info on the killer is pretty annoying. I personally don't dodge swf but I understand why some do.
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Most multiplayer games I played are filled with toxic people and bad sportmanship. You can't escape it. Might as well just play along and grow thicker skin.
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I tend to ready up as soon as there's 4 people in the room regardless of SWF. It takes a long time for my lobbies as killer recently so I'm not interested in dodging. The only time I'll ever dodge is if I know I've got a really toxic/annoying survivor in my room (who doesn't leave) from previous matches/encounters in a session with them and those are sort of rare. I have a scarily good memory for those who annoy me too much in dbd.
I can 100% understand why some people dodge it though when they go against it constantly/back to back. You have to be in a really good mental state at the time and I think we can all agree those matches generally aren't fun. Fair enough if they're just organised and play well, respectfully, I'm fine with losing to those, but those who go that extra mile to taunt the killer and vault spam and be generally annoying deserve every mori and OP addon they get.
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The answer is easy:
That killer that dodge just want to go against survivor that stay in the corner and dont do anything the entire game so they can claim the BIG
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I don’t and will never dodge, ruining others fun isn’t something I typically do (except recently when I played scratch mirror Myers on Lery’s recently >.>) but I would rarely do that.
Survivor ques are awful on PS4 and I’d hate to make them longer for people who may or may not be in a swf group.
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At least someone agrees. :)
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It honestly depends on what killer I want to use. I have days where I get the itch to play Trapper, Freddy, etc., and I'm sure as hell not bringing them against a red-purple rank SWF. There's just no point. I can't imagine it's fun for anyone.
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Why do people DC if they hear a nurse's shriek?
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Because fun games are more important to me.
I guess its the same reason why survivors DC on their first down?
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Lobby dodging and dcing are dumb.
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I dont but i inderstand why killers sometimes do it. The only exception is if i faced the same team again and again I'll dodge the team. Sometimes it not about the quantity of games its about the quality of games. If you wait 3 mins longer for a game but get a team or players with a different set up it can be way more refreshing to play against.
Its often tempting if im playing a stealth killer since your approach can be given away by survivours communicating your approach. So usually I just switch my killer to someone who can compete i. e. Billy, nurse etc.
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I think lobby dodging is stupid imo. Sure, swfs are usually toxic, but they will help you get better at the game. Most the times swfs aren't very good anyway, and are pretty easy to stomp since they are usually overly altruistic. Nothing is more satisfying than stomping a swf and them trying to make excuses for it in end game chat. :)
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Call me crazy, I actually prefer playing against SWF. When playing against solos I often see stuff that ruins my fun as killer because it is exactly why I pretty much gave up on solo survivor and switched to killer. I always have to watch out that I am fair towards everyone and that can be quite stressful as well and makes me feel bad if I missed something or made a wrong call.
For example, just two days ago I was chasing this Ash, he was really good. At one point he just stopped and pointed at a hook. Killed himself.
On the BBQ radar I saw why: instead of working on the last two gens, his two remaining teammates were crouching in corners of the map behind rocks, far away from the remaining gens. At this point I feel pressured to ensure no one gets out.
Against SWF I can always give the last person the hatch because I know they all play to the end as a team and don’t selfishly camp the hatch. With solos I always have to watch out if there is a hatch camper waiting for the other survivor to be found and die, so that I‘m not unfair towards the survivor who is actually still playing and working on a gen.
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Cuz people dont want to face storong enemies.
As for me, there is two types of matches.
Solo survivors, where you destroying them almost every time (true for me, as i play at rank 7 killer)
And swf, where you get the challenge, facing skilled group, which almost always have a red rank member.
My thought on swf, is to make system like in CSGO.
If ranks are too diferent, you cant start the match, untill you get full lobby.
That ll not hit the casual players, that just playing together, but ll make it harder, to teams with rank 20 and rank 1, if you get me
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At the weekend, four Prestige 3 Claudettes loaded in at the same time, all with toolboxes and a Yamoaka Estate offering. Somehow I got 4 kills.
I briefly thought I was a god but the next game was against 4 solos in default clothing and I got destroyed.
I don't think there is any point dodging lobbys as soon we won't be able to tell who is a solo and who isn't.
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Yeah, but that still depends on them to a degree. I CAN do well with Freddy against a SWF at those ranks if they choose to not respect him at all. Or I could just take Hag and wreck them within 2 gens.
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I don't get it either, swf is just a part of the game and how it is, not sure on the loby dodges myself, there are some very good games against them, at times it can be fustrating but yeah lobby times are already long
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You answered your own question in the title.
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Hard+toxicness I guess. People dislike being rekt.
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Because you're forced to play Nurse or have a misrable game.
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If I see an swf i switch to super 3 gen defense billy with ruin, pgtw, surveillance, and overcharge
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I just got back on a few days ago, I went against a Squadette gang and they all escaped because it was super hard to hear and see them.
Until I get my skills back, ######### em.
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Lower ranks, less SWF
Higher ranks, more SWF
R20-R13 = Less.
R12-R1 = More.
There's really no avoiding a SWF group once you pass that point, and most Killers do pass R13 very quickly in most cases. So that considered, I do think it can be a problem with gen rush, which is why there are so many frequent suggestions of an obligatory secondary objective.
Personally, I see a reason to dodge them, no killer main (or even 'lax killer player) wants to waste the time they spend playing matches, being completely destroyed despite having preventative perks to manage gen rush, and hold a grip on the game.
I don't personally dodge SWF groups anymore. I've seen some pretty bad SWF groups and I put my effort into hoping that they're going to always be overly confident and make mistakes. Sometimes I even take it as a challenge. What else can you really do with 9/10 lobbies being 4-man-SWF?
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I never dodge swf. If I see some sweaty swf, I just take Nurse with red mori and 2 bottles. They use op perks and items, I use op offering and addons.
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It depends on my mood and how tired I am.
If I feel warmed up, then depending on which killer I was going to play, I'll accept a match with SWF.
If I have been playing a while, then I'm less likely to ready up with a SWF group.
Lastly, it depends on the SWF groups. If it's just a normal SWF team, then I'm more likely to play them. If it's one of those popular twitch streamer groups (which for some reason I seem to get matched with them quite a bit), then I'm more likely to dodge.
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Considering how some people play with their lower ranked friends (rank 1s with their rank 15 friends) and some derank to troll newbies, that's certainly part of the reason. Most of the time when I dodge, it's 'cause they look toxic or I'm not playing a killer I'm used to. Some may dodge 'cause they aren't too good with loops/tracking, so they need more time and SWF tends to be more solid than your average team.
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because they're babies who want easy games
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While i respect your opinion, i dont understand why so many ppl wanna avoid a challange. SWF 4 Man is pretty much the hardest you can get.. i would rather go for that then easy mode.
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if people enjoy a challenge why do they play SWF at red ranks? thats the opposite of a challenge.
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double post/removed
Post edited by citron on0 -
A rank 15+ facing rank 10 and lower isn't a "challenge" that should be had. A newbie shouldn't be facing higher ranked survivors who play with their newbie friends. They know what they're doing.
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To be honest, I mostly enjoy a SWF match. They are too funny sometimes, even in purple ranks.(playing killer as rank 6)
I don't take those matches serious then, and my goal is to fool around with the survivors a bit.
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I don't dodge, especially not because of items.
Unless the Ping is ridiculous I stay in the game.
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I don't care about swf anymore, I just play normally those matches, and if I depip, good, anything to keep me out of the que hell known as red ranks
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I see SWF as a chance to get better at the game. Anyone can destroy solos at this point so I would rather be challenged by SWF then just steamroll solos all day. Plus it's fun how you can mess with a SWF's heads in ways you cannot mess with a solo groups heads.
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Glad to see some people think the same.
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I don't blame killers, sometimes swf just look like they're more trouble and stress than it's worth. For the most part everybody's playing the game to have fun and it's hard to tell if it's going to be a group of potatoes or pedal to the floor match.
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Well i have an analogy that kinda works until dedicated servers. With the killer being the host and all.
Imagine 4 strangers at your doorsteps, making their intention clear to all kick you in the balls once.... Would you open the door?
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You can’t really compare reality to this game.
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Makes stealth killers redundant as map awareness and information is passed across all survivours. Then there is the potential swf OoO abuse that can occur. You also have significantly optomised gens making gen kicking quite redundant. I acknowledge the argument for its a challenge but a lot of killers really cant be played in that enviroment until swf is tweaked to have some consequnces to make it more combatible for a low tier low mobility killer.
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My only complaint about SWF anymore is how it completely counters knock-out or third seal. The entire purpose of these perks is to deny information, but 3rd party programs just make them pointless. I've just come to accept that they have built in advantaged that make running their own SURVIVOR perks pointless, like kindred...but being able to negate MY perks is frustrating.