A game mode where you choose to kill or sacrifice as Killer


I play Deathgarden and I had an idea for maybe another game mode or an option in KYF:

What would happen if the Killer could choose if he kills or sacrifices a Survivor?

Instant killing a Survivor would bring only a small amount of BP (1/10 of Sacrifice) should hurt your Devout Emblem hard whereas hooking people would stack up a multiplier.

F.e. if Hooking is 500BP => Mori 50BP

2nd hook: 1000BP, 3rd hook 1500BP etc. up to 6 hooks.

Total PB have to be adjusted for this of cause. Note that Moris from Perks/Add-ons/Offerings would give the normal BP and Emblem Points. Hooking would still have 2 stages.

I would like to test this, because I love that the Hunter in Deathgarden is a real threat to the Scavengers. This causes you to play more stealthy and punishes you for disrespecting him.

Here in DBD this could be a different way to play for both sides.

Giving great penalties to insta kills would also be a good way to separate the good Killers (who know to play with their food and would therefore sacrifice more often - > more BP and higher rank) from the not so good ones (more insta kills to get pressure - > fewer BP and lower rank).

What do you think?


  • laplace
    laplace Member Posts: 36

    Sounds cool, like maybe it can have a different animation than the Mori, and would result in like a temporary debuff or something.

    On a side note I think it would be funny if the DBD survivors went against a deathgarden hunter. I can imagine them teabagging and flashlighting the ######### out of him.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,127

    @laplace they would be dead in seconds.