Why cant survivors get the same amount of bloodpoints as killer?

I just want to know why survivors cant get as fast and big amount of points as killer? If i am a solo survivor it is really hard to get more than 17k bps where killer for doing nothing usually gets on start these 17k.


  • MasterUff
    MasterUff Member Posts: 78

    Because killers cant have chilled games. So we dont are on equal foot.

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    Because they had to nerf WGLF.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161
    edited June 2019

    Probably because it's easier to do all the categories as Killer than it is as Survivor. Survivors can escape and "win," but still not get enough points to max out all of their categories. There are perks to help gain points, but Killer has far more and their farming perk (BBQ) makes more sense than the Survivor's. You need to play the game a certain way to get all of the stacks, which may lend to less generator work and maybe even less chases. Not to mention Survivor's Survival category, by default, only gets 5k (or a little above that). It honestly needs to be reworked to be affected by how many survives, rather than a flat amount.

  • tomikomPL
    tomikomPL Member Posts: 97

    I think devs should increase the number of points survivors can get for their actions, for example i cant usually get full amount of points for reapirs if i will not repair alone 3 gens, the same with chases, it shows that i have to choose what should i do in game. Other thing is that all these perks should give me extra points to main points which max amount i can get is 32k. I played many matches where 2 people DCed after being hit 1 or 2 times and other 2 was hooked and of course killer got 17+k BPs, for doing nothing, when these last survivors got something like 4k bps ... I think that these points shouldnt be splited on four in survivors team.

  • tomikomPL
    tomikomPL Member Posts: 97

    Other thing is that not everyone like to play as killer, for example i am this kind of person, killers are just boring and annoying for me to play... i am also solo survivor in this game, which also means that it is hard to get more points alone

  • Redd
    Redd Member Posts: 833

    A lot less people would play killer if it didn’t give more blood points.

  • tomikomPL
    tomikomPL Member Posts: 97

    So you will not have to wait 15 minutes for match as killers which is good in my opinion

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230
    edited June 2019

    Keep in mind that most Killers these days must run Add-ons to have a chance, and that those are single-use and the Bloodweb is their only source of new stuff.

    Survivors are not reliant on Add-ons, they last indefinitely if the item is not used up completely and can be found in Chests with Ace in the Hole.

    EDIT: Judging from the down vote, I guess OP can't handle the truth. Sucks to be them.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I would say because killers category's intermingle better. Your Hunter and Brutality go hand in hand together really. Malicious is your primary objective so that's easy if you can get hooks. Deviousness is the only one you might struggle with depending on the killer.

    Also as @DocOctober pointed out, killer addons are one use. I suggested in the past killers be allowed to keep their addons if they do well enough. 1 pip you keep the cheapest addon. 2 pip you keep both.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    You can't. Now be a good little survivor and get sacrificed faster

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,657

    Because Survivors have to share what they are doing AND they also have one category where it is not realistic to get max Points.

    The Survivor Category awards 5k Points for Surviving, and the rest are just meaningless amounts of points you get, for mending, Self Healing (and well... Even Skill Checks when healing yourself count for Altruism), Snap Out. You get a few more actions tho, where you can get Survival Points, the EGC gave a few and running away from Ghostface while Exposed will also help with that.

    But the other point, sharing. Well, if you dont have any Boldness, because the Killer does not chase you, you cannot do anything about that. If the Killer chases another person, you will not get your points. You will sit on a Gen, with Max Objective Points and wont get any more points, but there is nothing else to do then...

    Solution for both would be to remove the Cap for the Categories and just keep the 32k Points Cap. This way, both Survivor and Killer would be able to achieve Max Points.

    (The same what was written above counts for Killer, but less extreme, because they dont have to share and also get points in all Categories quite reliable. But well, if you already have Max Brutality, but not Sacrifice, you will not get any points for hitting Survivors, as an example).

  • Exa1ib3r
    Exa1ib3r Member Posts: 86

    bring back old WGLF, and make any survivor perks that require you to do some hardwork, some extra bloodpoints such as Head On, Deliverance, or even MoM (incoming killer mains) and boom, you got a bloodpoint build right there.

  • Pike_Trickfoot
    Pike_Trickfoot Member Posts: 437

    You have four people trying to fill up the same categories versus the one person as killer who doesn't have to compete with others for the points. So yeah, that one person who has a monopoly is going to make more than the four who are competing. In terms of cost, killers spend more bloodpoints because of add-ons being used up. Survivors don't have this problem, so they do not need to accrue more bloodpoints. You can also found items in chests while killers only have the bloodweb and the RNG that might screw them over more. In business terms, it makes sense for killers to make more than survivors.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Two main reasons, for one the Killer has to do a whole lot more work and should be rewarded for it and another, Add ons. Add ons are a must for killers which unlike survivors get eaten up every game no matter if they win or loose.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    It is due to the imbalance of item/add-on economy.

    Survivors can use perks (Plunderer/Ace in the Hole) or simply search chests to get/replenish their items and add-ons.

    A killer must always use the Blood-Web to get/replenish their add-ons.

    Due to this imbalance in item economy killers (on average) receive more Blood-Points per match since they have to invest more Blood-Points into the Blood-Web.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,726

    When the game was designed, it was originally assumed that altruism would be a deal more important than it ended up actually being. The most effective strategy for survivors is be on a gen if you're not being chased and loop if you're being chased. This leads to short games with survivors gameplay investing into primarily either objective or boldness. The original point was for hooks not to be so extremely difficult to get so unhooking and healing to be more necessary. But still survivors were expected to get a little bit less on average when they died, but make up for it with shorter game times that allow them to make a similar amount to killers over time cause they can get into new games faster on those occassions.

    Basically, the same stuff that makes the game more survivor favored at high ranks is attempted at all ranks and lessens general survivor bloodpoint gain.