Why Hillbilly is so op?

He has a stupid mobility. Instadown and still not being in the saw mode, a lame man can run a lot. His normal speed should be reduced. It's ridiculous, the hitbox of the saw goes beyond walls and against facecamping there is nothing to do. Hillbilly is in the highest ranks all the time. It seems that he only exists as a killer.



  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Might_Oakk said:

    Any loopable killer isn't op as long as your team repairs gens.

    The fun part is: You can still loop a billy. 

    Billy is probably the most balanced killer. He has everything what a killer needs to combat current genrush meta without beeing unstoppable. Just git gud and try killer yourself at high ranks for multiple weeks.

    Are you 12? He is obviously loopable. GitGud at basic reading comprehension lol :p

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Might_Oakk said:

    Any loopable killer isn't op as long as your team repairs gens.

    The fun part is: You can still loop a billy. 

    Billy is probably the most balanced killer. He has everything what a killer needs to combat current genrush meta without beeing unstoppable. Just git gud and try killer yourself at high ranks for multiple weeks.

    Are you 12? He is obviously loopable. GitGud at basic reading comprehension lol :p

    My bad, my brain was forcing me to read something different lol
  • ChanceGaga
    ChanceGaga Member Posts: 6

    I don't like playing against billy either. It's always straight back to the hook and tunnel tunnel tunnel.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited June 2019

    @EntityDispleased Search bar most likely.

    Sadly this isn't Reddit though so if they look for a post they like and comment this happens.

    "Hillbilly op" in search reply to the first. That's my guess.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,939

    He can deny loops if he is very very skilled and they also rely on the Survivor to make a mistake. Chainsaw curving can be one of the most high risk high reward strategies as Billy, or Chainsaw feathering (I think it's called like this), you bait a Survivor into a pallet drop, start reviving your Chainsaw and charge it to 3 - 5 %, when he keeps looping just put away the Chainsaw and block him when he tries to get to the pallet again so you can get an insta down. Most of the time it works and if you know which Survivor drops pallets immidiately and which not, that can also be a good strategy.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    The Billy only seams op in comparison with the other weak killers.

    Billy isn't op. He is balanced.

    Let's real talk, what should a killer accomplish in your opinion?

    How many kills/hooks/downs should he get during a game / per generator done?

    There are 12 hooks in the lifetime of a match and 5 gens, what ratio would you think is reasonable?

    We are not talking about potatoes on both sides, just assume serious and competent players on the same level.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    hes not op. just a case of git gud

  • HorsePower
    HorsePower Member Posts: 126

    Hillbilly is the most balanced killer in the game and doesn't need to be changed balance-wise in the slightest.

    The only issue with hillbilly is the hitbox on his chainsaw, which is incredibly wide (which is their answer to fixing false saws, when it isn't). It being wide causes some pretty BS hits.

    Minus the hitbox on his chainsaw, he is completely fine.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    This isn't true. I play billy now and then and get maybe a 2k

  • WheatThinO
    WheatThinO Member Posts: 62

    If he was so balanced, why don't they give other killers tools in their kit that will help them all be high tier. It clearly isn't that hard to design a character according to y'all.

    Furthermore, good billies will hit you with that saw as soon as they break that pallet you had to use after running that loop for so long. They have insane map pressure, an instadown, and run at normal killer speed. Idk why he runs at normal killer speed. His power is so good, he doesn't need it. Spirit has less map pressure (without add-ons) and she moves at 110, can't see survs, and has the one tool in her kit. Nurse has the one tool as well and its insanely good. But omg, guess what both of them don't have as a part of their kits? Instadowns!!!!!

    He should run at 110 movement speed. That's it. That's the only change he needs. Or at least put it on the ptb, give the stupid survivor mains something to be happy about for once.

  • Altair899
    Altair899 Member Posts: 30

    Hillibilly is good killer he can baiting and can control map with chainsaw. You as survivor can loop him in places where him can't use chainsaw soo what's a problem?

  • Altair899
    Altair899 Member Posts: 30

    Killers mains cry? So why i play as killer always i hear "that perk is too op" "that killer is too op" etc but when i play survivor i hear this ######### in 1/10 matches?

  • Altair899
    Altair899 Member Posts: 30

    You can easly counter a chainsaw they can't control it as it wants they must learn how to control chainsaw but hillibilly can't control his power like a spirit or nurse ...

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    I don't think he needs a nerf. His weakness is still a windows, pallets and loops though.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    OP? But you can loopy loop him lol. He's just a M1 killer with map control..

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897
    edited June 2019

    He's not. He's strong, but not op. I will agree the chainsaw hitbox can be a bit wonky at times.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    @Nick how is Billy a M1 killer? His M2 is literally an attack and most Billies use it more than the basic M1 attack.
  • ForsakenM
    ForsakenM Member Posts: 47

    That's a good question: why DOESN'T BHVR give the other mid-low tier Killers better tools to put them closer to Billy?

    Welp, your own post and the OP are proof of why: if a Killer is viable, Survivors whine, and there are always more Survivors than Killers. That is why GF and Plague's power are controlled by the Survivor in terms of reducing effectiveness. It's why GF still won't be amazing even after all his buffs.

    They cater to Survivors more because they think that's the way to balance the game, forgetting that Killers play the game to.

  • Injuryble
    Injuryble Member Posts: 62

    dude are you crazy? you cant speak about nerfing anything about any killer on this forum. here are more killers then survivors and they cant be objective, thats why everything gets downvoted to hell.

    His movement speed should be 110 and then he would be balanced.

  • WildDovami
    WildDovami Member Posts: 56

    Chainsaw just needs a reasonable cool down is all. If someone can pick up the sticks, spam and kill survivors then yes, it's OP. Anybody can down all 4 survivors as Hillbilly/Cannibal.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Lol hillbilly OP 2019. Not even close.

    Git gud at looping, don't be greedy, gen rush, play SWF, use meta perks = easy win, he can't do anything.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited June 2019

    Are you trying to say Bubba is op and/or as strong as Hillbilly? @WildDovami

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    I find it unbelievable that Legion gets stunned for 4 seconds, while Hillybraindead can spam his chainsaw till you're dead.

  • Axelson
    Axelson Member Posts: 86

    Esqiusmi? I have to be a toxic survivor that runs meta perks like MoM just to counter Billy? Hahaha, not even in your dreams.

    people just came in the wrong forum to say bad things about killers, this is mostly a killer mains forum and for almost all the killer mains every killer is balanced if they get 4k almost every game with him

    my issues with billy are mostly his insta-chainsaw add-ons, they really need to be removed

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Nothing of what I stated is toxic gameplay. Playing to win is tottaly fine and if people see these things as toxic then they have really bad sence of what is toxic behaviour and what is not.

    Nobody forces you to use meta perks but if you complain about billy beiing too hard to play against while not using any or lame perks then it's your own fault that you're making it harder for yourself. You can beat any killer perkless (even when played by good players) you just have to gid gut and hope that your teammates do as well (or play SWF for easy wins).

    Forum is more killer sided BECAUSE killers still aren't even remotely close to beiing the power role as they should be. Only 1 killer has partial control over the flow of the match and most killers are garbage that need serious buffing to even be able to put up with meta SWF survivor bs. If killers were the far superior role then forums would be survivor sided since in the end most of the people here on forums just want balanced experience from DBD. Luckily there are tons of really bad survivors even in high ranks or those who don't really tryhard for winning so that gives good chance to win even to low tier killers.

    Though I agree that billy's instasaw addons are overtuned I don't agree about removing them. They should be nerfed like machinegun hatches were or remade into his new ultra rare addons but with some bigger drawbacks.

  • dannyfrog87
    dannyfrog87 Member Posts: 568

    @The_Crusader said:
    Because killer mains would cry endless rivers of salt if he was nerfed. These are the people who will consider the game balanced when they get a 4k every game.

    nerfed. no one would want to play and the fact if billy was not viable any more. the game is survivor favoured. go play as killer experience it. then you might change your narrow minded view

  • NoxiousOnnyyxx
    NoxiousOnnyyxx Member Posts: 343

    I agree we need to nerf Billy. He was able to chainsaw through rocks and trees. It's a bit ridiculous.

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    Why are kills so heavily focused on when it comes to balance when it doesn't mean a whole lot when it comes to actually winning AKA PIPing? I could probably pull decent kills with all of the killers if that were the goal but it would trash my score.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Billy is stupid strong but you can play around him. The problem is most PUGs have no idea how to play around Billy so they keep falling like flies to BBQ Billy.

  • Axelson
    Axelson Member Posts: 86

    If a killer gets nerfed doesn't mean that he will not be viable anymore.

  • DeadByTunnelight
    DeadByTunnelight Member Posts: 79

    If you really think that Billy is op, I guess you never played against a good nurse then.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    base billy is the most balanced thing in the game

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Nurse is stronger than billy but she is very prone to jukes.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    The only nerf I want for him is a cooldown on his chainsaw when he misses and have the cooldown increase with by the distance traveled. So, if billy wiffs his chainsaw it would have like a 6 seconds cooldown if he didn't go far. But, if he were to travel all the way across the map, it would have a longer cooldown (like 15 seconds). This would reward good play and punish bad play. It would create a skillgap between good and bad Billy players.