Killers to OP or to Weak

Theres killers that are too op and killers that are too weak
We feel forced to play the top killers in the game and not the others cause they are op and winn us games.
Try to balance all the killers so they are all equally skilled whit they're own power but balanced to be equally good
What killer do you think is OP?
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There's plenty of lower tier killers that need a bit of TLC from the developers. I think all killers should be able to play high-ranked game play and not suffer from it as much as some of them are. Billy and Nurse have always been top tier killers given their abilities, and when mixed with the meta perks, it's a recipe for disaster.
If they could go back through and rework some of the mid-lower tier killers to make them somewhat more viable in higher ranked games, I think it would fix a lot. Right now, who you choose from the Killer panels determines the likelihood of how your game will most probably go (depending on where you rank at, and if they're SWF or not). Sure you can equip addons/offerings to influence the outcome of the game, but I think every killer should have a baseline in their skill aka BHVR should hold a specific line of standards when releasing a Killer, and not let them drop below it. As a couple certain killer's did a while ago cough Freddy cough cough .